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起源、意义,一个d History of Kye

The name Kye is a versatile name with several origins and meanings. It is a Hawaiian name that means ‘ocean’ or ‘sea.’ In Celtic, the name means ‘narrow’ or ‘slender.’ The name is considered a variant of Kai in Chinese, Scandinavian, and Greek, thus meaning ‘triumph’ or ‘victory.’ This name in Irish is associated with the meaning ‘a place from the narrows’, ‘a wood,’ or ‘a church.’ Kye is also a name of Gaelic origin that means ‘keeper of keys,’ ‘earth,’ ‘narrow,’ or ‘straight.’

Kye is also of English origin, which means ‘peaceful,’ while in Dutch, the name means ‘archer.’ The name also means ‘strait’ in Gaelic due to its correlation to the Gaelic word caol, from which it is derived. Additionally, Kye also means boomerang in Indigenous Australian. As a dialectical word, Kye also means ‘cocoa’ and ‘keys.’ Kye is also associated topographically with the Tibetan Buddhist monastery Kye Gompa, considered the largest monastery and religious training center for lamas of the Spiti Valley.

The name Kye as a topographic name is also associated with Kye Hill in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The hill was considered a favorite pasture for cows, and thus, the name Kye in Scottish is also associated with the meaning ‘cow.’ Kye also means ‘rejoice’ in Finnish and ‘warrior of destiny’ in archaic terms.

The variations of this name include Keh, Kai, Kyle Kaj, Kile, Kiley, Kylan, Kylar, Kylen, Kyler, Kyrell, Kiler, Kieler, Kylor, Khye, Kje, Kaj, Kia, Kie, Key, Kaye, Kaya, Kaiya, Kyle, Kyhe, Khye, and Cai. The nicknames for this name include Ky, Ki, Cai, and Kiki.
While no fictional characters have this name, there is another interesting association with Kye. Kye was the name of a real-time puzzle game from 1992 and was created byColin Garbutt of Towednackinitially as a shareware game. However, this game was converted into a charity shareware registration that collected donations from players in return for twenty added levels and other bonuses to support Save the Children’s cause. The real-time character controlled by the players in this anime was also named Kye.


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How To Pronounce Kye?

Pronounced askye

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Kye in English.

Famous People With The Name Kye

  • Kye WhyteBritish male BMX racer, winner of Olympic silver medal in 2020, a silver medal in the 2022 UCI BMX World Championships, and a gold medal and a silver medal in the European BMX Championships in 2022 and 2018.
  • Kye PalmerAmerican trumpet player and Los Angeles studio musician, known for his contributions to numerous major motion picture soundtracks such as the Grammy winners Caravan and Vavoom.
  • Rhonda Kye FlemingAmerican singer/songwriter and music publisher, winner of BMI Awards over 42 times, and is known for hit songs like Nobody, Smoky Mountain Rain, and Give Me Wings.
  • Yoon Kye-sangSouth Korean actor and singer, well rewarded for his roles in Flying Boys, High Kick: Revenge of the Short Legged, and The Outlaws.

Kye On The Popularity Chart

The name Kye has risen in popularity but dropped in ranking over time. Take a look at the following US Social Security Administration graphs to understand how the name has fared over time.

Popularity Over Time

In 1980, the name Kye was popular among 15 babies per million, followed by a slight drop in popularity to 13 babies per million in 1982. This was followed by a rise in the name’s popularity to its highest of 354 babies per million in 2016. However, in 2021, the name was shared among 259 babies per million.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name Kye was ranked at 15,198 in 1980, followed by a rise to the highest rank of 14,316 in 1983. This was followed by a drop in ranking over time towards 21,933 in 2007. However, in 2021, the name was ranked at 18,433.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Kye

The name Kye is simple to pronounce. If you are looking for more names that sound like it, here are some options.

Popular Sibling Names For Kye

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Kye, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Kye

Find matching brother names for Kye and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Kaeoheart image Kahawaiheart image Kahikilaniheart image Kahikinaheart image Kahiliheart image Kaikaneheart image Kaimeeheart image Kaimiheart image Kalinoheart image Kalonheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Kye

Looking for some suitable sister names for Kye? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Kahaleheart image Kahealaniheart image Kahliaheart image Kaiaheart image Kailaniheart image Kaileahheart image Kaleaheart image Kaleiaheart image Kaleighiaheart image Kalonaheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With K

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter K to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Kye

Kye is a versatile name that has many meanings. Here are some more names that may have similar meanings.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Kye

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Kye?

Kye means ‘ocean’ or ‘sea.’

2. What is the origin of the name Kye?

Kye has Hawaiian origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Kye?

Kye is pronounced as kai.

4. Is Kye a popular name?

Kye is quite a unique unisex name in English-speaking countries, especially in the US. As a girl’s name, it has not featured among the top 1000 most popular names in the US since the 1900s. However, as a boy’s name, it has become relevant in recent years and has ranked among the top 1000 names since 2015, holding the 866th position in 2022 (1).

5. What are some unique and creative variations of the name Kye?

Kye is a simple and versatile name that is a variation of the namesKai,Kay,Kylie, orKyle. These variants make Kye a favored option for many families worldwide.


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  1. Popularity of name Kye.
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