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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Caius

A classic boy’s name, Caius, is of Latin origin. It derives from the Latin ‘gaudere,’ implying ‘to rejoice.’ So, the meaning of Caius is ‘delight’ or ‘joy.’ Caius is another spelling of the equally powerful name Gaius, which means ‘to rejoice.’ It is popular as both a given name and a surname. Another interpretation of the name is ‘a person from Earth.’

Historically, one of the best-known bearers of Caius was Pope Caius of Dalmatia. The religious leader baptized innumerable devotees before dying as a martyr. The sign of Caius is the papal tiara. Another bearer was the 3rd-century Bishop of Milan, Caius. The Bishop is acknowledged as a saint in the Catholic Church. His feast day falls on September 27.

Not many variants of the name are known. An alternative spelling is Kaius. In Italian, the name is Caio. Some cute nicknames include Cai, Caia, and Kai.

Many missionaries, Christian writers, and Bishops have borne this name. The Catholic missionary, Blessed Caius of Korea, Caius, the Presbyter of Rome, and John Caius, the co-founder of Cambridge’s Gonville and Caius College, are some noteworthy personalities. These may have boosted the name’s usage in different parts of the world.

Caius has been prevalent in popular culture as well. In Shakespeare’s ‘Cymbeline,’Caius Luciusis the Roman ambassador to Britain who upholds honor and truth. Lucius is a good friend of Cymbeline and is reluctant to begin a war. In ‘The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,’Caius Ligariusis a conspirator against Caesar.医生Caiusis a French physician in ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor,’ another Shakespearean play.

Apart from Shakespeare’s plays, the name has also been a popular occurrence in video games.Caius Balladis the main antagonist in the Final Fantasy XIII-2 video game.Caius Cosadesis the Grand Spymaster of the Blades in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind video game.


heart image
To rejoice

如何Pronounce Caius?

Pronounced askey-is

Famous People With The Name Caius

  • John Caius the ElderEnglish poet, known for translating the Siege of Rhodes
  • Caius WelckerDutch football player known for competing in the 1908 Summer Olympics.
  • Caius Gabriel CibberDutch sculptor appointed as the ‘carver to the king’s closet’ by William III
  • Caius BrediceanuRomanian politician who served as the Minister of State for Transylvania and Banat in the Take Ionescu government.
  • Caius of Korea128th of the 205 Catholic Martyrs of Japan who was beatified by Pope Pius IX on 7 July 1867

Caius On The Popularity Chart

The name began increasing in popularity from around 2005. You can see its upward trajectory in the 2000s on the graphs below.


The name’s popularity reached a peak in 2020 with 156 babies per million getting the name. After that it has witnessed a slight dip.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Caius’s rank has steadily improved from 2005. From 24729 rank in 1994, it has improved to 18654 in 2020.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Caius

学院有一个你nique sound and if you are looking for more names that sound similar, here are some names to explore.

Popular Sibling Names For Caius

Other Popular Names Beginning With C

Names With Similar Meaning As Caius

If you like the meaning of Caius and want to discover more names that have similar meaning, here are some suggestions.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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如何Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Caius

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Caius?

The name Caius means to be rejoicing.

2. What is the origin of the name Caius?

Caius has a Latin origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Caius?

Caius is pronounced as key-is.

4. Can Caius be used for both boys and girls?

Caius is traditionally used as a masculine name. The name is predominantly associated with boys and there are hardly any references of the name being used for girls.

5. Are there any specific personality traits commonly associated with individuals named Caius?

Individuals named Caius are known for their dependability and consistency. People find them trustworthy and feel safe and secure in their presence. They are judicious in spending and show concern for the future. Additionally, they are born leaders and often take influential positions within society.

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