
In This Article

Origin, Meaning, And History Of Nila

Nila is a gender-neutral name with Sanskrit and Hebrew origins. Nila signifies ‘dark blue or sapphire’ in Sanskrit language and ‘God is my judge’ in Hebrew dialects.

In India or of Indian descent, Nila is a female given name and nickname. Nila may also have been taken from the word Nile in Ancient Greek. The Nile is also the name of the longest river in the world that flows through Cairo and Khartoum in Africa and then into the Mediterranean Sea. In Russia and Ukraine, it is also commonly used feminine given name. This name has another Irish Celtic variant called Neiland which signifies triumphant.

Nila can also be considered as the diminutive form of the Hebrew name Danila and means ‘God is my judge.’ Danila is a feminine form of the Slavic name Danilo, and correspondingly, Danilo is an Italian, Portuguese, and Slavic variant of the biblical name Daniel.

Daniel is a Hebrew-derived male given his name and nickname. Its main inspiration comes from Daniel, one of the two early biblical personas who appears in the Book of Daniel. It is a popular masculine given name, also used as a nickname.

Similar to its numerous origin stories, Nila has uncountable numbers of variations in different languages around the globe. Notable ones are Neela, Neelam, Neelima, Nilam, Nilima, Nilla, Nilah, Neela, Nilay, Nilaja, Nilab, Nili, Nilifer, Nilana, Nilany, Nilda, Nilea, Nilua, Nilam and Nilanthi. The widely used nicknames for little Nila are Nili, Nilly, and Nini.

In fiction, Nila is a Humanoid robot in the movieEnthiran 2.0.它是由s . Shankar设计并由Raveen表示a Ravi. Amy Jackson played the role of the character.


Dark blue; Sapphire; God is my judge
1 word, 4 letters, 2 vowels, 2 consonants
Short and easy to pronounce

How To Pronounce Nila?

Pronounced asnee-luh

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Nila in English.

Famous People With The Name Nila

  • Nila F. Moeloek物理ian and politician, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia between 2014 and 2019.
  • Nila HåkedalFormer Norwegian beach volleyball player who represented her country in European championships.
  • Nila MackCreator of Let’s Pretend, the longest-running children’s radio series.
  • Nila Madhab PandaIndian filmmaker and producer, known to make entertaining yet socially relevant movies.

Nila On The Popularity Chart

Over the past few decades, only a couple of babies in the United States have shared the name, Nila. Check out the graph below to gather more information.

Popularity Over Time

The name Nila has only been given to a few more than 100 babies annually in the US. The name peaked in popularity in 2017 when 127 babies per million were registered under this name.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Ranking of the name Nila has seen quite a lot of improvement in the last decade, as seen on the graph.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Nila

If you are exploring more names that sound like Nila, here are some suggestions.

Popular Sibling Names For Nila

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Nila, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Nila

Find matching brother names for Nila and create a wonderful team of siblings.

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Girl Sibling Names For Nila

Looking for some suitable sister names for Nila? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Naaila心中的形象 Nahla心中的形象 Nahlah心中的形象 Nahleejah心中的形象 Nahlin心中的形象 Naila心中的形象 Nailadi心中的形象 Nailah心中的形象 Naile心中的形象 Najla心中的形象

Other Popular Names Beginning With N

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter N to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Nila

If you want a name that means the same as Nila but sounds different? Take a look at the options listed below.

Popular Songs On The Name Nila

Infographic: Know The Name Nila‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Nila In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Nila

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Nila?

The name Nila means ‘dark blue’ or ‘God is my judge.’

2. What is the origin of the name Nila?

Nila is of Sanskrit and Hebrew origins.

3. How to pronounce the name Nila?

Nila is pronounced as nee-luh.

4. Is Nila a modern name?

Nila is a traditional name with roots in ancient languages like Sanskrit and Hebrew. It cannot be considered modern as it is not a popular name in recent decades. Nila last featured in the top 1000 names in the US in 1953 (1).

5. What is Nila in other languages?

The feminine given name Nila has multiple origins and meanings, leading to various spelling variations in different languages. They includeNeelain Tamil,NeelamandNeelimain Marathi, andNilimain Telugu.


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  1. Popularity of name Nila.
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