
In This Article

Origin, Meaning, And History Of Adella

Adella is an English name for girls. It is a variant of the English, Spanish, Romanian, and Polish names Adela. Adela was first used as a shortened form of the name beginning with the Old German element adal, which means ‘noble.’ These names include Adelaide, Adelheid, Adelaida, Adeline, Adelina, Adele, and Adalheid. Later, it became a first name in its own right and spawned variations.

Apart from Adela, Adella has another variant spelled Adelia. Adella’s diminutives are Delia and Della. In other languages, too, Adella has different spellings. Adelina, Adéla, Adèle, Adélie, Adeline, Adele, Adela, Ada, Adél, Adelė, Adelia, and Adelita are some spellings in other languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, German, Romanian, and Czech.

Adella在美国很受欢迎in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It ranked among the top 1000 names for baby girls during those years. Moreover, the name is also commonly used in Finland and Sweden.

Adella has made an appearance in pop culture too. For example, in Disney’sThe Little Mermaid, Adella is the name of Ariel’s elder sister. She appeared in the original film as well as the prequel movie and the TV series. Hans Christian Andersen created the original character.

Some famous personalities with this name includeAdella Prentiss Hughes, an American pianist known as the founder of The Cleveland Orchestra. African-American writer, educator, and suffragistAdella Hunt Loganwas known for her activism for the education and suffrage of women of color. She is best known for her activist work, particularly in education advocacy, as seen in her work at Tuskegee, where she worked as a teacher.Adella Kelsey Turnerwas an American activist from Texas known for leading several women’s organizations. She began participating in women’s organizations by joining the Standard Club of Dallas.


heart image
Noble; Honorable

How To Pronounce Adella?

Pronounced asuh-deh-luh

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Adella in German.

Famous People With The Name Adella

  • Adella Liebenow WotherspoonYoungest and last living survivor of the General Slocum ship disaster of June 15, 1904.
  • Adella Brown BaileyAmerican politician and suffragist.
  • Adella Kean ZametkinAmerican writer and activist of Jewish origin.translated several books into Yiddish, ran for assembly thrice

Adella On The Popularity Chart

Adella saw a rise in popularity from the beginning of the 21st century. Let us check these SSA graphs to see how the name has performed.

Popularity Over Time

This name gained popularity only recently though it has been in use since the 1980s. The name peaked in 2012 when 95 babies per million were given this name.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Adella’s rank graph shows a lot of ups and downs. In 1994, it ranked low at 10,576. In later years, its position improved and it ranked 2,513 in 2021.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Adella

If you liked the sound of this name, you might like these names with similar sounds.

Popular Sibling Names For Adella

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Adella, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Adella

Find matching brother names for Adella and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Adalheart image Adalbeorhtheart image Adalbertheart image Adalbrechtheart image Adalbrechtaheart image Adalfieriheart image Adalgarheart image Adalhardheart image Adalheidheart image Adalizheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Adella

Looking for some suitable sister names for Adella? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

油气地质elheideheart image Adahliaheart image Adalaideheart image Adaleeheart image Adaleighheart image Adalenaheart image Adalgisaheart image Adalheidaheart image Adaliheart image Adaliaheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With A

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter A to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Adella

If you liked the wonderful meaning of this name, here are some other names with similar meanings. Take a look at them.

How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Adella

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of the name Adella?

The name Adella means ‘noble.’

What is the origin of the name Adella?

Adella has English and German origins.

How to pronounce the name Adella?

Adella is pronounced as uh-deh-luh.

What are some variations of the name Adella?

The variations of the name Adella based on different languages and cultures include阿德拉(Polish),Adeline(French),阿黛尔,Adelina(Italian), Adele (German), Adela, Adelina (Romanian), Adéla (Czech), Adela,Adelia, Adelina (Spanish), and Adela, Adelina,Ada(Germanic).

What are some potential nicknames or variations of the name Adella?

Della,Delia, Delly,Dell, Addy, and Adela are the possible nicknames for the name Adella. These nicknames add a touch of endearment and uniqueness to the name, making it all the more special for the person who bears it.

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