42663 Baby Boy Names With Meanings

Baby Boy Names With Meanings

Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

Heartiest congratulations and all the best for welcoming a baby boy into the world. Now that you know 'it's a boy,' the endeavor for searching baby boy names begins. You must have decorated the nursery by now and purchased all the baby gear. But selecting a name is one of the first big decisions for your child. The pressure that comes with the ideal name gets hectic when friends and family get into the action. If you’re having a tough time deciding a name for your baby boy and need some help with selection, look at the name list below. From trendy to edgy and traditional names rooted in your culture, you’ll find them all in this extensive baby name list. This exhaustive list includes names starting with all alphabets, right from A to Z. So, if you're looking for a name starting with any particular letter, the list has everything. Several names in the list also have mythological associations, such as ‘Aadalarasu,' a Hindu name referring to the lord of dance, Natraja, who is also an alternative form of the Hindu deity, Lord Shiva. There are also names from specific origins, which can make a unique yet meaningful name for your baby boy. For instance, 'Abiola' is a unique African-Yoruba name that means 'born during the first days. Similarly, you can also find baby boy names specific to certain religions, cultures, and regions. Also, the list has occupational, habitational, and geographical-inspired names for boys. Each name has meanings to help you categorize your search, whether you're looking for names with a specific meaning or other aspects. So, take your sweet time to go through our extensive list to come up with the best name for your baby boy.

Name 性别 Meaning
heart image Will heart image baby boy sign Boy Determined to protect
heart image Willard heart image baby boy sign Boy Bold resolve
heart image Willermus heart image baby boy sign Boy Determined guardian
heart image Willfred heart image baby boy sign Boy Someone who desires peace
heart image William heart image baby boy sign Boy Will; Protector
heart image Wilmot heart image baby boy sign Boy Form of William; Resolute protector
heart image Wiloughby heart image baby boy sign Boy A willow farm worker
heart image Wilson heart image baby boy sign Boy Resolute protector
heart image Windel heart image baby boy sign Boy A friend
heart image Winoc heart image baby boy sign Boy A variant of Gwenneg; White; Fair
heart image Winston heart image baby boy sign Boy Wine's town
heart image Wiremu heart image baby boy sign Boy A form of William; Helmet; Protection
heart image Wisam heart image baby boy sign Boy Badge of honor
heart image Wischard heart image baby boy sign Boy He who is wise, brave, and hardy.
heart image Wojciech heart image baby boy sign Boy He who is happy in battle
heart image Wolfe heart image baby boy sign Boy A deadly beast
heart image Wolfgang heart image baby boy sign Boy Wolf strife
heart image Wolfram heart image baby boy sign Boy Wolf raven
heart image Won-Shik heart image baby boy sign Boy Head; The root; The head of the family
heart image Wout heart image baby boy sign Boy Ruler of the army
heart image Wright heart image baby boy sign Boy The wagon maker
heart image Wuhaib heart image baby boy sign Boy A gift; Present
heart image Wunna heart image baby boy sign Boy Gold
heart image Wyatt heart image baby boy sign Boy Brave at war
heart image Wybert heart image baby boy sign Boy He who is bright in battle
heart image Wymond heart image baby boy sign Boy Battle protector
heart image Wyot heart image baby boy sign Boy He who is wise, brave, and hardy
heart image Xander heart image baby boy sign Boy Defender of people
heart image Xantheus heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is golden-haired
heart image Xanthippos heart image baby boy sign Boy Yellow horse
heart image Xanthos heart image baby boy sign Boy Yellow
heart image Xanthus heart image baby boy sign Boy A river god
heart image Xavier heart image baby boy sign Boy New house; Bright
heart image Xenocrates heart image baby boy sign Boy Foreigner; Guest power
heart image Xenos heart image baby boy sign Boy Stranger
heart image Xhiva heart image baby boy sign Boy A version of Lord Shiva; Benign; Kind; Auspicious
heart image Xicohtencatl heart image baby boy sign Boy Angry bumblebee
heart image Xihuitl heart image baby boy sign Boy comet
heart image Ximeno heart image baby boy sign Boy Son
heart image Xipil heart image baby boy sign Boy Noble one; Of Fire
heart image Xipilli heart image baby boy sign Boy Jeweled prince
heart image Xiutecuhtli heart image baby boy sign Boy Gentleman of the fire
heart image Xobeen heart image baby boy sign Boy Spear
heart image Xochipilli heart image baby boy sign Boy Flower prince
heart image Xochiquen heart image baby boy sign Boy Flower garment
heart image Xochitl heart image baby boy sign Boy Flower
heart image Xolotl heart image baby boy sign Boy Precious twin
heart image Xurxo heart image baby boy sign Boy Farmer
heart image Xzavier heart image baby boy sign Boy New house; Bright
heart image Yaachan heart image baby boy sign Boy Prayer
heart image Yaaja heart image baby boy sign Boy One of the names of Lord Shiva
heart image Yaamir heart image baby boy sign Boy The moon
heart image Yaamya heart image baby boy sign Boy One of the names of Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva
heart image Yaashk heart image baby boy sign Boy Exerting
heart image Yaashvan heart image baby boy sign Boy Winner
heart image Yaasoob heart image baby boy sign Boy Ali's Title
heart image Yaatiesh heart image baby boy sign Boy Lord of devotees
heart image Yacine heart image baby boy sign Boy A variant of the name Yasin; Happiness
heart image Yaco heart image baby boy sign Boy A leather bag
heart image Yad heart image baby boy sign Boy Jade
heart image Yadab heart image baby boy sign Boy Aversion of Yadav; One of the names of Lord Krishna; Descendent of Yadu
heart image Yadav heart image baby boy sign Boy A name of Lord Krishna
heart image Yadavendra heart image baby boy sign Boy Leader of the Yadavas
heart image Yadgar heart image baby boy sign Boy Memorable
heart image Yadhav heart image baby boy sign Boy A variation of Yadav; Descendant of Yadu
heart image Yadhavan heart image baby boy sign Boy One of the names of Lord Krishna; Descendant of Yadu
heart image Yadhu heart image baby boy sign Boy An ancient Indian king
heart image Yadid heart image baby boy sign Boy A beloved friend
heart image Yadiel heart image baby boy sign Boy Praise of God
heart image Yadnya heart image baby boy sign Boy The holy fire
heart image Yado heart image baby boy sign Boy A Kurdish leader
heart image Yadu heart image baby boy sign Boy An ancient king
heart image Yadunandan heart image baby boy sign Boy Son of Yadu; A name of Lord Krishna
heart image Yadunath heart image baby boy sign Boy One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as Lord of Yadavas
heart image Yael heart image baby boy sign Boy Mountain goat
heart image Yafeu heart image baby boy sign Boy A bold and strong man
heart image Yafir heart image baby boy sign Boy The one who leaves a mark
heart image Yaghoub heart image baby boy sign Boy Form of Jacob; To heal
heart image Yagil heart image baby boy sign Boy He will rejoice
heart image Yagnakaya heart image baby boy sign Boy One who accepts all the sacred and sacrificial offerings
heart image Yagya heart image baby boy sign Boy 一个神圣的仪式
heart image Yagyasen heart image baby boy sign Boy King Drupad
heart image Yagyesh heart image baby boy sign Boy Lord of the sacrificial fire
heart image Yahir heart image baby boy sign Boy He will enlighten
heart image Yahya heart image baby boy sign Boy The almighty is gracious
heart image Yaj heart image baby boy sign Boy A sage
heart image Yajat heart image baby boy sign Boy One of the many names of Lord Shiva
heart image Yajnadhar heart image baby boy sign Boy A name of Lord Vishnu
heart image Yajnarup heart image baby boy sign Boy A name of Lord Krishna
heart image Yaksh heart image baby boy sign Boy Representative of God, a demi-God
heart image Yakshit heart image baby boy sign Boy Who is made forever; Permanent; God
heart image Yakub heart image baby boy sign Boy God will protect
heart image Yamajit heart image baby boy sign Boy One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as the conqueror of death
heart image Yaman heart image baby boy sign Boy Intelligent
heart image Yamar heart image baby boy sign Boy Life; Alive
heart image Yamato heart image baby boy sign Boy Great harmony
heart image Yaminichandra heart image baby boy sign Boy A name of Lord Vishnu
heart image Yan heart image baby boy sign Boy Beautiful; Gorgeous
heart image Yanick heart image baby boy sign Boy A form of John; Yahweh is gracious
heart image Yankel heart image baby boy sign Boy Yahweh may protect

As you start your parenting journey, we hope our well-curated list of baby boy names would help you come up with a perfect name. From simple and common names to complex and unique ones, and those with cultural, religious, and geographic significance, our list is extensive. Also, the names are of several different origins and are given with meanings to make your decision a little easier. So, go through the names in the list and pick the best name that satisfies everyone at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can boys have two first names?

Yes, boys may have two names that can combine their grandparents' names or parents' choices. Their names may also be a hyphenated form of two beautifully linked names with relative meanings.

2. What baby boy names mean gift from God?

Baby boy names such as Nathaniel, Matthew, Yanis, Zebadiah, and Theodore refer to the gift of God or His graciousness.

3. How can I choose a baby boy's name with a spiritual or religious meaning?

You can look for names inspired by holy books or important religious figures. Consider names representing good qualities or values related to spirituality, such as Gabriel, Elijah, or Abraham.

4. How can I choose a baby boy's name with a positive or optimistic meaning?

You may explore names that represent happiness, joy, or positivity in their meanings, such as Felix, meaning lucky; Asher meaning blessed or happy; or Isaac meaning one who laughs and rejoices. Select names that inspire optimism and reflect your hopeful wishes for your child's future.

5. How can I choose a baby boy's name that has a unique or creative meaning?

When picking a special and imaginative name for your baby boy, you can explore names from various cultures and find inspiration in nature or art to select names with uncommon meanings. This way, you can discover a unique name that reflects your desire for something original and creative.

6. What are some baby boy names with meanings related to the ocean or water?

Some baby boy names that represent the ocean or water are Kai, Alon, Jordan, Dylan, and Kelby. These names remind us of the beauty and strength of water and the different water bodies, their waves, and their movement.

Infographic: Ultimate Delightful Baby Boy Names

We know how exciting it is to explore and choose a name for the little one swaddled in your arms. But sometimes, the yearning to find trendy and timeless names can feel never-ending. There's an almost endless variety of names on the planet. So figuring out the ideal one is certainly no child's play. Hopefully, this infographic reduces your effort and gives you a smile of accomplishment.

trendy boy names for your handsome little one (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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