10th Week Pregnancy: Signs, Baby Development, Tips And Size


The 10th week of pregnancy bears significance. This is the time when the embryo develops into a fetus as it prepares for the outside world(1). You will feel its presence and be able to notice its progress in your first OB/GYN visit during this week.

So, if you are curious to know more about the 10th week, continue reading. In this post, we tell you all about the 10th week, including the care and precautions you need to take, foods to eat, and more.

In This Article

How Big Is Your Uterus At Week 10 Of Pregnancy

By the tenth week of pregnancy, your uterus is likely to grow about the size of a grapefruit.

Uterus size at 10th week pregnancy


How big is your baby in week 10?

By the tenth week of pregnancy, your baby attains the size of a strawberry measuring about 1.2 inches in length (fromcrown to rump) and weighing about 0.14 ounces.

Your baby has now moved from the fetal stage to the embryonic stage. Let’s have a look at the major developments happening in your baby in the tenth week.

Baby Development In Week 10 Of Pregnancy

Baby growth at 10th week of pregnancy

Image: IStock

Body parts Developmental stage
Facial features More distinct now
Mouth Tooth buds and tongue start developing; starts swallowingamniotic fluidiXA Clear, yellowish liquid surrounding and protecting the fetus during pregnancy.
Ear Starts taking shape
Muscles Mostly developed
Neck Starts taking shape
Eyelids Begin to close to protect baby’s eyes
Brain The forehead looks bulged due tobrain development. Head looks bigger than the body. About 250,000 new neurons (first brain cells) are produced every minute.
Hair Fuzz hair starts growing on the body. The tender hair is also called peach-fuzz or baby-fuzz, and it helps protect the skin(2).
Fingers and toes No longer remain webbed
Nails Start developing on fingers and toes
Fingerprints Develop unique fingerprints that are visible on the skin
Movements Small fetal movements that can be detected only through ultrasound scan(3)
Heart Fully developed with four chambers. It beats at the rate of 180 beats/minute
Internal organs Kidney, brain, liver, and intestines start functioning
Elbows and knees Start to bend. Arms are longer than legs
Bones Cartilage is now being replaced by bones
Genitalia Formed by this week
Yolk sac Begins to shrink. The placenta is fully matured and functioning
Umbilical cord Carries blood between the placenta and the fetus
protip_icon Quick fact
In the 10th week, the baby’s head comprises almost half the length of the body, and there’s a bulge in the forehead that allows for brain development(23).

Changes In Your Body In Week 10 Of Pregnancy

Image: IStock

In the tenth week,the pregnant bellystarts showing up because your baby is growing faster by this time. The belly might not be noticeable for others, but you may find your clothes getting tight at the waistband.

Physical changes likely to happen during the tenth week of pregnancy

  1. Pregnancy glow:A fresh, glowing look is noticeable during this period.The increased level of hormones in your body causes oil secretion on your face, which makes your skin look healthy, supple, shinier, and plump.
  1. Weight gain:You might notice aweight gainof around five pounds by the tenth week of pregnancy(4).Youdo not have to worry if you have not gained the recommended weight because morning sickness might actually make you lose weight.
  2. Growing breasts:你可能会注意到你的乳房大小的增加s they start preparing for breastfeeding. Also, the areola becomes darker and larger(5). Also, there can be pain in the breasts.
  3. Visible veins:The blue veins become more prominent on different parts of your body as well as breasts as theyprepare for the growing needs of thebaby.
  1. Round ligament pain:You might feel some pains and aches in your abdomen due to the stretching of the ligament to support yourgrowing uterus. In a twin pregnancy, the pain is more intense than in a single pregnancy. Always check with your doctor about abdominal pain.
  1. Acne:活跃的雄烯二酮gen hormones could result in acne breakout on your face(6). If you had a history of acne before pregnancy, you have a higher chance of having them during this period.
  1. 视力变化:Increased blood circulation and fluid retention in the body during the tenth week of pregnancy can lead to blurred vision in some women or turn your eyes dry.
  1. Pregnancy gingivitis:The increased hormonal activity during pregnancy makes your gums sensitive and irritable. It causes swelling and bleeding of the gum, which is called pregnancy gingivitis. If left untreated, pregnancy gingivitis can increase your discomfort with the progressing pregnancy(7). According tothe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 60-75% of expecting mothers experience gingivitis due to the change in hormones.
  1. Fatigue:It is normal to feel fatigued during pregnancy because your body is working overtime to meet the demands of the developing baby.You might also experience disrupted sleep during this time.
  1. Increased vaginal discharge:You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. High estrogen levels and blood flow to the vagina lead to a clear and odorless discharge known as leukorrhea. This process prevents any bacteria from entering inside the uterus. However, if the discharge is tinged with blood and has a foul smell, causing discomfort, or is profuse and watery then call your doctor.
  1. Pain in abdomen:You might have cramps and pain in the lower abdominal region during the tenth week as your uterus is growing.
  1. Frequent urination:As the uterus grows, it puts pressure on your bladder. Also, the kidneys filter more blood during this time, which makes you pass urine more frequently. Stay hydrated and keep the bladder empty.
  1. Backache:The growing uterus shifts your center of gravity putting strain on your back. Also, the pelvic joints start preparing for the childbirth by dilating, leading to back pain. Always check with your doctor about your pain.
  1. Headaches:Hormonal changes also lead to headaches. Adequate intake of fluids, nutritional foods, and proper rest will help you getrelief from headaches. However, headache is an important symptom that you should check with your doctor(8).

Emotional changes

  1. Fears:You begin to fear about your pregnancy, the health of your baby, and about anything without reason. You might start having nightmares due to your subconscious worry about the pregnancy(9).
  1. Feel stressful:If you are working, you might find it difficult to cope with work pressure and health. Maternal stress may impact your health. Ask for leave if you are not able to adjust to the environment in your office. A break might help you get back to the routine.
  1. Lack of interest:All you want to do is sleep. You feel lethargic and find it difficult to move from where you sit. You just want somebody to do everything for you while you sleep and dream.

Make sure to take out some exclusive time for yourself as it can help overcome the emotional changes you might be going through during the pregnancy phase.However, certain changes might require your doctor’s attention.

When To Call The Doctor?

You must see the doctor if you have:

  • abnormal vaginal discharge or foul odor
  • bleeding or cramping
  • chills
  • fever
  • severe abdominal pain
  • pain while urinating
  • severe nausea with vomiting

You should also consult the doctor if you have any infections. Do not take over-the-counter medication.

Can You Get Infections During 10th Week Pregnancy?

你很容易受到三个最常见的感染in the tenth week:

  1. Urinary tract infections:The higher levels ofprogesteroneiXA female reproductive hormone that plays a vital role in menstruation, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.during this period relax the urinary tract, thereby slowing down the flow of urine. This gives room for bacterial growth in the urinary tract(10).

A UTI can also be caused when the intestinal bacteria from the rectum area travel to the urethra making their way into the urinary tract. This can lead to a bladder infection, also known as cystitis. The symptoms include pain or burning sensation during urination, frequent urge to pee, lower abdominal pain, and pelvic discomfort.

Cystitis, left untreated, can cause a kidney infection.

  1. Bacterial vaginosis:BV targets the genital tract, i.e., the vagina in a pregnant woman. This infection is associated with a thin, milky white or gray discharge with a foul smell(11).
  2. Yeast infections:The vaginal infection is caused due to the hormonal changes, which alter the pH balance and facilitate faster growth of yeast in that area.

The tenth week is not just about changes and infections but is also the time to have the first glimpse of your baby.

Ultrasound At Tenth Week

Image: Shutterstock

You are likely to have your first ultrasound scan this week to check the fetal growth. Ultrasound:

  • shows the baby’s head.
  • detects the fetal heartbeat. In an ultrasound, it is possible to see the heart functioning and the parents may hear the heartbeat that resembles the sound of galloping horses.
  • shows the baby sucking the thumb (if you are lucky)(12).
  • shows the functioning of internal organs through the baby’s translucent skin.

The ultrasound is done as part of your visit to an OB/GYN, who will also take up other crucial diagnoses.

Other Likely Tests During Your OB/GYN Visit

At week-10 of pregnancy, your obstetrician might recommend a few special tests:

  1. Non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT):It is a maternal blood test typically done in the tenth week or later. This test is carried out to screen the mother’s blood to check for any signs ofDown syndromeiXChromosomal disorder (trisomy 21) characterized by reduced muscle tone, delayed physical and intellectual development.,Patau syndromeiXCondition marked by genetic duplication of chromosome 13 in an individual, leading to severe neurological and physical defects.,Edward syndromeiXCondition marked by genetic duplication of chromosome 18 in an individual, leading to severe developmental delays.and otherchromosomal abnormalitiesiXDisorders caused due to anomalies in the number, structure, or composition of chromosomes.(13).
  1. Chorionic villus sampling:The doctor will collect a small sample of the chorionic villi tissue from theplacentaiXA temporary organ that develops during pregnancy and provides the fetus with oxygen and nutrients., and lab-test it for specific fetal disorders. CVS is performed between 10 and 12 weeks in the case of high-risk pregnancies if,
  • a woman has a family history of genetic disorders.
  • she is above the age of 35 years.
  • she or her partner has chromosomal rearrangement(14).
  1. Amniocentesis:In this invasive procedure, a needle is inserted into your uterus through the abdomen to extract some amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac. The sample is tested for any chromosomal abnormalities. The test can be carried out as early as between 10 and 12 weeks as early羊膜穿刺术iXA prenatal test used to evaluate genetic and health abnormalities in the fetus using cells from the amniotic fluid.or will be done after16 weeksof gestational age(15).
  2. NT scan:You may be asked to get an NT scan to rule out chromosomal problems in the fetus, between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Note that these tests are not necessary for every pregnant woman but only for those who have a history of chromosomal diseases in their families or in the cases where the doctor suspects something to be wrong.

In other safer cases, it is just the ultrasound and some comprehensive blood tests.Of course, you need to follow it up with some self-TLC.

protip_icon Things to know
Your provider may advise a blood test to ascertain your immunization status against measles, varicella, mumps, andrubella i XA viral infection characterized by red rashes, fever, and sore throat, which may cause severe fetal complications during pregnancy.. The test will also help determine your blood type and Rh factor(24).

10 Tips For A Better 10th Week Pregnancy

The first trimester is the most difficult phase of pregnancy. You may want to follow these tips to ease up the discomforts of the tenth week.

  1. Avoid wearing tight clothes.Instead, wear loose shirts and elastic waistband pants. Buy maternity bras.
  1. Avoid cleaning your pet’s litter boxduring this time. It prevents transmission of any parasitic infection through the pets.
  1. Do not take any medicationswithout your doctor’s prescription.
  1. Follow oral hygieneto prevent gingivitis. Brush your teeth twice every day, and go for regular dental check-ups.
  1. Join groups and forumswhere you can share your experiences with other pregnant women. This helps cope with the pressures and stress you go through during pregnancy. If required, you may talk to a professional about your emotional upheaval.
  1. Share your dreams,hopes, and fears with your partner. Help him understand what you are going through. Discuss your future with the newborn. This will make you feel relaxed and calm.
  1. Take adequate restand have a sound sleep to fight fatigue. An eight-hour sleep in the night will rejuvenate your body.
  1. Keep yourself busyby reading books and doing activities that can have a positive impact on your developing baby.
  1. You will still have morning sickness in the tenth week. It means your aversion to food would also be there. However, this should not stop you from having nutritional food.

Nutrition In The 10th Week Of Pregnancy

On an average, a woman needs 2,200 calories a day. However, during pregnancy, it increases by 300 calories to 2,500 calories, if your weight is normal. In the case of twins or more, you need more calories.

Here is the list of foods you may include in your tenth-week pregnancy diet.

1. Healthy snacks and drinks:

You feel hungry often. Keep some healthy snacks ready so that you can avoid the temptation of eating junk food. You may eat:

  • Rusks
  • Whole grain crackers
  • Sandwiches and pitta bread with grilled chicken or grated cheese
  • Breakfast cereals, porridge with milk
  • Fresh fruits
  • Vegetable and bean soups
  • Apricots, prunes, and figs

Healthy drinks:

  • Homemade jal jeera
  • Lemonade
  • Aam panna
  • Ginger tea
  • Homemade tomato soup

2. Vitamin B rich foods:

Vitamin B6 helps in the production of red blood cells(16). Vitamin-rich foods include:

  • Bananas
  • Brown rice
  • Lean meats
  • Poultry, fish
  • Avocados
  • Whole grains
  • Corn
  • Nuts

缺乏维生素B12可引起贫血or neural birth defects in the baby(17). Vitamin B12-rich foods include:

  • Meat
  • Dairy product
  • Soya milk
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Yeast extract

3. Magnesium:

It helps in maintaining muscle strength and immune system. Magnesium-rich foods include:

  • Salad greens
  • Nuts
  • Soya beans
  • Whole grains
  • Weeds of pumpkin, sunflower, and melon
  • Dried fruits such as figs, raisins, and apricots
  • Green leafy vegetables such as radish leaves, spinach, mustard greens, lamb’s quarters, lettuce, and fenugreek leaves.
  • Vegetables includingbitter gourd, bottle gourd, peas and sweet corn.
  • Whole wheat and brown rice.
  • Pulses such as green gram and kidney beans.
  • Dairy products including cottage cheese, milk, and curd/yogurt.
  • Fish, poultry, and meat

Here is a diet chart that you may follow in week-ten of pregnancy(18):

Foods Number of servings/day
Rice and alternatives 6 to 7
Fruits 2
Vegetables 3
Meat and alternatives 2 ½
Milk 500ml

Good food should be clubbed with some good and safe physical activities to keep yourself active.

Exercises During The 10th Week Of Pregnancy

Exercise for 30 minutes every day to keep yourself fit and active.However, take your doctor’s consent before beginning any of these. Here are some exercises to consider:

  • Aerobicspromote blood circulation, stimulate your heart and lungs, and tone your muscles.
  • Light weight liftingsupports muscle tone, strength, and endurance. Do not strain your body by overdoing it.
  • Water exercisessuch as swimming help ease up stress.
  • Yogaoffers flexibility, relaxation, and maintains posture. It builds strength and increases endurance.
  • Pilatesimprove posture and increase muscle strength and flexibility.

If you find exercising alone boring, then involve your partner. As a dad-to-be, he too has some responsibilities, doesn’t he?

Tips For Dad-to-be

Men can make the first trimester easier for their partners by letting them know that they are there for them. Here’s what you can do:

  • Your support means a lot to your wife. Ask her and find out what she wants from you.
  • Create a tranquil environment in your bedroom. You can replace the bright bulbs with dimmer light to make it pleasant for her.
  • Her mood swings can annoy you but try to deal with the situation.
  • Show your love for her during this phase to win her love for a lifetime.
  • Make her feel relaxed by giving her a good foot and neck massage.
  • Join her during exercises to encourage her.
  • She might cut her off from the social groups. Try to spend more quality time with her.
  • Plan maternal shopping and other pregnancy activities like shoots or babymoon.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How should I sleep when ten weeks pregnant?

Any sleep position is okay during the first trimester. However, it is advisable to practice sleeping on your side (mainly your left side), which will benefit you as your pregnancy progresses(19)(20).

2. Should my stomach be hard at ten weeks?

Braxton Hicks contractions are false contractions (false labor) that may make your belly feel very tight and hard. The phenomenon is not usual in the first trimester and occurs in the second trimester or later(21). However, indigestion and bloating are common during early pregnancy and may cause stomach discomfort(22).

3. How many months is a pregnancy of ten weeks?

Pregnancy of ten weeks corresponds to two and a half months.

During the 10th week of pregnancy, the embryonic stage of your baby takes over from the fetal development stage, and your baby will now be the size of a grapefruit seen on an ultrasound scan. Although not so evident, you can also start seeing your baby bump, but you will experience pregnancy-related symptoms more clearly, both physically and emotionally. Therefore, you must look after yourself, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and strictly follow your doctor’s instructions. If you are experiencing any difficulty, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Infographic: Physical Changes Likely To Happen In The 10th Week

During the tenth week of pregnancy, the fetus grows and develops, and the mother may experience physical changes such as weight gain and bloating. The expectant mother may also notice changes in her body, such as increased breast size. Learn more of these signs that indicate the baby is developing normally.

10th week of pregnancy (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • The fetus begins developing muscles, fingers, toes, and internal organs during the 10th week of pregnancy.
  • Mothers often experience morning sickness, followed by weight gain and fatigue as the baby’s weight increases.
  • Hormonal changes during this phase can cause fluctuating emotions and a loss of interest.
  • Having a healthy and vitamin-rich diet, exercise, and adequate rest are essential during this week.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in oureditorial policy.
  1. Fetal Growth And Development.
  2. 10 Weeks Pregnant: Alleviating Morning Sickness.
  3. Pregnancy at week 10.
  4. Prenatal Weight Gain Grid.
  5. What happens in the third month of pregnancy?
  6. Treatment of Acne in Pregnancy.
  7. Is It Safe To Go To the Dentist During Pregnancy?
  8. Common Discomforts During Pregnancy.
  9. Michael Schredl et al.; (2016); Nightmare frequency in last trimester of pregnancy.
  10. Urinary tract infection (UTI) in pregnancy.
  11. Pregnancy complications.
  12. Prenatal Form and Function – The Making of an Earth Suit.
  13. Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) (also known as cfDNA screening).
  14. CPMC Health Resource Centers.
  15. M Diaz Vega et al.; (1996); Early amniocentesis at 10-12 weeks’ gestation.
  16. Vitamin B6—pyridoxine.
  17. Complications – Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia
  18. Pregnancy – Week 10
  19. How to Sleep Better During Your First Trimester.
  20. Best Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy.
  21. Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy: Second Trimester.
  22. Pregnancy Gas.
  23. Pregnancy Week 10.
  24. Week 10.
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