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Origin, Meaning, And History of Alexia

Alexia is a popular girl’s name that is believed to be of Greek origin. It is the feminine form of the Greek unisex name Alexis, which is derived from the Greek word Alexo, implying ‘to defend’ or ‘to help.’ In entirety, Alexis may symbolize ‘defender’ or ‘helper.’

Surprisingly, the root word Alexo also has connections with the name Alexander, implying ‘defending men.’ Henceforth, the symbolization of the name Alexia is concurrent with Alexander the Great.

Alexia is a passionate name for girls that is prevalent worldwide. However, the tonality and pronunciation of this four-syllabic name are ever-changing. The pronunciation of this name among French-speaking people is A-LEHK-SEE-A, whereas English natives prefer to spell it as ə-LEHK-see-ə. The masculine versions of this name include Alexis in Greek and French and Alejo in Spanish.

Alexis and Alexus are some of the common variants of the name in English. Alèxia in Catalan, Alessia in Italian, and Aljoša in Slovene are some other variations of Alexia. If you liked the meaning of Alexia and are exploring alternative spellings, Aleksia, Aleksya, and Alexya are some of the popular ones. Alex, Lexi, Lexie, Lexia, Lia, and Sasha can make adorable nicknames for Alexia. Other English diminutives of the name include Lexia, Lexine, Lexus, and Lexy.

Alexia is a common name in popular culture.Alexia Ashfordis the main antagonist in the popular video gameResident Evil – Code: Veronica. Similarly, the teen favorite drama series The Vampire Diaries comprises a character with nameAlexia “Lexi” Branson. Alexia Tarabottiis the main protagonist of the literary novelThe Parasol Protectorate, written by the award-winning novelist Gail Carriger.


heart image
Guardian of mankind

How To Pronounce Alexia?

Pronounced asah-lek-see-uh

Famous People With The Name Alexia

  • Alexia MassalinAmerican programmer and computer scientist, best known for designing the Synthesis Kernel
  • Alexia PortalFrench actress, best known for her role in the film Autumn Tale
  • Alexia Laurette WalkerEnglish cricketer; one of three women to pass the ECB Level 4 Coaching Certificate
  • Alexia KourtelesiGreek judoka, best known for picking up two Greek senior titles in her division in 2004 Summer Olympics
  • Alexia KhadimeBritish actress and singer, best known for her role in the play Les Misérables in Queen’s Theatre

Alexia On The Popularity Chart

Despite its uniqueness, Alexia has seen peaks in popularity before performing poorly in the popularity charts. Let us look at the graphs to understand the trend better.

Popularity Over Time

Alexia’s popularity peaked in 2002 with 2,691 babies per million being given the name. Check out the graph for detailed insights.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Alexia recorded its best ranking of 128 in 2002. The graph below explains ranking trends of Alexia over the years.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Alexia

Glance through some of the alternative names below if you like the simplistic sound of Alexia. Scroll down.

Popular Sibling Names For Alexia

Other Popular Names Beginning With A

Names With Similar Meaning As Alexia

If you could resonate with the meaning of Alexia, here are some alternative names with similar meanings. Check them out.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Alexia

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Alexia?

The name Alexia means ‘defender’ or ‘helper.’

2. What is the origin of the name Alexia?

Alexia has a Greek origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Alexia?

Alexia is pronounced as ah-lek-see-uh.

4. What are a few nicknames for Alexia?

A few unique nicknames for Alexia could beAle, Xia,Lexa, andAlly. These options are endearing and offer chic and personalized short name choices for individuals named Alexia.

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