75 Engaging Tinder Conversation Starters

Online dating is pretty simple – swipe right, and it’s a match. Now, it’s time to begin the conversation with your tinder match. So save yourself from a lousy chat and try these Tinder conversation starters to initiate the introductions successfully. One wrong comment, and things might not happen before even getting started. Now you don’t want to start with the typical “hey, what’s up?”. The key is to make a lasting impression on your Tinder match to stir up feelings in them when they read your opening lines. Whether you want to take the safe approach and know about their job or be more cheerful and play around with some GIFs and funny messages, the icebreakers listed below can help you get on the right track to draw their attention.

In This Article

Best Tinder Conversation Starters

Choose one of these many opening statements to start a fun and exciting conversation.

1. Aww, you’re so considerate to let me start this conversation.

2. Be honest. Is that your cat, or are you just using it as a prop?

3. What’s the worstconversation starteryou’ve got here?

4. What would we be doing right now if you were with me?

5. I’m looking for suggestions. What’s your go-to song when you’re feeling down?

6. What should you avoid saying at your wedding?

7. What do you like to do on weekend mornings?

8. What’s your guilty pleasure?

9. Are you competitive? What are you competitive about?

10. What little things make your day brighter?

Little things that make your day brighter

Image: IStock

11. If you could only eat five dishes for the rest of your life, what would they be?

12. What are some goals you want to achieve before you die?

13. What is your favorite food to eat when you’re starving?

14. Can you tell me about something on your bucket list?

15. What’s one of the funniest/weirdest conspiracy theories you’ve heard?

16. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go?

17. What is your most divisive viewpoint?

Quick tip
Now that you’ve got their attention, you should hold the conversation, which means you must listen and respond to what they say. Just blabbering about yourself can put the other person off.

18. Would you rather get up early in the morning or sleep in until late in the afternoon?

19. How about I begin this conversation, and you start the next?

20. Tell me about your hidden talent.

21. What’s the one thing you always get when you go grocery shopping?

22. Tell me about your celebrity crushes.

23. What’s your most significant, “man why haven’t I done this sooner?” moment?

24. What would you do with $200,000 if you won the lottery unexpectedly?

25. What’s your idealdate nightlike?

26. You’re going to spend a month on a desert island. What three items would you take with you?

27. How many countries have you visited? What’s the best/most memorable one?

28. If you could go to a concert right now, which one would it be?

Countries that you visited, Tinder conversation starters

Image: IStock

29. Do you enjoy sports? If yes, what’s your favorite sport and team?

30. What’s your pet peeve?

31. What is one thing you would tell yourself ten years ago?

32. Do you like your job? Do you see yourself doing something else?

33. What’s your ideal date? Hundreds of people in a club or a quiet, intimatecandlelit dinner?

34. Who would you choose if you could swap lives with anyone?

35. What would you do if you could stop time?

36. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

37. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

38. If you could be any cartoon character for a day, who would you choose and why?

39. Apart from family, who is the one person who always got your back?

40. What’s something you don’t understand the hype about?

41. What is your favorite piece of trivia?

42. If you could have three wishes granted by a genie, what would they be?

43. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

44. Is it more important to do what you love or to love what you do?

Do remember
Do not exaggerate or lie about yourself because it wastes time for you and the other person. Being yourself will only help you find the right person.

Funny Tinder Conversation Starters

These witty Tinder conversation starters will make your match laugh and definitely get them immersed in cute banter.

45. What is the most amusingpickup lineyou’ve got here?

46. What’s the strangest thing that you’ve ever eaten?

47.如果有人把你的裤子,你会怎么做down in front of hundreds of people?

48. What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

49. What’s the best insidejokeyou’ve ever heard?

50. Would you like to join the circus? If so, what would be your act?

51. How should I start this conversation? By simply saying hello or using poor opening remarks?

52. Tell me about a funny prank you pulled on someone?

53. Which planet would you choose if you could live on another one?

54. If you had your reality show, what would it be?

55. Let’s cut to the chase. Do you share food on afirst date?

Do you share food on a first date?

Image: IStock

While humor can be a great conversation starter, it can sometimes fall flat. If you offend someone with your humor, politely apologize. However, refrain from trying to endlessly explain the joke.

56. What are the most embarrassing things that have happened to you?

57. What is the oddest thing about someone that you find attractive?

58. What is that you are most obsessed about?

59. What are your thoughts on stinky cheese?

60. Have you ever used social media to stalk someone? If so, who?

61. What would you do if you could be immortal for a day?

62. If you had to have an extra body part, what would it be?

63. Which celebrity scandal is your favorite?

64. What’s the strangest smell you’ve ever smelled?

65. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done when bored?

66. What’s the most revolting ice cream flavor you’ve ever tried?

67. Did Ross and Rachel ever really break up?

68. What TV shows or movies can you quote in your sleep?

69. What’s the most amusing thing you’ve searched for on the internet?

70. Huge, enormous, gigantic, big… I never really liked the small talk, and you?

71. Can you explain your first time paying taxes using only emojis?

72. If you were ever arrested, what crime would it be for?

73. When was the last time you burst out laughing so hard you cried?

Last time you burst out laughing, Tinder conversation starters

Image: IStock

74. What’s the worst piece of advice that you’ve ever received?

75. Tell me a lie you’ve told to get out of work?

Point to consider
Use of emojis. Too much and you may send the wrong signal; too little and the person might find you old, dull, or uninterested. So be careful when you use emojis.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What topics should I avoid when starting a conversation on Tinder?

Avoid lying, exaggerating, and being overly intrusive and personal when beginning a conversation on Tinder. Avoid controversial conversation topics, such as religion and politics, and do not be negative in your dialogues.

2. What are some tips for making a good first impression on Tinder?

Being honest, genuine, and respectful, bundled with an attractive picture and well-written bio can make a good lasting impression on Tinder. Try to avoid domineering opening gambits in your greetings.

3. How do I show genuine interest in someone on Tinder?

Have interesting and interactive conversations that involve asking queries about their likes and dislikes, hobbies, and passion. Remember to actively listen and give thoughtful and respectful responses to show genuine interest.

4. How do I avoid awkward silences in conversation on Tinder?

Keep the conversation going by asking open-ended questions. Making the conversation light-hearted and incorporating humor may help keep the interest and prolong the conversation. Choose a topic that intrigues you and your love interest to avoid awkward silences.

Initiating a conversation may be difficult at times, especially when the conversation is with someone you like. Hence, keeping a few opening words or salutations handy is a good idea. By asking the questions we have provided, you can ensure that your personality comes through immediately, making you appear more genuine and easy to hang out with. This article includes some of the best Tinder conversation starters, such as their guilty pleasure, the best pickup line they’ve heard, and the most embarrassing incident in their life. You can also start the conversation with an amusing line to keep things light and lively.

Infographic: The World Of Online Dating

Online dating has come a long way from its first appearance with the introduction of exciting and interesting features across different dating websites and applications. Nowadays people can swipe left or right to find their perfect match without the nearly nerve-racking experience of face-to-face meetings. So how has dating changed, and what points do you need to remember? Here is an infographic you can keep handy for it provides more info on online dating and some essential points to remember before you try it.


Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Learn how to start a conversation on Tinder with 3 openers that get a response! Get tips on how to break the ice and start a conversation that will get you a response.

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