Is It Safe For Your Kid To Drink Ensure?


Ensure is usually marketed as a product for adults. It is the brand name for a dietary supplement powder manufactured by the healthcare company Abbott(1). In this post, we tell you whether or not you may use Ensure for kids and suggest some alternative food supplements available. This is not a promotional post for Ensure or its sister brands. It is for informational purposes only and not a replacement for a doctor’s advice.

In This Article

Is Ensure Good For Children?

Ensure for kids is formulated to meet their nutritional requirements

Image: Shutterstock

It is not recommended for children to have Ensure unless advised otherwise by the pediatrician. This is because Ensure contains a high amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals, which might not be required for your child at their given age and might lead to unnecessary weight gain(2). If you wish to use a nutritional supplement for your child, you may consider other choices, such as Pediasure. Pediasure by Abbott is better formulated to meet children’s nutritional requirements.

There could be instances where Ensure may be helpful, like when the child is suffering from malnutrition. Some children with chronic illnesses such ascystic fibrosisiXA genetic disease characterized by the build-up of mucus and affects the lungs, digestive system, and other organs.cannot get enough calories to grow from a regular diet and may be underweight. Their medical team may prescribe a supplement to make sure they’re getting enough calories to grow. But do not give Ensure without seeking medical advice. For normal usage, you may considerPediasure for children.

protip_icon Point to consider
根据印度儿科学会,commercial protein supplements are ultra-processed and may contain excessive sugar, which can add unnecessary calories to children’s diets. Therefore, choose natural protein sources such as nuts, legumes, eggs, and milk(6).

Kristin Gillespie, MS, LDN, a registered dietitian and certified nutrition support clinician from Virginia Beach, Virginia, says,“虽然确保可以提供宏观和micronutrients to those who are unable to obtain what they need from regular food, it is branded for adults and is not recommended for children. Because it is formulated for adults, the content of certain nutrients may be excessive compared to the needs of children, with the potential for toxicities if consumed regularly. Older children above 13 years of age may consider transitioning to Ensure, but should do so under the supervision of a physician and registered dietitian.”

What Age Is Safe To Introduce Ensure To Children?

Ensure is marketed as a nutritional supplement for adults. It doesn’t specify any age or related guidelines about when to start consuming it.

Ensure Vis-a-vis Pediasure

Although the same company manufacturers Ensure and Pediasure, their formulations are different. The following are some of their features as claimed by the manufacturer(3)(4).

  • Ensure is formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of adults while Pediasure is made for children up to the age of 13 years.
  • Ensure helps adults receive adequatenutrients for muscle gain, healthy weight, and stay energetic.Pediasure is a supplement for children who require additional nourishment to gain the height and weight appropriate for their age.

    Both Ensure and Pediasure provide nutrients for healthy weight

    Image: Shutterstock

  • The manufacturer claims Ensure to have vital nutrients, such as high-quality protein, folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B12, copper sulfate, and potassium chloride. Pediasure claims to contain vitamins, minerals, DHA-omega 3, and high-quality protein.
  • Both brands are gluten-free,kosheriXFood items that are appropriate or fit to eat as per Jewish dietary laws., and suitable forlactose intolerantiXThe inability to digest lactose, the sugar present in milk.(includes a small amount of lactose that cannot be a cause for serious concern).

“Pediasure, which is designed for kids between one and 13 years of age, is a better alternative than Ensure, as the nutrient content is more appropriate for their needs,”adds Gillespie.

Possible Side Effects Of Ensure

The side effects of Ensure, a milk-based formula, are anecdotal with no scientific backing.These side effects are also reported among adults and not children. The following are the purported side effects of Ensure:

  • Excessive consumption of Ensure was found to lead todigestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting,or nausea. Some might experience more weight gain than desired since the supplement also contains added sugar.
  • Ensure is not suitable for those withgalactosemia, a condition where the body is unable to digest the sugar named galactose.Ensure could cause abdominal discomfort among those with galactosemia.

According toSara Kashlan, MS, a Los Angeles-based registered dietitian nutritionist, certified eating disorder specialist, and intuitive eating coach,“Ensure consumption for children depends on each child’s medical condition. It’s important to keep in mind that both Ensure and Pediasure are meant to be temporary supplements, with the goal of eventually moving to a well-balanced diet.”

Alternatives To Ensure

Most children do not need a nutritional supplement for adequate growth and development. They can get all their nutritional needs from a well-balanced diet that includes proteins, carbohydrates (preferably from fruit, vegetables and whole grains) and healthy fats (such asolive oil), vitamins, and other essential nutrients(5).

  • Milk and other dairy products may be included in the child’s meal
  • Whole grain bread can provide fiber

    Whole grain bread are good alternative of Ensure for kids

    Image: Shutterstock

  • Meat, poultry, or fish can provide protein and most of the micronutrients essential for their health and wellness.

protip_icon Quick tip
Children who follow vegetarian or vegan diets may need vitamin B12 supplementation because it is only present in animal-based foods(7).

It is essential to consult a doctor if the child has a nutrient deficiency or problems in gaining weight or height.

Frequently Asked Questions


Once opened, store Ensure in a cool, dry place in a tightly sealed jar once opened. Both unused and used pouches should not be refrigerated(6).

2. How long does Ensure last after opening?

Ensure has to be consumed within three weeks of opening the packaging. However, reconstituted Ensure (mixed in milk or water) has to be either consumed immediately or refrigerated in an airtight container and used within 24 hours. Discard if you cannot use it within the suggested time frame of 24 hours(6).

3. Is Ensure for Kids recommended for children with low appetite or poor weight gain?

Ensure products have the potential to assist individuals in maintaining or achieving a healthy weight. Consequently, they may be advantageous for children experiencing diminished appetite or inadequate weight gain(4). However, children should only consume Ensure with the pediatrician’s approval.

4. How does Ensure for Kids help children meet their calcium and vitamin D needs?

Ensure is a nutritional supplement that contains important nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D, which help promote strong bones. By incorporating Ensure into a child’s diet, it assists in meeting their calcium and vitamin D requirements, thereby enhancing their overall health(4). Remember, Ensure is not recommended for children unless specifically advised by a pediatrician.

5. Is Ensure for Kids suitable for vegetarian or vegan children?

Yes, Ensure Plant-Based Protein is compatible with the dietary needs of vegan and vegetarian children(4). However, it is imperative to obtain the endorsement of a pediatrician prior to giving Ensure to children.

6. How does Ensure for Kids address dietary needs?

Ensure offers a comprehensive nutritional solution, incorporating immune-enhancing elements such as Zinc, Vitamin A, and antioxidants, while facilitating muscle wellness through protein intake. It promotes cardiovascular well-being with plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, aids digestion with prebiotic fiber, and supports bone health through vitamin D and calcium(4).

7. Can Ensure for Kids be mixed with other foods or beverages?

Yes, Ensure can be mixed with different fruits to create smoothies or shakes. This allows for additional essential vitamins and a moderate calorie increase, enhancing the overall nutritional value of the drink(4).

8. Can Ensure for Kids be used by children with diabetes or other medical conditions?

It is not recommended for children with medical conditions such as diabetes to consume Ensure for Kids. Ensure is formulated for individuals without diabetes, and it contains lactose in minimal quantities(4). It is crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional regarding appropriate nutritional products or supplements, especially if they have any medical condition.

Ensure for kids is not recommended since it has nutritional formulations required for adults. The requirement for vitamins and minerals is different in adults and children. You may only Ensure for kids if the pediatrician suggests it due to any reason. They can benefit from supplement powder such as pediasure that is specially formulated for child development and to meet the essential nutrient needs of children. You may seek a doctor’s advice before giving any supplements to children. Usually, a well-balanced diet can provide children with needed nutrients.

Infographic: Alternatives To Ensure For Children

如果你正在考虑给你的孩子一个nutritional supplement like Ensure or have concerns about their nutrition, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian. However, many other options are available for meeting your child’s nutritional needs depending on their age and specific requirements. The following infographic provides a list of alternatives you can include in your child’s diet to replace Ensure. Please take a moment to review it.

replacement for ensure for your little ones (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • Ensure is designed for adults and may not be suitable for children, whereas Pediasure is formulated to meet children’s nutritional needs.
  • Overconsumption of Ensure can cause adverse effects like constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and weight gain, and it is not recommended for people with galactosemia.
  • A balanced diet with natural sources of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and other essential nutrients is usually enough for children.
  • Nutritional supplements should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor or registered dietitian.

Ensure milk is a great choice for those looking for a nutritious drink. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals to help keep you healthy.


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