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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Citlali

Citlali is a feminine name of Nahuatl origin and means ‘star.’ Aztecs who ruled Mexico from the 14th to 16th centuries used Nahuatl as their lingua franca. Although Nahuatl is still spoken by almost 1.5 million Mexicans, it remains relatively unfamiliar outside of its native region. Stars were of high significance to the Aztecs. They used stars as their compass, calendar, and map to mark important events in activities related to different seasons. As per Aztec mythology, a goddess named Citlālicue created stars along with her husband.

Citlally and Xitlalli are two variants of the name Citlali. Throughout the years, Citlali has been used as a forename, middle name, and surname. Notable individuals who have borne this name include Alexa Citlali Moreno Medina, a Mexican artistic gymnast who won the bronze medal on vault at the 2018 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships, becoming the first Mexican female gymnast to bag a medal at this event. Another notable person is Kevin Citlali Zamora, a Mexican Luchador or professional wrestler, who is better known by his ring name Chessman. Despite being a rare name, Citlali finds mention in the fictional world. In the novel The Law of Love by Laura Esquivel, Citlali belongs to a noble family in Tenochtitlan.

Overall, Citlali is a beautiful and meaningful name with a rich history and cultural significance. It is a popular choice for parents who are looking for a distinctive name for their daughters.


heart image
Native American

How To Pronounce Citlali?

Pronounced as年代eet-LAH-lee

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Citlali in English.

Names With Similar Sound As Citlali

Citlali has a special ring to it. Here are some more names that sound similar to Citlali.

Popular Sibling Names For Citlali

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Citlali, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Citlali

Find matching brother names for Citlali and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Ceadelheart image Ceadelaheart image Ceadwallaheart image Ceadweallaheart image Cidullasaheart image Citlaleeheart image Hwistlereheart image Saadallaheart image Saadullahheart image Sadalheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Citlali

Looking for some suitable sister names for Citlali? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Cedellaheart image Cedulieheart image Citlalicheart image Citlalicueheart image Citlalliheart image Citlalminaheart image Satilaheart image Satleenheart image Seattleheart image Stallionjitheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With C

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter C to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With the Same Meaning As Citlali

Like the meaning behind the beautiful name? Check out the list of names that have similar meanings to Citlali.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Citlali

Frequently Asked Questions


The name Citlali means star.


Citlali has a Native American origin.

3. What are some positive attributes or personality traits associated with individuals named Citlali?

A few inspirational traits associated with the name Citlali include intuition, creativity, empathy, perceptivity, kindness, generosity, and independence. However, this may not hold true for every individual named Citlali.

4. Is Citlali a common name, or is it unique and rare?

According to the SSA data, the name Citlali hasn’t been popular since 2006 (1). Thus, this name can be considered a rare and unique name.

5. Are there any traditional or common nicknames for Citlali?

The name Citlali is a variant of Citlalli and thus may have common nicknames. Some options include Tally, Cece, Lily, Lala, Citi, and Tilly. .


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  1. Popularity of name Citlali.
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