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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Sandra

桑德拉is a name with Greek origins, believed to be derived from the names Alexandra and Cassandra. Alexandra has a male version, Alexander, from the ancient Greek name Alexandros. The meaning of Sandra translates to ‘Defender of the people’ or ‘Protector of humanity.’ It is a timeless and feminine name that remains popular even today.

The name Sandra is associated with strength, protection, and kindness. It has also been associated with St. Alexander, a third-century martyr recognized as a saint in several Christian traditions. In some religious communities, the name Sandra is given to baby girls in honor of St. Alexander.

The name Sandra is rich in history and is believed to be derived from the Greek Goddess Hera, who was the Goddess of women and marriage. Another possible source is Saint Alexander, a significant figure in the Roman Catholic Church.

桑德拉is pronounced ‘S(a)-nd-ra’ or ‘San-dra.’ Variations of the name include Sandrea, Sandria, Saundra, Sohndra, Sandretta, and Zandra. Pet names such as Sandri, San, Sandrita, and Sandy are also associated with Sandra.

The name Sandra is relatively modern and emerged as a standalone name in the 19th century. The name Sandra first gained popularity in the 1930s and 1940s, reaching its peak in the 1950s and 1960s. During this time, it was one of the most popular names for baby girls in the United States.

桑德拉appears as a fictional character in various works of media. In the video game The Walking Dead,桑德拉is voiced by Erin Yvette. She is a character in the British soap opera Emmerdale, where she is portrayed by an actress whose name is unknown.

Another fictional character named桑德拉is portrayed by Jackée Harry on the television series 227.桑德拉Corleone, a character from The Godfather series, is also a fictional character. Finally,Sandy Dombrowski, the main character from the 1971 musical Grease, also goes by the nickname “Sandy.” Each of these fictional characters, named Sandra, has a unique story and background that contributes to their respective works of media.


heart image
Short form for alexandra which means protector of man
Estonian, Greek

How To Pronounce Sandra?

Pronounced assan-drah

Famous People With The Name Sandra

  • 桑德拉Annette BullockAmerican actress and producer; winner of a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award
  • 桑德拉DeeAmerican actress and winner of a Golden Globe Award for her role in the movie ‘Until They Sail’
  • 桑德拉Day O’ConnorFirst female Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America
  • 桑德拉Marie Farmer-PatrickAmerican-Jamaican track and hurdle runner who participated in the 1992 Olympic Games and won a silver medal
  • 桑德拉Lynn NeilsonAmerican professional swimmer, three time gold medalist and former world record-holder

桑德拉On The Popularity Chart

According to the US Social Security Administration chart, Sandra was popular in the 1980s and 1990s. After that, it saw a transient decrease, with its highest popularity in 1981.

Popularity Over Time

This name was popular in 1981, with over 4,035 babies per million named Sandra. Check out the graphical representation for detailed insights.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The ranking of the name Sandra was extremely high in the 1980s and saw its all-time high in 1981, but saw a substantial decrease in the following years.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Sandra

Here are popular baby names that resemble Sandra in tone but have different meanings.

Popular Sibling Names For Sandra

Other Popular Names Beginning With S

Names With Similar Meaning As Sandra

Look no further if you are looking for baby names that are associated with the protection of humanity. Here are some worthwhile names to consider.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Sandra

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Sandra?

The name Sandra means short form for alexandra which means protector of man.

2. What is the origin of the name Sandra?

桑德拉has an Estonian and Greek origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Sandra?

桑德拉is pronounced as san-drah.

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