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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Lisa

Lisa is a female name with roots in Hebrew, German, Greek, and English. The name has spiritual connotations with the meaning ‘devoted to God’ or ‘my God is an oath.’ The Hebrew derivative of the name originates from the name Elisheba and Elisabet, meaning ‘lily flower.’ Lisa is also a diminutive of Elizabeth and its cognates in different languages.

The name Lisa has its Hebrew origin in Elisheba, which appears in the Old Testament as the wife of Aaron. On the other hand, its Greek form, Elizabeth or Elizabet, appears in the New Testament as the mother of John the Baptist and the aunt of Jesus. As a result, the name is a popular choice among members of the Christian faith.

The name Lisa is most popularly used as a standalone name or as a nickname for Elizabeth, Melissa, or Lisbeth, making it a close acquaintance of Beth, Elise, and Eliza. This 70s-inspired name has several variations, such as Liss, Leesa, Elise, Lisbet, and Lizzy.

Some sources suggest the name gained popularity in the 1970s when Elvis Presley named his daughter Lisa Marie Presley. The popular Nat King Cole song ‘Mona Lisa’ may have also contributed to this trend. Other sources trace the name’s origin to the original Mona Lisa, a well-known painting created by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.

Besides being associated with notable historical figures, the name Lisa featured in several works of fiction. For instance,Lisa Simpsonis a famous cartoon character from the television series The Simpsons. Lisa is portrayed as an intelligent, passionate, and kind character who cares for all living things.

Another example is丽莎·阿姆斯特朗,the lead character of the video game Lisa: The Painful. Furthermore,Lisa Carol Fremontis a lead character played by actress Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 movie The Rear Window. In the 2004 American romantic comedy movie Along Came Polly,Lisa Karmeris the wife of the male lead Reuben Feffer, who is an actuary for a life insurance company.


heart image
Devoted to God

How To Pronounce Lisa?

Pronounced aslee-suh

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Lisa in English.

Famous People With The Name Lisa

  • Lisa Kudrow美国actress, producer, and screenwriter, won international fame for her role as Phoebe Buffay in American sitcom Friend
  • Lisa RaymondAn American retired professional tennis player, won eleven Grand Slam titles
  • Lisa Nicole Lopes美国rapper and singer, best known by her stage name Left Eye
  • Lisa Jane StansfieldAn English singer, songwriter, and actress, won numerous awards and sold over 20 million albums worldwide
  • Lisa Deshaun Leslie美国former professional basketball player, four-time Olympic gold medal winner

Lisa On The Popularity Chart

According to the US Social Security, Lisa was the most popular name in the 1960s and was one of the top 10 in most of the 1970s before declining. Refer to the graph below to see the name’s performance over time.

Popularity Over Time

Lisa’s popularity experienced a steep decline between 1980 and 1986. Even after that, the name’s popularity fluctuated considerably and the name has been on a downward trend overall.

来源:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Lisa ranked 16th in 1980, and after that, its ranking has been declining almost consistently. Refer to the graph below to see the fluctuations name’s ranking experienced over the past several years.

来源:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Lisa

If you are captivated by the melodic tone of the name Lisa, you may also appreciate these similar-sounding names.

Popular Sibling Names For Lisa

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Lisa, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Lisa

Find matching brother names for Lisa and create a wonderful team of siblings.

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Girl Sibling Names For Lisa

Looking for some suitable sister names for Lisa? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Lassieheart image Lecelinaheart image Lecieheart image Leezaheart image Leisaheart image Leiselheart image Lesliheart image Lessieheart image Lezaheart image Lezahheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With L

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter L to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Same Meaning As Lisa

还有很多其他的名字,共享相同的意思ning as Lisa. Here are some suggestions you may consider for your munchkin.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Lisa

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Lisa?

The name Lisa means ‘devoted to God’ or ‘my God is an oath.’

2. What is the origin of the name Lisa?

Lisa has German and Hebrew origins.

3. How to pronounce the name Lisa?

Lisa is pronounced lee-suh.

4. Is Lisa a common name?

Lisa is a well-known and widely used name for baby girls across many countries. It has consistently ranked within the top 1000 baby names in the US since 1937. Its peak popularity occurred in the 1960s, but it declined in popularity in the 2000s (1). Nonetheless, it is well-recognized in the present.

5. Is Lisa a traditional or modern name?

Lisa is a modern name that gained popularity in the 20th century as a diminutive ofElizabeth. While Elizabeth has ancient origins and is traditional, Lisa’s popularity soared during the mid-20th century and has since remained a common and familiar name (1).

6. Are there any variations or alternative spellings of the name Lisa?

Since Lisa is a diminutive of Elizabeth, its variants are also connected to the latter.Ella,Eli,Else,Elise, andLilliare its Danish versions, andElisa,Lisbeth,Elli,Liesa, andLieseare its German forms.ElsaandLissare its Norwegian variants,Liseis Swedish, andLizbeth,Elle,Eliza,Elsie, andLizaare English spellings.


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  1. Popularity of name Lisa.
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