
In This Article

Origin, Meaning, And History Of Ameen

The name Ameen has Arabic roots and is derived from the word ‘amin,’ which means ‘faithful,’ ‘truthful,’ or ‘honest.’ In Islamic tradition, the word ‘Ameen’ or ‘Amin’ is often used as an affirmation or a prayer at the end of a supplication, meaning ‘so be it’ or ‘may it be fulfilled.’

我een is a popular Arabic name that has been used for centuries. It is mostly given to boys with the hope that they will grow up honest, trustworthy, and faithful.

This name has historical significance in Arabic and Islamic culture as it is associated with one of the Prophet’s most trusted companions. Muslim commander of Prophet Mohammed, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, was known as ‘Ameen-ul-Ummah,’ which means ‘the trustworthy of the nation.’ That is why the name Ameen is highly regarded in Islamic culture.

我een is also a surname common in Lincolnshire, England. This family name has multiple variants, such as Armine, Armyne, Airmine, Airmyne, Airmin, Ermine, Ermyne, Armyn, Armyne, Ermyn, and Ayrmine.

The name also has many variants. For instance, it is also spelled as Amine in Arabic Maghrebi. Amina and Aminah are their feminine variants. In Azerbaijani, the name becomes Emin, while Aminu is its Hausa equivalent. The name is common in Islamic nations such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. It is common in Western countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada but only amongst the Muslim community.

我een is not as famous a name as its counterpart Amin as a first name. However, it is a popular surname amongst noteworthy people such as British actor Aml Eysan Ameen known for playing a part in the TV seriesSense8, and the movie,The Maze Runner. In addition, the Lebanese-American drummer Robby Ameen is known for his Afro-Cuban creations. Ameen is also used as a middle name. Mohammed Ameen Haidar is a footballer whose team, Al Ittihad, won the 2005 AFC Champions League.

The name has recognition in different walks of life and is gaining popularity all over the world. A parent fascinated by the name and its meaning can choose it for their little one and be proud of their choice.


heart image
Divine Grace; Honest; Faithful; Trustworthy

How To Pronounce Ameen?


我een On The Popularity Chart

我een is not a popular name in the US, and the popularity charts are a clear depiction of it. Let’s look at the Social Security Administration data to understand this name’s trajectory.

Popularity Over Time

As seen in the chart below, the name was at its peak of popularity in 2006. However, it registered a drop in 2021 when only 50 babies were named Ameen.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

As per the chart below, the name has hovered in the lower end of the ranks since 1980. It dropped further in 2007. However, in the past couple of years, its popularity seems to be improving as it rose through the ranks.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Ameen

Like the sound of Ameen? Have a look at the names below that have similar sounds but different meanings.

Popular Sibling Names For Ameen

Other Popular Names Beginning With A

Names With Similar Meaning As Ameen

我een stands for honesty. If you like its meaning, check out the ones below.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Ameen

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Ameen?

The name Ameen means divine grace, honest, faithful, and trustworthy.

2. What is the origin of the name Ameen?

我een has an Arabic origin.

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