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Origin, Meaning, And History of Lilibeth

Lilibeth is a girl’s name speculated to be of English origin. It is a diminutive of the English name Elizabeth, derived from the Greek Elisabet, which in turn comes from the Hebrew name Elisheva, implying ‘my God is an oath.’

Etymologists believe that Lilibeth is also derived from the root name Lily, which is further derived from the Middle English name Lilie, and the Latin and Old English name Lilium. Alternatively, it could be a combination of two English names, Lily and Beth.

Lilibeth as a name does not appear in the holy scriptures though Elisabeth and Elisheva are quite popular. In the Old Testament, Elisheva is the wife of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Legends say that Aaron was made the high priest by God, with his descendants forming the priesthood. The Greek name Elisabet appears in the Old Testament as the mother of John the Baptist. Historians suggest that it was Elisabet’s belief in the Almighty that earned her the blessing of a child.

Lillia and Lillie are the common diminutives of the name Lilibet. Popular English variants of Lilibeth include Bess, Beth, Bessie, Betsy, Bette, Betty, Bettie, Bettye, Eliza, Buffy, Ella, Elly, Elsie, Elyse, Ellie, Elle, Leesa, Libby, Liddy, Libbie, Lilian, Lilianna, Liliana, Lilibet, Lilliana, Lillie, Lillian, Lisa, Liz, Lise, Liza, Lizbeth, Lizzie, Lizzy, Lizette, and Tetty.

The name was popular in different cultures and languages, giving rise to numerous variations. They include Zabel in Armenian, Elixabete in Basque, Elisaveta in Bulgarian, Ela in Croatian, Alžběta in Czech, Isabella and Lissi in Danish, Isabeau and Els in Dutch, Liisu in Estonian, Babette in French, Elske in Frisian, Sabela in Galician, Eliso in Georgian, Bettina in German, Elikapeka in Hawaiian, and Lilien in Hungarian. Nicknames like Lily, Beth, Libby, Lil, Lili, and Betty can go well with Lilibeth.


heart image
God is my oath
1 word, 8 letters, 3 vowels, 5 consonants

How To Pronounce Lilibeth?

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Lilibeth in English.

Famous People With The Name Lilibeth

  • Lilibeth del Carmen Chacón GarcíaVenezuelan racing cyclist, who won the gold medal in the 2011 Medellin Pan American Championships
  • Lilibeth Rodríguez MorilloVenezuelan singer, best known for her 2015 album Puerto seguro
  • Lilibeth Cuenca RasmussenDanish artist, who won the 2008 Eckersberg Medal
  • Lilibeth FloresMexican actress, known for her 2009 film Sin Nombre

Lilibeth On The Popularity Chart

The popularity of the classic name Lilibeth is witnessing an upward trend of late. Check out the graphs to understand its popularity and ranking trends better.

Popularity Over Time

Lilibeth reached its peak popularity in 1996, when 113 babies per million were given the name. Look at the graph for detailed insights.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Ranking of Lilibeth has seen fluctuations over the years. The name made it to the list of the top 1500 baby names in the US in 1996.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Lilibeth

Lilibeth sounds exotic. Check out the similar-sounding names if you want to explore more options.

Popular Sibling Names For Lilibeth

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Lilibeth, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Lilibeth

Find matching brother names for Lilibeth and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Lawleyheart image Lawlyheart image Leelandheart image Leighlandheart image Leleheart image Leylandheart image Liellusheart image Liliwinheart image Ljiljanheart image Lowellheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Lilibeth

Looking for some suitable sister names for Lilibeth? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Lalaineheart image Laylonheart image Lealandheart image Leelouheart image Leislheart image Leolineheart image Lilheart image Lilacheart image Lileheart image Liliaheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With L

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter L to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Lilibeth

Did you like the meaning behind Lilibeth, but are looking for more alternatives? Here are some options for you.

Infographic: Know The Name Lilibeth‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Lilibeth In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Lilibeth

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Lilibeth?

The name Lilibeth means ‘my God is my oath.’

2. What is the origin of the name Lilibeth?

Lilibeth has an English origin.

3. Is Lilibeth a common name?

Lilibeth is not a common name. It hogged the limelight in recent decades. Currently, its variants such as Elizabeth and Eliza are more commonly used.

4. How many babies have been named Lilibet?

According to the data by SSA, 46 babies per million were registered with the name in 2021 in the US. However, the name fared poorly from 2013 to 2020 with the number of babies sharing the name not crossing the 20 mark.

5. What are some possible middle names that go well with Lilibeth?

Lilibeth has a vintage charm to it. So, you can use classic middle names to make the entire name sound timeless. Some options include Azura meaning ‘clear blue sky,’ Celeste meaning ‘heavenly,’ Seraphina meaning ‘burning ones,’ and Luna meaning ‘moon.’

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