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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Adonia

Adonia is a unisex title derived from the Greek mythological character named Adonis. Adonis, a mortal man who perished while hunting, was the lover of the goddesses Aphrodite and Persephone. When Adonis passed away in Aphrodite’s embrace, her tears mixed with his blood, which later developed into the anemone flower.

为了纪念他的悲剧性的死亡,Aphrodite established the Adonia celebration, which women observed during the summer. Greek women would plant gardens of Adonis with small pots of quickly growing plants during this celebration and place them on top of their homes in the hot sun. These plants were known for their quick sprouting.

Some variants of Adonia in different languages and cultures include Adone, Adónis, Adônis, and Adoniah.

The name’s variant has a reference in geography wherein the Adonis River or the Abraham River is situated in Lebanon and is famous for the deep mythological reference to the Greek character Adonis. This river is noted for the presence of numerous religious shrines worshiped by many people even today.

There are few references to the name Adonia in popular culture, but a few namesakes have gained recognition worldwide. Adonias Filho, the Brazilian novelist, essayist, journalist, literary critic, and a member of the Academia Brasileira de Letras, and Adonia Ayebare, a Ugandan journalist and diplomat, currently serves as Uganda’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, rose the popularity of the name.

Parents who like the history associated with the name and have been looking for a stylish variant can go with Adonia for their little ones as a sophisticated name.


heart image
Lord; Ruler

How To Pronounce Adonia?


Adonia On The Popularity Chart

Adonia is a beautiful unisex name for babies reflecting the beauty and deep meanings to it. Continue reading the chart for more information on its performance over the years.

Popularity Over Time

According to the charts provided by the Social Security Administration, the popularity of the name peaked at 14 babies per million sharing this name on four separate occasions. Take a look at the graph for more details.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The ranking of Adonia has gradually tumbled over the last few years to occupy 15,226 places on the chart in 2021. Check the detailed graph for more insights.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Adonia

Adonia is a three-syllable name that shares its similarity with a few other titles. Check out some of the examples given below.

Popular Sibling Names For Adonia

Other Popular Names Beginning With A

Names With Similar Meaning As Adonia

In case the meaning of Adonia appeals to your palette, consider the following names with the same meaning as per your liking.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Adonia

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Adonia?

The name Adonia means ‘lord’ or ‘master.’

2. What is the origin of the name Adonia?

Adonia has a Greek origin.

3. What are some middle names that go well with Adonia?

The name Adonia may be paired with names of similar origins, such asMelina, meaning ‘honey,’Stavros, meaning ‘cross,’ orChara, meaning ‘happiness or joy.’

4. What are the traits associated with the name Adonia?

In numerology, the name Adonia is connected with the personality number 9, which is believed to signify a charming and graceful demeanor. The name is also associated with traits of sympathy and kindness.

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