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起源, Meaning, And History Of Cataleya

The word Cataleya is of Spanish origin, and is derived from the name of a particular species of orchid called “Cattleya.” The orchid was named in honor of English botanist William Cattley, who had acquired a specimen of the orchid from William Swainson who had discovered the plant in Brazil in 1817. Cattley took care of the plant and managed to bloom it in Europe for the first time. In 1824, another botanist, John Lindley named the genus after Cattley. The specimen was named Cattleya Labiata.

Cataleya is a common name in Columbia. Since 1936, the cattleya trianae orchid, sometimes called “May flower” or “May lily,” has been Colombia’s national flower. Exclusive to South and Central America, the cattleya is a tropical orchid. As an epiphyte, it survives on trees and bark without consuming nutrients. Cattleya frequently chooses height and spreads itself higher up in trees because of the intense biological struggle in the jungle. Also, Cattleya is the most visually diverse orchid species. All Cattleyas have quite tough leaves as well. This implies they also require light inside because they receive a sizable quantity of light or sun in their native environment.

Kataliya, Katelaya, Catalaya, Kattaleya, and Cattleya are a few variations used worldwide. The name has various pronunciations for these variations, but the most common ones are kə-tal-ee-ə, kæ-tə-lay-ə and ka-tuh-lee-yuh.

After the release of the action movie “Colombiana” in 2011, whose lead actress Zoe Saldana played a female assassin named Cataleya, the name became more widely known in popular culture. The popularity of the movie may have increased the name’s recognition. Since that time, the name has risen in popularity as a given name for females, especially in Spanish-speaking nations like Colombia, where it is in the top 100 most common girl’s baby names. It has also grown in favor in other nations, such as the United States, where it has been presented to infant girls since at least the 2000s.




Pronounced askah-tah-ley-uh

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Cataleya in English.

Cataleya On The Popularity Chart

Cataleya is a unique name that has only recently gained popularity. Check the two graphs by the Social Security Administration to understand the ranking and the popularity of the name since 2011.

Popularity Over Time

The name had just 21 babies per million in 2011 but peaked in 2021 with 1069 babies per million sharing the name. Check the graph for more.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name jumped to 480 in 2012 from 4825 in 2011. It has further improved to 297 in 2021. Check the graph for more information.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Cataleya

Cataleya is a unique name with an equally unique sound. If you are looking for more such names, here’s a list.

Popular Sibling Names For Cataleya

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Cataleya, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Cataleya

Find matching brother names for Cataleya and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Cadal心我age Cadel心我age Cadell心我age Cadhla心我age Cadwal心我age Cadwalader心我age Cadwaladr心我age Cadwallader心我age Cadwallon心我age Caedwalla心我age

Girl Sibling Names For Cataleya

Looking for some suitable sister names for Cataleya? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Cadelaria心我age Caetlin心我age Caetlyn心我age Caitlan心我age Caitland心我age Caitlann心我age Caitlen心我age Caitley心我age Caitlin心我age Caitlind心我age

Other Popular Names Beginning With C

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter C to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Cataleya

Are you looking for a name with similar meaning as Cataleya for a sibling? Check out this list full of alternatives.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Cataleya

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Cataleya a Hispanic girl’s name?

Cataleya has its origins in Spanish culture. Therefore, it is a Hispanic name for girls.

2. What nationality is Cataleya?

The name Cataleya is not confined to any nationality. However, being a Spanish name, it enjoys popularity in Hispanic communities and the US.

3. What is the Biblical meaning of Cataleya?

Cataleya doesn’t have any Biblical connotations. It is named after a particular species of orchids, also called May lily, found primarily in Columbia.

4. What are some nicknames for Cataleya?

The name Cataleya can have a variety of adorable nicknames, such asCat,Kate, Cattie, orKatie. You could even considerAleya,Allie,Leah, orLeya. You can select or personalize your child’s nickname according to your preferences, as there are no rigid rules for choosing them.

5. How rare is the name Cataleya?

Cataleya is not rare and has become quite common as a girl’s name in recent years. It has consistently ranked within the top 1000 baby names in the US since 2012. In 2022, it ranked 341st on the list. Therefore, it is a popular and well-liked name in the US (1).


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  1. Popularity of name Cataleya.
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