25 Easy Science Experiments For Kids To Improve Their Skills

You could probably try hundreds of science experiments for children, but if you are confused about which one to pick for your child’s science fair or exhibition, you’ve arrived at the right place. In this post, we tell you some exciting hands-on science experiments for kindergarten students.

As a child, you might have loved taking up science projects. And it doesn’t always have to be a struggle to get your children’s curiosity up about scientific facts.Working on experiments can help instill a love of science in them and encourage them to have a scientific bent of mind.

Here are a few popular and easy science experiments that your children will love to do. We have included the detailed steps and materials required for each experiment. So, try these simple science experiments for kindergarteners to develop your child’s interest in science. Also, ensure you extend a helping hand when they struggle so it doesn’t get messy or complicated.

In This Article

Top 10 Science Experiments For Kindergarten

Here are some interesting science experiments to break your preschooler boredom.

1. Sink Or Float:

  • Write ‘sink’ and ‘float’ on a piece of paper and make two columns.
  • Ask your kindergartener to collect different objects from around the house, such as pins, rubber ties, paper, pens, spoons and such.
  • Make sure your kid knows the meaning of both the words ‘sink’ and ‘float.’
  • Fill a pan with water and ask your kid to put the objects in the water one by one. See which ones float and which ones sink and write your conclusion down on the paper.It can be one of the best andinteresting science activitiesfor kindergarten.

Science:Heavy objects will sink while the lighter ones will float.

2. Bean Sprout:

Image: Shutterstock

  • Show your kid a few bean seeds let him inspect the hard shells.
  • 让你的孩子抑制一些纸巾和温馨的e them on a cookie sheet. Place the bean seeds and cover them with some more damp paper towels. Keep the cookie sheet in mild sunlight.
  • Ask your kid to check the seed daily and add sprinkle some water on the paper towels.
  • In about five to six days, the beans will sprout. This is an easy science experiment for kindergarten that can be done using simple ingredients found around your house.

Science:Sunlight, air, and water will help a plant to grow.

protip_icon Do remember
Simple science experiments at home generate curiosity in children’s minds and make them learn through observation of the practical implementation of the laws of science.

3. Bottled Waves:

  • Help your kid fill up a bottle with two-thirdscastor oiliXThis oil is derived from castor beans that aid in digestion and skin and hair careand the rest with water.
  • Add some food coloring and close the lid.
  • Let your kid turn the bottle from side to side and make a discovery about how the water forms waves.

Science:As the earth rotates on the axis, the gravitational pull leads to waves.

4. Floating Egg:

  • Let your kid pour water in a glass till halfway.
  • Add about six tablespoons of salt and stir well.
  • Help your kid pour more water into the glass until it is almost full. Remember to add the water gently.
  • Now submerge the egg in the water, and see how it floats.

Science:Salt will make the water dense and make it easier for the egg to float.

5. Invisible Writing:

Image: Shutterstock

  • Let your kid add some drops of dishwashing detergent in a cup of water and stir it.
  • Your kid can dab a cotton swab in the mix andmake a drawingor writing on a bathroom mirror.
  • At bath time, as the bathroom gets foggy, the message on the mirror will become visible.Invisible writing is one of the easy science experiments for kindergarten that will help them feel like science is engaging.

Science:The dishwashing detergent will prevent water molecules from forming on the mirror and let the message be seen.

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6. Magnet Play:

  • Ask your kid to collect some items from around the house and gather them around a magnet.
  • Let them form their analysis by observing which objects are pulled in by the magnet and which ones aren’t.

Science:A magnet will pull anything that is made of iron, nickel, and some other metals.

7. Color Play:

Image: Shutterstock

  • Fill three glass bowls with water and add red, yellow and blue food coloring.
  • Show your kid how to mix the colors one by one to see how new colors form. This is one of the best science experiments for kindergarten students.

Science:Red, blue and yellow are primary colors that can help to create more colors.

8. Ice Cool:

Image: Shutterstock

  • Ask your kid to fill some plastic cups with water and place a lid on one cup.
  • Place all cups on a plate and freeze overnight.
  • Get him to check the cups in the morning and see if the cups are cracked. Ice cool activity is one of the most fun science experiments for kindergarten that can be tried at home.

Science:When water freezes, it expands and can lead to cracks in the cups.

9. Hearing Balloon:

Image: Shutterstock

  • Inflate a balloon and place it next to your kid’s ear. Tap gently.

Science:When the balloon is inflated, the air molecules inside will move close to each other and increase the sound waves.

10. Magic Paint:

  • Help your kid pour some whole milk into apetridishiXA shallow glass or plastic plate used in microbiology laboratories to cultivate microorganismsor shallow bowl.
  • Add some food coloring drops to the milk.
  • Dip a toothpick into some dish soap and disrupt the color droplets.
  • Continue to dip the toothpick and swirl the colors around.

Science:The soap disrupts the surface tension of the milk, pushing the color away from the toothpick.

15 Best Science Experiments For Kids

Here are some simple science experiments that your kid can easily do at home and learn more about the subject and its concepts. You can perform these experiments with preschoolers as well as older kids. Make sure you are around and do not leave your kid unattended though and ask your kid to do the following steps.

11. Homemade Volcano

You Will Need:

  • A 500 ml empty plastic bottle
  • A funnel
  • 2 measuring cups
  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1 cup of vinegar
  • 1 tsp of liquid dishwashing soap
  • Food coloring
  • Glitter

How To:

  1. Put the bottle at the bottom of a sink and place the funnel in it.
  1. Pour baking soda in the bottle through the funnel.
  1. In the measuring cup, add the soap, food color and vinegar.
  1. Add some glitter on the funnel on top of the baking soda and pour the vinegar mix on top.The volcanowill erupt from the bottle.

These are some fun science experiments for kids to make STEM education an enjoyable experience.

These are some fun science experiments for kids to learn and enjoy at the same time.

protip_icon Do remember
Ensure your child wears safety goggles and hand gloves when conducting the science experiments.

12. Rock Candy

You Will Need:

  • A 15 cm long piece of string
  • A pencil
  • A paper clip
  • A cup of water
  • A glass jar
  • 2 cups of sugar

How To:

  1. Tie the string around the middle part of the pencil and tie the paper clip at the end of the string.
  1. 把铅笔放在罐子的顶部的way that the string is inside the jar. Make sure the string does not touch the bottom or sides of the jar, and if it does, roll it around the pencil a little more. It will help you understand how much string needs to be rolled. Once you know the exact measurement, remove it from the jar and keep aside.
  1. Boil the water and add ¼thcup of sugar. Keep stirring till it dissolves. Once it dissolves, add another ¼thcup of sugar and stir till it dissolves. Keep doing this till the sugar is finished, but make sure you first dissolve the sugar and then add the fresh one.
  1. Pour the sugar solution inside the jar and fill it to the top. Now place the paper clip and the string in the sugar mix in such a way that the string is positioned in the middle of the jar.
  1. Let it cool and stay undisturbed for about a week, after which the crystal candy will be ready.

13. Edible Bubbles With Apple

You Will Need:

  • Apple
  • Any fruit juice or even water
  • Milk
  • Straw

How To:

  1. Cut the top off the apple and empty out the cores.
  1. Put one or two tbsp. of juice or water in the apple and ask your kid to blow the bubbles. These will pop out very soon.
  1. Next, ask your kid add one to two tbsp. of milk inside the apple and ask your kid to blow the bubbles. Your kid will be amazed at the large number of bubbles that will be created as compared to earlier.

14. Can The Plant Find The Light

You Will Need:

  • A shoebox
  • Some pieces of cardboard
  • A pair of scissors
  • Tape
  • A bean plant

How To:

  1. Cut out a huge hole at the bottom of the shoebox. If there are any other cracks in the box through which light can shine in, tape them up.
  1. Cut out two pieces of cardboard and tape them inside the box on either side. Make sure there is a little space between the two.
  1. Put the shoebox in such a way that the hole is on the top. Nowwater the plantand place inside.
  1. Close the box using tape and place it on a sunny windowsill. Let it sit for about four or five days before opening. The plant will have traveled upwards towards the source of the light.

Can the Plant Find The Light is one of the cheap science experiments for kids.

15. Make An Egg Without A Shell

You Will Need:

  • 16 ounces vinegar
  • 2 glasses
  • Raw eggs

How To:

  1. Slowly place the egg inside the glass and fill it with vinegar to cover it completely.
  1. It can take about 12 to 24 hours for the shell of the egg to dissolve away.
  1. Take the egg out the next day by gently tilting the glass to pour out the liquid.
  1. All you will be left with is a naked egg without a shell.

16. Cloud In A Bottle

You Will Need:

  • A mason jar or glass jar
  • A pot of boiling water
  • Tongs or a hot pad

How To:

  1. Hold the jar with the help of the tongs or heating pad and tip it over the boiling water in an upside down position.
  1. The water will start entering the jar as cloud and will collect around the walls.
  1. Let your kid see the real cloud and see how it vanishes soon.

17. Hand Warmer

You Will Need:

  • 果冻晶体
  • Zipper lock bag
  • Small cup
  • Iron filing
  • Calcium chloride

How To:

  1. Add about 9 oz. of water in the cup and place a scoop of jelly crystals inside. Wait till the crystals grow to their maximum size, by when the water will be completely absorbed.
  1. 添加4汤匙。增长的凝胶y to the zipper lock bag. Next, add 1 tbsp. Iron filing and 1 ½ tbsp. Calcium chloride in the bag.
  1. Squish the bag from the outside to make sure that the contents are properly mixed. Close the zipper.
  1. Shake the bag so that the contents mix up some more. It will soon start giving off heat.

18. Mix Oil And Water

You Will Need:

  • A small empty and see-through bottle of soft drink
  • Food coloring
  • 2 tbsp. cooking oil
  • Dish washing liquid

How To:

  1. Add some food coloring to the water. Pour 2 tbsp. of this water and 2 tbsp. of cooking oil in the bottle.
  1. Close the lid and give it a shake.
  1. Place the bottle back down and see the oil float up to the top.

This is one of the free science experiments for kids where water and oil is easily available at home or school.

19. Create Static Electricity

You Will Need:

  • 1 inflated balloon along with string
  • Aluminum can
  • Woolen fabric

How To:

  1. Rub the balloonsagainst the woolen fabric and rub it against your hair while standing in front of a mirror. Gently pull the balloon away. You will notice your hair sticking to the balloon and moving along with it.
  1. Place the aluminum can on its side on a firm surface and rub the balloon again on your hair. Now take it near the can but don’t touch it. The can will start rolling towards the balloon.

20. Homemade Plastic

You Will Need:

  • 1 tsp laundry borax
  • 1 tbsp. white glue
  • Food coloring
  • 2 cups
  • Spoon

How To:

  1. Mix laundry borax with 5 tbsp. water in a cup and keep stirring till it dissolves.
  1. Add 1 tbsp. water and the white glue in the other cup and add a few drops of food coloring. Stir it with a spoon till it mixes properly.
  1. Take 2 tbsp. ofborax solutioniXA powdered white material that is often used as a home cleanerfrom the other cup and add it to the glue mix. Give it a stir.
  1. While stirring, it will slowly start to turn to a lumpy texture. You can take it out and feel in your hands, it will feel like plastic.

21. Grow Your Bacteria

You Will Need:

  • A petrie dish ofagariXA gelatinous substance made of polysaccharides that dissolves in hot water but is insoluble in cold water
  • Cotton buds
  • Old newspaper

How To:

  1. Prepare the petrie dish of agar and swab the cotton bud on any surface area around your house.
  1. Now rub the swab on the agar, then close the lid and seal the dish.
  1. Let it stay undisturbed in a warm and moist area for about three days.
  1. Let your kid open the dish and see the growth of the bacteria. For the next trial, try using the swab on your kid’s skin and see how the bacteria grows.

22. Glow In The Dark Water

You Will Need:

  • A black light
  • Highlighter pen
  • A dark room

How To:

  1. Break open the highlighter pen, take the felt off and soak it in a little bit of water for a few minutes.
  1. Make sure that the room is dark. Now turn on the black light near the water and see how it will glow.

23. Make A Dry Ice Bubble

You Will Need:

  • A strip of cloth
  • A big bowl with a lip on the top
  • Soapy mix to make bubbles
  • Dry ice

How To:

  1. Put lots of dry ice in the bowl and add a little water. You will notice fumes coming out of the bowl.
  1. Soak the strip of cloth in the soapy mix and run it around the lip and the top of the bowl to help form a layer of bubble over the dry ice.
  1. The bubble will keep growing.

24. Make A Fizzy Lemon Drink

You Will Need:

  • Drinking glass
  • Lemon
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • Sugar as per taste

How To:

  1. Squeeze out all the juice from the lemon and pour it into the glass.
  1. Add an equal amount of water in the glass and add the tsp of baking soda. Stir it nicely.
  1. Add a little sugar if you wish. You will notice that the drink is fizzy and not just plain lemon water.

25. Touching A Bubble With A Straw

You Will Need:

  • Glycerin
  • A small clear dish
  • A blower to blow out the bubbles
  • Straw

How To:

  1. Mix the glycerin and water to make the liquid that will create the bubbles.
  1. Pour it in a dish and let the blower soak in it for a few seconds. Soak the straw in the liquid as well.
  1. Ask your kid to blow out the bubbles and try to touch it with their finger. The bubble will burst.
  1. Next, ask your kid to blow out the bubbles and use a straw to gently touch it. Your kid will be surprised to see that the straw will go through the bubble without making it burst.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the most important science laboratory safety rules?

Prior knowledge about the laboratory equipment is important while performing experiments. Wearing safety gear such as goggles, lab coats, gloves, and the right kind of shoes is also essential. In addition, be very careful while handling the chemicals and other liquids in the lab.

2. How do science experiments help students learn?

While performing experiments, students can come up with a hypothesis, choose different variables for their experiment and come up with data. They can put their theoretical knowledge to practice, thereby enhancing their skills. Science experiments can also enhance students’ critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

3. Why are science lessons important in early childhood?

Young children are naturally curious about the world around them and want to engage in the exploration of how things work. Therefore, helping children understand the essential concepts and the abilities necessary for inquiry-based learning from a young age can go a long way in building theircognitive skillsiXThe ability of the brain that enables one to think, remember, learn, reason, read, and pay attention(1).

科学实验的孩子们可以让他们occupied on holiday and enhance their interest in learning science. Sink or float, sprout a bean, floating egg, ice cool, and color play are some preschoolers’ experiments. Older children can try homemade volcanoes, rock candy, edible bubbles with apples, can the plant find light, and cloud in a bottle. You may explain the science behind the experiment for a deeper understanding. Always ensure their safety and supervise while doing experiments with chemicals or tools. You may suggest age-appropriate experiments for kids to have fun while learning science.

Infographic: Fun Science Experiments Using Water

If you have noticed your child’s interest in science experiments, water is one of the most harmless things you can let them experiment with. You can conduct several experiments by utilizing water’s unique properties. So, let’s go over some ideas for fun and simple science experiments with water.

science experiments using water for kids (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Takeaways

  • Science experiments can spark children’s interest in science and enhance their comprehension of scientific concepts.
  • Kindergarten children can develop intellectual curiosity by engaging in fun experiments like Sink or Float, Invisible Writing, Magnet Play, and Color Play.
  • Glow in the Water, Grow Your Bacteria, and Cloud in a Bottle are some experiments that can help children improve their analytical and observational skills.
  • Experiments like Homemade Plastic, Rock Candy, and Homemade Volcano can encourage children to formulate hypotheses and predictions.
  • By conducting these experiments, children can gain hands-on experience and develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of science.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in oureditorial policy.
  1. Karen K Lind; (1998); Science in Early Childhood: Developing and Acquiring Fundamental Concepts and Skills.
  2. 20 Best Science Projects for Kids of all Abilities

Discover the wonders of science with these easy yet incredible science experiments that are both educative and entertaining. Watch this video to learn simple scientific experiments for kids.

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