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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Edwin

埃德温是古英语的名称起源、派生from ‘Eadƿine,’ an Anglo-Saxon term. In Old English, it is provided with two elements – ‘Ead’ means rich and blessed, while ‘Pine’ stands for a friend. Therefore, the name denotes a ‘rich friend.’ According to another hypothesis, ‘Ead’ may also refer to prosperity. Hence, the meaning of the name can be a ‘prosperous friendship.’
According to history, Edwin was one of the elite group of Anglo-Saxon names to survive the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name was borne by the great King Edwin of Northumbria. Furthermore, Eadwine was the name of the Ealdorman of the Kingdom of Sussex.

Edwin has a weighty pronunciation, ‘EHD-win,’ which sounds more deep and powerful, defining masculinity. The name has certain variations that people all over the world are using alternatively, for example, Edwyn, Eadwine, Eduinus, and Edvin. These names spell differently but have the same meaning and origin. Edwin can be used as some of its playful nicknames, such as Ed, Eddy, or Eddy, which make the babies sound more adorable.

In 1880, the name gained intensive popularity with a rank of 57, and it had its highest exposure in the US when 309 babies were named Edwin.

In addition, the name occupied a sincere place in the fictional arena. You may notice Edwin Jarvis, who was a significant supporting character inIron ManandThe Avengers, the Marvel comics. In the novelThe Mystery of Edwin Drood, author Charles Dickens named his protagonist Edwin Drood. Edwin is the name of the puppet character addressed in the children’s TV seriesJim Hanson’s Pajanimals. Edwin Durland was a notable character from the American mystery seriesGravity Falls, who was shown as the Deputy.


heart image
Rich friend; one who is blessed with richness and is wine
Anglo Saxon

How To Pronounce Edwin?

Pronounced ased-win

Famous People With The Name Edwin

  • Edwin Thomas BoothAmerican Shakespearean actor and the founder of the Booth’s Theatre in New York.
  • Edwin E. FloydAmerican mathematician and Topology specialist
  • Edwin Nelson HubbellAmerican politician to have served one term in the United States House of Representatives
  • Edwin Cole McCainAmerican singer, songwriter, and guitarist, best known for his songs I’ll Be and I Could Not Ask For More
  • Edwin Henry SpanierAmerican mathematician, most popular for his work in Algebraic Topology
  • Edwin Aloysius Perera WijeyratneSri Lankan politician and Senator of Home Affairs and Rural Development

Edwin On The Popularity Chart

Edwin is an overall popular name that has been performing well for quite a long time now. You may look at the following charts, which will give you more insight.

Popularity Over Time

During the mid-2000s, the name peaked through the chart with its highest popularity. However, later, the name lost its demand among US parents. Follow the chart to see its declining rate.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The ranking of the name had been falling for a long time before seeing some improvement again. The graph below will help you see its rank over time.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Edwin

If you are searching for names that sound as classy as Edwin, why don’t you take a tour of the names mentioned below?

Popular Sibling Names For Edwin

Other Popular Names Beginning With E

Name With Similar Meaning As Edwin

There are plenty of names with similar meanings to Edwin. Here’s a list of all these names.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Edwin

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Edwin?

埃德温这个名字意味着丰富的朋友,和一个who is blessed with richness and is wine.

2. What is the origin of the name Edwin?

Edwin has an Anglo Saxon origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Edwin?

Edwin is pronounced as ed-win.

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