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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Seraphine

Seraphine is a feminine name with Hebrew origins, which means ‘order of fiery angels’ or ‘burning ones.’ It is derived from the word ‘Seraph,’ which refers to a celestial or angelic being. In the Bible, the Seraphim were an order of angels described by Isaiah with six wings each.

Seraphine is also a variation of the name Seraphina, a feminine form of the Medieval Latin name Seraphinus. It is derived from the Hebrew word seraphim, which means ‘fiery ones’ in the Bible. The name Seraphine was often given to religious martyrs in ancient times.

Additionally, Seraphin is a masculine equivalent of the name Seraphina, which Latin people commonly use to symbolize their children’s fiery personalities.

The name Seraphine has different meanings in various cultures. In Latin, it means ‘heavenly angel,’ while in French, it represents ‘purifying angel.’ Apart from these meanings, Seraphine is also the name of an early keyed wind musical instrument that resembles a combination of a reed organ and an accordion. The instrument produces sound when the metallic reeds are blown across by air.

In the 13th century, an Italian saint named Seraphine lived a life of charity and selflessness. She sewed clothing for the underprivileged but later suffered from paralysis and spent the rest of her life on a bed made of wooden pallets. Saint Gregory the Great was said to have appeared to her and predicted her death. Seraphine was later credited with miraculous healing.

The pronunciation of the name goes as Seh-re-feen. This unique three-syllable name has various variations in different languages, including Sarafina, Saraphina, Serafina, Serafinna, and Serafyna.

Seraphine is a name that has been used in many fictional characters across different media. These includeSeraphina, a popular novel by Caroline Burney,Seraphina, a fantasy book by Rachel Hartman,Serafina, a Marvel Comics Universe fictional character supervillain, Serafina Pekkala, a fictitious character inHis Dark Materials, and Serafina di Miromara, the protagonist in theWaterfire Saga.


heart image
Burning fire, flame
Gothic, Hebrew

How To Pronounce Seraphine?


Famous People With The Name Seraphine

  • Serafina SteerEnglish singer, known for her album ‘The moths are real’
  • Penny Serafina PetroneCanadian writer and philanthropist, known for winning many awards
  • Serafina OuistitiStage name of the Dutch singer Bloem de Wilde de Ligny (12).
  • Serafina di dioItalian abbess, known for being a founder of seven Carmelite monasteries (13).
  • Serafina SforzaItalian nun and a noblewoman (14).

Seraphine On The Popularity Chart

The name Seraphine has not been common in the United States. Take a look at the graph to understand more.

Popularity Over Time

The popularity of the name Seraphine has fluctuated over time. According to the US Social Security Administration (SSA), the name’s popularity peaked in 2016, with 40 babies per million.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name Seraphine grew in ranking over the years, ranking at 3,907 in 2021. Take a look at the graph to learn more about its ranking.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Seraphine

These names share a similar sound and have an equal number of syllables as Seraphine. They can be an excellent choice for parents looking for a similar-sounding name.

Popular Sibling Names For Seraphine

Other Popular Names Beginning With S

Names With Similar Meaning As Seraphine

The elegant name Seraphine means ‘fiery angels.’ These are a few different names with similar meanings

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Seraphine

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Seraphine?

The name Seraphine means ‘order of fiery angels.’

2. What is the origin of the name Seraphine?

Seraphine has a Hebrew origin.

3. What is the meaning of the name Seraphine?

The name Seraphine means ‘order of fiery angels.’

4. What is the origin of the name Seraphine?

Seraphine has a Hebrew origin.

5. Is Seraphine a biblical name?

Seraphine is not a biblical name. The term seraph is mentioned in the Bible to describe a type of angelic being with multiple wings who worship and serve God. However, the name Seraphine itself is not directly found in biblical texts. It is a name that has emerged from the association with seraphim and has been used as a given name in various cultures, but it does not have specific biblical origins.

6. What are some middle name options that go well with Seraphine?

Seraphine Celeste emanates a celestial allure, merging the ethereal and heavenly. The combination resonates with grace and beauty, evoking the celestial realm. Seraphine Aurora captures the enchantment of a radiant sunrise, aligning with Seraphine’s angelic meaning, whereas Seraphine Amelia adds elegance and sophistication, flowing melodically. Choosing a middle name is a personal decision, and these options harmonize with Seraphine’s essence, creating a name that resonates with celestial grace, poetic allure, melodic charm, or regal beauty, depending on one’s preference.

7. What is the cultural or symbolic meaning associated with the name Seraphine?

Seraphine carries profound cultural and symbolic meaning. Rooted in the word seraph, denoting celestial beings, it embodies heavenly beauty and spiritual purity. In Christian theology, seraphim are angelic entities devoted to serving God. Seraphine’s historical association with religious martyrs signifies unwavering faith and deep devotion. Additionally, Seraphin, the masculine equivalent, symbolizes fiery personalities, encompassing passion and energy. Seraphine represents celestial qualities, while Seraphin reflects the vibrancy of individuals. Together, these names encapsulate the essence of divine grace, celestial devotion, and spirited intensity.

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