
In This Article

Origin, Meaning, And History Of Kizzy

The name originates from the term ‘cassia’ in Hebrew, which refers to a kind of cinnamon and is also a pet version of the English name Kezia or Keziah.

In Exodus 30:22–25 and Psalms 45:7-9 of the Bible, the essential oil of cassia is mentioned as a component of anointing oil, which was used to scent garments and apply to persons, according to the Bible. Cassia oil was also used in commerce as mentioned in Ezekiel 27:18–19. Cassia, which is related to cinnamon, has a strong spice scent and has been used for mental and physical health support since ancient times.

The other variation of the name Keziah is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a lady who was the second of Job’s three daughters born after his ordeals. Her name means ‘restored to the heart of God,’ alluding to Job’s redemption following his tribulations. Keziah’s sisters were named Jemima and Keren-Happuch. Due to the uncommon scenario of all three of Job’s daughters inheriting from their father during a time when women and men were not regarded equally, the name has come to represent female equality.

Keziah, Kezia in Biblical and Ketzi’ah in Biblical Hebrew are popular variations of the name. The spelling Keziah was repopularized in the late 1970s by a character in the book and miniseries ‘Roots.’

Kizzy is a famous fictional character from the book ‘Roots,’ who is the only child of Kunta Kinte and Belle. She is loved, intelligent, and possesses a fierce sense of family loyalty. Her father has groomed her to be a warrior, and she retains every African tale he has ever shared with her. Missy, the daughter of her slave master, instructs her in reading.

Australian children’s TV series Snobs had a character namedKizzy Freemanand there was also a TV show namedKizzy, a BBC adaptation of the 1972 novel titled ‘The Diddakoi’ by Rumer Godden.


heart image
African, English

How To Pronounce Kizzy?

Pronounced askih-zee

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Kizzy in English.

Famous People With The Name Kizzy

  • Kizzy Yuanda Constance GetrouwDutch actress, singer-songwriter and television host, presented TV shows on both The Gossip Swapp on XY TV and CN8
  • Kizzy CrawfordBarbadian-Welsh singer, won the Arts Connect Original Singer-Songwriter prize in 2012

Kizzy On The Popularity Chart

There has been a decline in the popularity of the name Kizzy over the years. Go through the two graphs provided by the Social Security Administration to understand this better.

Popularity Over Time

The name was at its peak popularity in 1980 but saw a steep decline quickly after. From 119 babies per million in 1980, the name was only shared by 6 babies per million in 2021.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name witnessed the highest ranking in 1980 at 1146. Since then it has continued to decline. Check the graph to see how it performed over the years.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Kizzy

Kizzy sounds fun and interesting. If you are looking for more such options, here is a list of suggestions.

Popular Sibling Names For Kizzy

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Kizzy, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Kizzy

Find matching brother names for Kizzy and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Kaasarheart image Kaazimheart image Kacenheart image Kacesvaraheart image Kaceyheart image Kacimaheart image Kaisanheart image Kaiserheart image Kaisonheart image Kaisthheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Kizzy

Looking for some suitable sister names for Kizzy? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Kacelaheart image Kaciheart image Kacibrelheart image Kacieheart image Kacyheart image Kasenheart image Keciaheart image Kesinheart image Kessieheart image Kessleeheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With K

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter K to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Kizzy

If the meaning of Kizzy appeals to you and you want to explore more options, here are some suggestions.

Infographic: Know The Name Kizzy‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Kizzy In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code



Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Kizzy?

The name Kizzy means ‘a kind of cinnamon.’

2. What is the origin of the name Kizzy?

Kizzy has a Hebrew origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Kizzy?

Kizzy is pronounced as kih-zee.

4. What is an interesting trivia or fun fact about the name Kizzy?

The name Kizzy appeared in one of Alex Haley’s novels titled ‘Roots: The Saga of an American Family’ which was published in 1976. The story follows the life of Kunta Kinte, taken as an enslaved person from Gambia and brought to America. Kizzy Waller, or Kizzy Lea, is one of the characters in the novel. She is Kunta and Bell’s daughter in the story.

5. What are some alternative spellings or variations of the name Kizzy?

Kizzy is itself a diminutive of the name Keziah and thus has a few known alternative spellings, includingKezia,Keziah, Kizzie, and Ketzi’ah.

6. Is the name “Kizzy” derived from a biblical name?

Yes, the name Kizzy is derived from the Biblical name Keziah. The name appeared in the Old Testament of the Bible under the Book of Job 42:14, where Keziah is the second daughter of Job.

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