
In This Article

Origin, Meaning, And History Of Jabez

Jabez is a masculine name of Hebrew origin. In the Book of Chronicles of the Old Testament, Jabez is the name of a character blessed by God. According to biblical accounts, Jabez’s birth was difficult, so his mother gave him this name, which means ‘he makes me sorrowful.’ However, Jabez prayed to God and asked the divine to help him enlarge his territory. God granted him his request, and that’s how the name Jabez got associated with undeterred faith in God to overcome difficulties in life.

In Arabic and Persian, Jabez is transliterated as Yabis or Yabiz, which means ‘from the dry land.’ It is also a popular surname in various parts of the world, including the UK and the US. Brzaillai ben Baruch Jabez was a 17th or 18th century Talmudist with Jabez as its surname.

The phonetic spelling of this name is ‘JAY-behz’ in English. However, it also has alternate spellings, such as Jabes, Jabesh, Yabes, Jaybez, and Jaibez. A few adorable nicknames a baby with this name may bear include Jay, Jab, Jabe, Jabie, Jaby, Jabey, or Bez.

Jabez has been featured as a name for various fictional characters in movies, books, and series. Its surge in popularity can be attributed to the best-selling bookThe Prayer of Jabez, authored by Bruce Wilkinson in the year 2000, which drew inspiration from the Old Testament.

One of the most notable characters bearing this name is Jabez Stone, the protagonist in the short storyThe Devil and Daniel Websterand its subsequent film adaptations. Jabez Wilson, the main character in the Sherlock Holmes storyThe Red-Headed League, also shares this name.

Some other notable works where Jabez made an appearance include Isabella Bank’s 1876 novel and the film adaptationThe Manchester Man, where Jabez Clegg was the eponymous character.

Jabez Dexter from the 1949Wonder Woman comic, the villain Jabez North from Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s first novelThe Trail of the Serpent, and Jabez Potter from the 1913 bookRuth Fielding of the Red Mill, the first of a 30-book series by Alice B. Emerson are some more fictional works where the name appeared.


heart image
One who is sorrow and is in trouble

How To Pronounce Jabez?


Famous People With The Name Jabez

  • Jabez A. BostwickAmerican businessman, a founding partner of Standard Oil
  • Jabez BryceAnglican Archbishop of Polynesia, the first Pacific Islander to become an Anglican bishop
  • Jabez VodreyThe first English potter to emigrate to and work west of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States
  • Jabez Curry StreetAn American physicist, co-discovered atomic particles called muons with E. C. Stevenson in 1937
  • Jabez Bowen, Sr.An American shipper, slave trader, and politician who served as Deputy Governor of Rhode Island

Jabez On The Popularity Chart

Look at the graph below to learn more about this name’s popularity and ranking as represented by statistical data obtained from the US Social Security Administration.

Popularity Over Time

在2000年至2001年之间,雅比斯的声望skyrocketed. Refer to the graph below to learn how the name fared over the years.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Jabez’s ranking fluctuated over the years, hitting its lowest point in 2000. Go through the following graph for a detailed overview.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Jabez

Are you looking for names that sound the same as Jabez? Here are a few suggestions you may consider.

Popular Sibling Names For Jabez

Other Popular Names Beginning With J

Names With Similar Meaning As Jabez

If Jabez’s meaning appeals to you, below is a list of similar meaning names you may explore.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Jabez

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Jabez ?

The name jabez means and One who is sorrow and is in trouble


Jabez originates from the Hebrew word .

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