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Origin, Meaning, And History of Bree

Bree is a short and sweet feminine name. It is an Anglicized version of the feminine name Brígh, which is taken from the Irish word ‘bríg’ meaning ‘might’ or ‘power.’ Bree can also be a diminutive or a nickname taken from names like Gabriela or Brianna, or any other name that has a ‘bri’ in it.

The name Bree is also considered to be a topographical name. Based on the Brythonic word ‘brigā,’ which indicates ‘hill.’ Bree is a name that was usually given to someone who belonged to the hills or someone who lived near a hill.

Alluding to this meaning of the name, according to Irish culture, Bree is an anglicized form of the Gaelic ‘Ó Breaghaigh,’ or ‘son of Breagha,’ which is a nickname habitually given to someone who lives near or on a hill.

The name Bree is also influenced by Irish mythology. Brigid, Brigit or Brig, as she was known, was the daughter of the Irish god Dagda. She is associated with healing, protection, smithing, poetry, and animals. She was a pagan goddess who was worshiped by the non-Christian Irish.

Bree was also found as a surname in Britain. It arrived after the Norman Conquest and was first recorded in the area of Northamptonshire. Because of the lack of standardized spellings, Bree came to be spelled as Brae, Breye, Braye, Bray, Braie, and Brey.
Briella, Brie, and Bria are some variations of Bree. Meanwhile, Gabriel, Bryon, Brian, Brion, and Bryan are some masculine forms of the name.

The name Bree has appeared in a number of television series and films. In the Disney showLab Rats达文波特,布莉的角色扮演的是凯利Berglund. Bree is also a character in the popular book and movie seriesThe Chronicles of Narnia, which was written by C. S. Lewis. Bree Victoria Brennan, played by many child actors over the years, is a character found in the American soap operaOne Life to Live.


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山;一个raised land or elevation
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How To Pronounce Bree?


Famous People With The Name Bree

  • Bree SharpAmerican musician and actress, best known for her first single “David Duchovny”
  • Bree Nicole TurnerAmerican actress and dancer, popular for her portrayal of Rosalee Calvert on the TV series “Grimm”
  • Andrew Patrick BreeIrish breaststroke swimmer, represented his country twice in 2000 and 2008 Olympics
  • Mattheus Ignatius van BreeBelgian painter, one of the founders of Belgium’s historical school of painting

Names With Similar Sounds As Bree

If you like this short and sweet name Bree, we provided a few more suggestions with a similar sound.

Popular Sibling Names For Bree

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Names With Similar Meaning As Bree

If the meaning of the name Bree intrigues you, below are a few more names with similar connotations.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology

name-numerology-for-bree-select gender

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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Bree

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Bree?

The name Bree means hill, and a raised land or elevation.

2. What is the origin of the name Bree?

Bree has an Irish origin.

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