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Origin, Meaning and History of Debbie

The fresh and youthful name Debbie is a common nickname for the feminine nameDeborah. The roots of Debbie can be traced back to its Hebrew origins, from the name Devorah, which means ‘bee.’ In this context, Debbie embodies qualities of diligence, social connectivity, and a vibrant spirit.

In history, the name is associated with women’s empowerment. Deborah was a prophetess mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. She was a prominent figure who helped save the Israelites with the help of a commander named Barak.
Deborah, which has long been a prevalent Jewish name, gained usage among English Christians following the Protestant Reformation. It became particularly popular among the Puritans.

诺文e is one of Deborah’s nicknames or diminutive names, but there are a few more, likeDebi,Deb,Debby, and诺文. Debbie is also a name that can be found in other cultures and languages under different spellings, such as Debbora in Biblical Greek and Latin, Débora in Spanish, French, and Portuguese, and Devorah, Devora, Dvora, orDvorahin Hebrew.

诺文e was a popular choice not only for American parents but for fictional characters as well. It has appeared in several films and television shows. A few examples include Debbie Dean, a character played by Jodi Albert in the famous British soap operaHollyoaks. Debby Dingle is another British soap opera character who appeared inEmmerdale.

On film, it has been seen in the American Western epic filmThe Searchers. The role of Debbie Edwards was portrayed by two actresses, Natalie Wood, and Lana Wood. In another well-loved American supernatural black comedy film,Addams Family Values, the role of Debbie Jellinsky was played by Joan Mary Cusack. One of the central characters in the movie I’ve Been Waiting for You is诺文e Murdock, a role played by actress Maggie Lawson.


heart image
One with strong desires and aspirations

How To Pronounce Debbie?

Pronounced asdeb-bee

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Debbie in English.

Famous People With The Name Debbie

  • Deborah Kaye Allen or Debbie AllenAmerican actress, singer, choreographer, director, producer, and songwriter; nominated 20 times for an Emmy Award, won a Golden Globe Award, and two Tony Awards
  • Debra Rae ‘Debbie’ ArmstrongAmerican former World Cup alpine ski racer, first woman gold medalist in 12 years in the Winter Olympics in 1984
  • 诺文e Arden BrillCanadian high jump athlete, was 11 times Canadian National High Jump Champion and 2 times United States National High Jump Champion
  • Deborah Ann Gibson or Debbie GibsonAmerican singer-songwriter, record producer, and actress, awarded the Best Pop Female Vocalist at the New York Music Awards in 1990, Rock Producer of the Year at the American Songwriter Awards in 1990, and more
  • 诺文e TurnerAmerican actress, famous for her role as Marta von Trapp in the film The Sound of Music
  • Mary Frances ‘Debbie’ ReynoldsAmerican businesswoman, singer, and actress, nominated for a Golden Globe award for her role in the film Three Little Words
  • Deborah Elizabeth Meyer or Debbie MeyerAmerican former competition swimmer, three-time Olympic champion and was named named Swimming World’s World Swimmer of the Year in 1967, 1968 and 1969

诺文e On The Popularity Chart

诺文e was once a popular name but has gone down in popularity and ranking over the years. Check the graphs below for detailed information.

Popularity Over Time

The name has seen a sharp decline in popularity over the decades. From 491 babies per million sharing the name in 1980, by 2020, it had only 19 babies per million using the name.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The ranking of the name has steadily declined over the years. It was once in the Top 500 names in the U.S, but came down to 6,117 in 2020.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sounds As Debbie

If you like how the name Debbie rolls off your tongue, below are a few more names that share a similar sound.

Popular Sibling Names For Debbie

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Debbie, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Debbie

Find matching brother names for Debbie and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Dabheart image Dabangheart image Dabaranheart image Dabbahheart image Dabbsheart image Dabeetheart image Dabhitheart image Dabhitiheart image Dabirheart image Dabnshuheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Debbie

Looking for some suitable sister names for Debbie? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Debheart image Debapritaheart image Debashmeetheart image 诺文heart image Debbraheart image Debbyheart image Deberaheart image Debiheart image Deborahheart image Deborrahheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With D

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter D to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Debbie

If the meaning of the name Debbie intrigues you, here are a few other options.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet




Name Numerology For Debbie

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Debbie?

The name Debbie means ‘bee.’

2. What is the origin of the name Debbie?

诺文e has a Hebrew origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Debbie?

诺文e is pronounced as deb-bee.

4. How common or rare is the name Debbie?

The feminine name Debbie is considered uncommon in the United States today. According to the data from SSA, the name stood at rank 872 in 1992, and it had only 229 baby girls sharing the name in the same year (1).

5. What is the meaning of Debbie in the Bible?

诺文e does not directly appear in the Bible and contains no specific Biblical meaning. However, it is a shortened form of the nameDeborah, one of the Bible’s most powerful female characters. She was portrayed as one of the major military leaders in the Book of Judges (2).

6. Is Debbie an English name?

Yes, the feminine name Debbie is an English name and a diminutive of Deborah. It has Hebrew origins and carries the meaning of ‘bee.’

7. Does the name Debbie have any positive or negative associations?

Yes. There are many positive associations with the name Debbie. It is a name of Hebrew origin that means ‘bee.’ Bees have numerous positive qualities, such as being hard-working, focused, diligent, helpful, and productive.

8. Is Debbie more commonly used for girls or boys?

诺文e is predominantly feminine and has been used widely over the years as a girl’s name (1).


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