17 Simple Ways To Make Her Chase You

You may have met an interesting girl, and you may be looking for tips and tricks on how you can make a girl chase you. You try to do all it takes to garner her attention and want her to revert with the same as well. Society puts the onus of taking the first step in a relationship on a man.Many people might feel that it is only a man’s responsibility to chase a woman and not the other way around.We all have been conditioned to think this way. However, people are getting more broad-minded in recent years and are challenging age-old beliefs. By doing all things right to make yourself irresistible for her, you can make her pursue you, draw her attention toward you and chase you like there is no other man for her out there. If your heart knows that she is the “one” for you, follow the practical tips in the post to make her chase you.

In This Article

17 Ways To Make Her Chase You

While modern women are independent and pursue romance however they want, you can do certain things to make yourself more desirable to them. We’ve listed some handy tips that you can try to make her pursue you.

1. Make a unique first impression

Make a unique first impression to make her want to chase you

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A good first impression can be the difference when trying to impress someone. While impressing someone may come naturally to you, to make her want to chase you, you would like to make a good first impression and a unique one. The chances are that many people have tried flirting or offeringcomplimentsto her in an attempt to entice her and captivate her attention, so try something special that will make you stand out from the crowd and make her remember you. Have a natural attitude and ensure eye contact together with a secure (but not too strong) hand shaking when introducing yourself.

2. Mind your appearance when you are around her

Make sure you’re well-groomed and well-dressed around her. However, do not go overboard and resort to “peacocking.” Make it seem like it is the norm with you. Awoman lovesa man who takes care of his body and appearance. This will intrigue her and make her want to know you even more.

3. Show her your mysterious side

Maintain your allure for her to unravel and further stand out from other potential partners in her life. We’re not saying start acting shady or be evasive and vague during yourconversations. Instead, make yourself some sort of an enigma – someone who isn’t easily figured out – to pique her curiosity and keep her wanting to know more. This will drive her to want to get to know you, and hopefully, pursue a romantic relationship with you.

4. Exude confidence

Exude confidence to make a girl chase you

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Confidence is key, especially when you are in a position where you want her to woo, court, or chase you. When you meet her, project confidence, emit charm, and be friendly.If you act nervous or insecure, she may not only find it unattractive, but also assume that you are not someone who can be taken seriously.

5. Hold back a little

If things have progressed to the point of a relationship, it might be a good idea to hold back a little once in a while to pique her interest. Ask her out occasionally, but don’t go overboard with it. Let her also try to mesmerize or seduce you. This also holds true when gifting, texting, or making general contact with her.

6. Don’t be clingy

It’s good to make yourself dependable to someone you know is fond of you, but there can be a saturation point. If you constantly hover around her, trying to help her at every opportunity, it can come off as clingy.Try to strike a perfect balance by being dependable but not clingyand dazzle her with your genuine care and attentiveness. To demonstrate this, show her that if she needs you, you’re there for her, but for anything else, she needs to reach out to you.

7. Keep any romantic feelings for her a secret

It’s unnecessary to keep your emotions a secret from the woman you’re fond of, but if you want to fascinate her and make her chase you, it becomes almost a requirement. Be agood friendto her, spend time with her, and help her out if she needs, but do not let her know you are interested in her romantically. Avoid obvious flirting andcheesy lines. If she learns you’re obsessed with her, she will think you are always available and may not feel the need to chase or pursue you.

protip_icon Did you know?
Up your fashion game to make your girl go crazy for you. The color red makes men appear more authoritative and romantically desirable to women. So be smart and choose what you wear wisely.

8. Be the one who knows her best

Get to know her well to make her feel comfortable

Image: IStock

A good way to grab her attention and flatter her is by getting to know her well. This will improve the quality of your interactions and overall relationship and make her feel comfortable confiding in you. Start by getting to know her likes and dislikes and her dreams. It is a surefire way to make her smitten by you and make her the person who initiates contact and come to you often.

9. Be playful with her, but within limits

如果你想让她追你,你不能completely be detached from her. You need to be emotionally available when she needs you and be fun to be around. Be someone she enjoys spending time with without giving away just how much those moments mean to you. Be playful with her, make her laugh, and tease her, but make sure you don’t cross any lines or act rude or impolite.

10. Try to make your hangouts a group affair

Interacting with her one-on-one is a good way to get close to her and get to know her better. But it can also give away your intent and your feelings for her if you do it too often. To make it seem like you’re not too interested in her or to at least show her you don’t want to make the first move, try to hang out with mutual friends more often. It will mask your intentions and make her try to grab your attention.

11. Get close to her friends

Without making it too obvious, you can attempt to get closer to her friends as well. This will increase the chances and instances in which you would meet in a group setting. Gain her friends’ trust and admiration. You never know, they might say good things about you to her, thereby helping your case.

12. Be a good listener

Be a good listener and motivate her to talk to you

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People are immediately attracted to good listeners – someone they can talk with or confide in. Be this person for her without making the conversations about yourself or risking oversharing anything. This will further motivate her to want to talk to you and get to know you better since she will also want to be there for you when or if you ever want to share something.

13. Try to be the one who ends a hangout

At the end of every meeting or hangout, someone is inevitably the first to say that they need to go or have something else to do. Ideally, you should always be that person. You need not feel guilty lying about having other things to do as long as you make it clear you had a good time hanging out with her. Leave for the moment, let her know you would like to meet again. This will compel her to want more time with you.

14. Make her a little jealous

A little jealousy is healthy.There are plenty of alluring women who may try to attract your attention orflirt with you, considering you are not officially in a relationship. Try to make her a little jealous or show her that you have people’s attention by indulging in healthy flirting without overdoing it. This might make her prove to you that she’s the best person for you.

15. Challenge her subtly

People love rising to the occasion and impressing someone, particularly somebody they have feelings for. To achieve this, you need to challenge her indirectly and subtly. You could mention that you would love to date a person who shares common hobbies or interests. She will take it as a challenge, so you see her as more than a friend.

protip_icon Quick tip
She is sure to be pleased if you develop a friendship with her siblings or other family members.

16. Make it clear that you’re open to a relationship

Make it clear that you are available for a relationship

Image: IStock

No, you need not confess your undying love for her. Hint that you would be open to a relationship if the “right person” comes along. This will show her that you’re on the same wavelength when it comes to relationships at the moment, that is, you are both ready to date the right person. She might wonder further if she fits into this “right person” criteria and if you’ve thought of her as a potential partner. Keep her guessing, and her curiosity will only grow. She may be further inclined to make the first move.

17. Don’t forget to live your own life

玩游戏或隐藏的东西someone you likecan seem all-consuming at times. It is very easy to lose yourself or forget about your other priorities when playing mind games. Stay focussed and keep living your life as usual while trying to get her to chase you. That means stick to your fitness regime, focus on your work, and meet your friends as usual, so she thinks you are an active, involved, and busy person who does not constantly brood over her. If she sees you as a composed and ambitious person, she will find you irresistible.

经常Asked Questions

1. Should a man chase a woman?

If you are sure about your feelings and think she is the one, there is nothing wrong with chasing her. However, don’t be desperate and go hard at her since that may turn her away from you. Politely make an effort to know more about her and find ways to impress her. If she doesn’t show any interest, end your pursuit, and find someone worthy of your love and affection.

2. When does a woman start chasing a man?

A woman starts chasing a man when she is really into him. Women generally desire a man who is chivalrous, kind, and possesses impressive talents. Some women also chase men who are mysterious and don’t give them the attention they crave.

3. What do I text a girl to make her chase you?

To get a girl to chase you over text, you first need to establish an emotional connection with her. When you know she is attracted to you, keep the conversation interesting by asking her exciting questions. You can also send flirty messages to excite her and create anticipation and leave the conversation, making her want more.

Earlier, it was considered a man’s responsibility to take the first step in a relationship to win the girl. However, with the current trend, many women do not mind expressing their feelings to a man to initiate a relationship. So, if you are interested in a girl, you must pay attention to minute details to make yourself desirable and make a girl chase you. To begin with, create a powerful first impression, make her feel comfortable, be confident, hear her out, and respect her to make her attracted to you. Nevertheless, do not lose yourself, be genuine and maintain good communication to have a good start.

Infographic: Differences Between Chasing Someone And Stalking Someone

Now that you have read about the ways you can get her to chase you, it is vital that you understand the limits of chasing. Obsessed chasing may not be healthy and can be considered stalking. Read the following infographic to learn about the difference between stalking and chasing and the signs you should be aware of if you think you are being stalked.

differences between chasing someone and stalking someone (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • Make a good first impression on the girl to make yourself desirable.
  • Try some unique ways to make her fall for you, and be respectful to her.
  • Be true to her and yourself while you are making her chase you.

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