120+ Lovely 60th Birthday Wishes, Messages & Quotes

The 60th birthday is a significant milestone in a person’s life. Sixty years refers to a full life cycle for people in China. So the 60th birthday wishes ought to be extra special. Six decades of experience with many ups and downs allows developing a unique outlook towards life and deserves a toast. Hence, the new inning of life welcomes freedom and opportunities. Therefore, a well-written birthday wish can make the occasion super special for them. So, if a loved one is near to completing 60 years, check out our list of the best birthday wishes to make them feel the joy and excitement of the special event. They will be glad to know someone appreciates and respects and love you for it.

In This Article

Happy 60th Birthday Wishes

Finding the right words to express your feelings on this monumental occasion may not be as easy as it seems. Hence, here is a compilation of birthday messages to convey your happiness and best wishes to the birthday honoree.

  1. Wish you a year full of joy and love. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. You have aged like a fine wine, smoother and better. Rejoice! For it is your 60th birthday, dear!
  1. You are a warrior who has handled all the challenges in life with a smile. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. A 60th birthday is special; you are not only wiser, but also calmer. Happy birthday!
  1. You might be 60 years old today, but you are young at heart and full of glee.Happy birthday!
  1. Happy 60th birthday, dear! Remember, 60 is just a number; it doesn’t matter unless you are a cheese.
  1. 恭喜你!你已经达到了里程碑e of 60! Remember, the best things in life still await you. Have a wonderful birthday!
  1. At 30, you were a sensation, today at 60, you are an inspiration. You already know my words of appreciation. Happy Birthday!
  1. You are an epitome of beauty and grace. With laughter lines etched on your face, you continue to amaze us. You are proof that some people become better with age. Happy birthday.
  1. 让我们高兴地跳舞,庆祝60 glorious years of beautiful memories with good food and drinks and amazing stories! Happy birthday, darling!
  1. May your 60th birthday be the best one yet. It has been an honor knowing you. Many many happy returns of the day, my dear friend!
  1. Sending you a hug, a kiss, a blessing, and a beautiful birthday wish to celebrate 60 years of love and bliss. Happy 60th birthday, my dear.
  1. Happy 60th birthday, dear. May you continue to brighten everyone’s life with your beautiful laughter and kindness.
  1. May you continue to fulfill your dreams and make more wonderful memories. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. It is not the years that matter but the fulfilling life that you have lived. Felicitations on your 60th birthday!
  1. I can’t believe you are 60 already! You seem to be aging in reverse. Have an amazing birthday, my Benjamin Button.
  1. Have a fantabulous birthday, my dear, and do not forget to tell us the secret of your eternal youth.
  1. Continue to live life on your own terms. I wish you good health and a happy heart. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. Who says you are 60? You are 20 at heart, sweetheart! Many many happy returns of the day. Let the festivity begin!
  1. Happy birthday, my darling. May 60 be the beginning of something beautiful and new, and may all your dreams come true.
  1. At 60, you are not a relic; you are transforming into an undeniable classic. Happy birthday!
  1. You might be 60, but your heart is 20, strong and healthy! Happy birthday!
  1. Happy birthday to the gorgeous 60-year-old! May you continue to keep everyone around you cheerful.
  1. 60 is a license to be carefree and crazy, so let the madness begin! Happy birthday.
  1. On this festive occasion, wishing you a 60th birthday as phenomenal as you are!
  1. At 60, may you find 60 more reasons to be happy. Many many happy returns of the day!
  1. Congratulations on turning 60! Now you have the time and money to fulfill all your dreams.
  1. Happy 60th birthday! May you continue to redefine 60 with your poise and charisma.
  1. You have experienced six beautiful decades in your life. May God bless you with six more decades as wonderful as the ones gone by. Happy birthday!
  1. Goodbye, youth! Welcome, senior citizen discounts. Enjoy your 60thbirthday!
  1. With a body that looks 40, you are anything but old! You are 60 years young, dear. Happy birthday!
  1. Today is the day to reflect on your past with a smile on your face and a spark in your eyes. Happy birthday!
  1. Happy 60th birthday to the person who makes the lives of everyone around him beautiful and brighter. Happy birthday, sweetie!

Funny 60th Birthday Wishes

Happy 60th birthday, oldie

Image: IStock

If the birthday honoree has a good sense of humor,funny birthdaymessages could be the best way to make them laugh. Here are some wishes that take funny potshots at old age.

  1. Happy 60th birthday, dear! Honestly, you don’t look a day over 50… a year over 50 is more like it! Hahahaa, just kidding!
  1. Happy 60th birthday, oldie! Thank you for making us look younger.
  1. Congratulations, you have reached the age when you need to conceal your wrinkles and wear your shiny new teeth. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. Sixty years old, and you have finally managed to look good. Happy birthday, old friend!
  1. They say 60 is the new 40, but in your case, 60 is the new 70! Hahaha. Happy birthday, old man!
  1. Congratulations on turning 60! Don’t allow your age to get you down; it will be difficult to get back up.
  1. Do you know what the saddest thing about celebrating a 60th birthday is? Too many candles and so less cake. Haha. Happy birthday!
  1. The benefit of being 60 is that you can get away with anything in the name of old age. Salutations and many many happy returns of the day!
  1. They say grey hair is a symbol of wisdom; with so much grey hair, you must be a genius! Happy birthday, dear.
  1. You know you are old when your idea of contentment is deep, undisturbed sleep. Happy 60th birthday, big old guy!
  1. At 60, you have learned all the important lessons in your life; the difficult part is remembering them. Happy birthday!
  1. A secret formula for eternal youth has been discovered. There is no use telling you now; you already missed the youth bus. Happy birthday, old man!

60th Birthday Wishes For Friend

Surprise, it's your 60th birthday mate!

Image: IStock

Good friendsare your true companions in the ups and downs of life. Here are some birthday wishes to make your partner in crime feel special.

  1. Welcome to the 60’s club! Now we can become senile together. Happy birthday, old friend!
  1. Happy 60th birthday to the oldest and forever partner in crime!
  1. 60岁生日快乐,我的朋友。变老了不mean you should stop having fun. Let’s continue to make more beautiful memories together!
  1. Forget your worries and let go of your fears; it’s your 60th birthday! Enjoy and say cheers! Happy birthday, buddy.
  1. Wrinkles are laugh lines that indicate you have lived the 60 years of your life with loads of joy and laughter. Happy 60th birthday, mate!
  1. With every passing year, your charisma seems to multiply. Happy 60th birthday, my friend.
  1. Welcome to the fabulous 60 club, mate! Let’s enjoy senior discounts together. Happy birthday!
  1. The big 6-0! Cheers to the six decades of craziness and fun. Happy birthday, my favorite person!
  1. Learn to count your age by the number of friends, not by your age in years; remember the beautiful memories and forget your fears. Happy 60th birthday, buddy.
  1. Happy birthday, my loyal friend. Keep rocking that grey hair and a crooked smile. Sixty looks great on you.
  1. They say the sixties is the beginning of your life’s sunset period, but always remember that the sunset offers one of the most glorious views. So, enjoy this glorious period in your life, my friend. Happy birthday.
  1. With 60 years on this beautiful Earth, you may have at least 60 things to be thankful for. But do you know what I am most grateful for? It’s you, my old friend. Your company makes every moment more joyous and fulfilling. Happy birthday!
  1. At 60, may God fulfill your 60 million wishes.Happy birthday, my friend!
  1. You can’t run away from being 60 anymore; running is for the young. Let’s just chill and have fun together. Happy birthday, buddy!
  1. Dear friend, 60th birthday is not just an additional candle on your cake; it is God’s gift of one more year to brighten your life.
  1. You have a lot more fire than all your birthday candles combined! Happy birthday, old friend.
  1. They say old is gold, but you, my friend, are a diamond, precious and rare. Happy birthday.
  1. 嘿,停止计算你生命中的里程碑,一个d celebrate them with us by your side. Congratulations on your new milestone. Happy 60th birthday, buddy.
  1. May you always be surrounded by people who love you and understand what a precious gem you are! Happy 60th birthday, my friend.

60th Birthday Wishes For Sister

You inspire me every day

Image: IStock

You may fight a lot with your sister, but she is your best confidante and closest companion. Here is a list of birthday wishes to congratulate her on achieving this milestone.

  1. Happy 60th birthday to my forever playmate and protector. You deserve all the love and adulation that comes your way, sis!
  1. You are my older sister, but you look younger than me! This is not praise, it is the truth. Happy 60th birthday, sis.
  1. Thank you for being another mother and filling my childhood with love and happiness. Sis, 60 looks amazing on you. Happy birthday.
  1. Sixty is the new sexy, sis! Rock this phase! Happy birthday.
  1. I wish I can be as regal and poised as you are at 60. Happy birthday, my beautiful sister!
  1. While growing old may be compulsory, growing up is not, so continue to be young at heart, sis. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. Today will go down in history; my amazing sister is turning 60! Happy birthday, oldie!
  1. As you turn 60, may you look back at life with gratitude and let go of all the regrets. Happy birthday, sister!
  1. You may be the older sister, but you are not old. Today, you are 365 times wiser than last year. Happy 60th birthday, dear.
  1. Happy 60th birthday, sis! May our bond continue to grow stronger for 60 more years.
  1. You don’t have grey hair; it’s a silver crown fit for the queen you are! Happy 60th birthday, gracious sister.
  1. It’s time to stop borrowing my make up and start rocking your wrinkles. Happy birthday, sis!
  1. Sixty may have added wrinkles on your beautiful face, but your amazing personality shines through. Happy birthday, my beautiful sister!
  1. Antiques are priceless, and so are you, sister. Happy 60th birthday, old girl.
  1. 姐妹们是英雄没有斗篷;他们总是让you feel happy and safe. May this milestone year fill your life with all the happiness and joy in the world. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. I can’t keep calm; it’s my sister’s 60th birthday, so let’s dance and sing a song. Happy birthday, darling!
  1. You are not 60; you are turning 30 for the second time. Let’s have twice the fun and enjoy the wine. Happy birthday, sis!
  1. Happy 60th birthday, sister. You inspire me every day.

60th Birthday Wishes For Dad

Dad, you are not growing old

Image: IStock

Your dad has always been your biggest protector and cheerleader. It is now your turn to take care of him. Here is a list of birthday wishes to convey your feelings to him on this amazing day.

  1. Happy 60th birthday to the most amazing dad ever!
  1. I don’t know what 60 feels like, but I want to be as amazing as you when I am 60. Happy birthday, Dad!
  1. When I was a kid, I admired you, and now that you are 60, I continue to admire you. Happy birthday, dad!
  1. Thank you, Dad, for always believing in me and making me the person I am today. I love you. Happy birthday!
  1. Dad, you are not growing old; you are just becoming more fabulous and distinguished. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. You are becoming more precious as you age, like a beautiful vintage car. Happy 60th birthday, Dad!
  1. Congrats, Dad, for successfully completing 60 amazing visits around the sun! Get ready for many more. Happy 60th birthday, my Superman!
  1. May your 60th birthday be as funny and crazy as you are! Happy birthday, Dad!
  1. The one who taught me how to walk, gave me a hug when I cried non-stop, and showed me how to dress and play is turning 60 today! Happy birthday, dad!
  1. Dad, your favorite rock song may be old now, but you are still young and rocking. Happy birthday, my rockstar!
  1. Dad, you have always inspired me to be grateful for each day and confront the challenges head-on and with a smiling face. I am forever grateful that you are my dad. Happy 60th birthday!

60th Birthday Wishes For Mom

You continue to redefine what youth is

Image: IStock

Your mother is your first teacher and friend. Check out this list of special wishes for mom and choose the one that will perfectly convey your feelings for her on this joyous occasion.

  1. If there were an award for the best mom in the world, you would win it forever. Happy 60th birthday, mom!
  1. You are 60 years old today, mom, and I still can’t match up to your beauty and grace. Keep shining like always. Happy birthday, my beauty!
  1. You have lived your life for us; now, it’s time to live just for yourself. Happy 60th birthday, mom!
  1. Mom, you are the best thing that has happened to me. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. You don’t have to hide your age, mummy; you may be 60, but you look 30 and fabulous. Happy birthday!
  1. Hey mom, you are 60! Now, you have amazing new superpowers, including driving slow even in the fast lane and getting senior discounts everywhere. Happy birthday!
  1. Hey mom, you are 60 years of all the classic awesomeness rolled into a wonderful person. Happy 60th birthday, rockstar!
  1. In school, I used to think that I had the most beautiful mother ever! I still think the same. Happy 60th birthday, mom!
  1. Your hair has natural silver highlights now, with each strand telling a story of your wisdom and experience. Happy 60th birthday, mom!
  1. At 60, you have more energy and vigor than any person I know. Happy 60th birthday, my supermom!
  1. I hope this new decade fills your life with unparalleled happiness and love. Happy birthday, mom;I love you so much!
  1. Every moment with you has always been special. You make even the most difficult tasks look easy; you are truly magical. Happy 60th birthday, mom!
  1. With your bright and sunny personality, you continue to redefine what youth is. Happy 60th birthday, mom!

60th Birthday Wishes For Brother

Your brother has been your best and longest companion. His 60th birthday is a great occasion to relive your beautiful childhood memories. Here are a few birthday wishes to wish him the best on this amazing occasion.

  1. At 30, you were a heartthrob, and at 60, you are still charming. Happy 60th birthday, brother!
  1. They say old age makes you wiser; I hope you can finally wise up now! Happy 60th birthday I love you loads!
  1. On this landmark occasion of your 60th birthday, let’s celebrate all our beautiful childhood memories. Since you are growing old, you may not remember them next year! Happy birthday, older brother.
  1. All my life, you have been the handsome one. Now that you are becoming old, I can finally take that title. Happy 60th birthday, bro. Enjoy this new phase.
  1. Happy 60th birthday, brother! Your presence makes this world a better place. Keep shining always!
  1. We have loved like no other, laughed like mad together, and fought with each other. May this bond grow stronger forever! Happy 60th birthday, brother.
  1. People always say that we are two peas in a pod, but remember, I am the better looking, smarter, and younger one! Happy 60th birthday, bro!
  1. Just like all your secrets, the secret of your real age is safe with me! Happy 60th birthday, brother!
  1. I will always be thankful to you for always being there for me in my ups and downs. You are my rock. Happy 60th birthday, sweet bro!
  1. As you are celebrating your 60th birthday today, I have more than 60 reasons why I love you so much! Happy birthday, big brother.
  1. Happy 60th birthday to the most amazing brother in the world. May this day bring you infinite joy and good health.
  1. I know getting old is sad, but you make it look happening and easy. Happy 60th birthday, my crazy brother!
  1. Don’t curse your poor eyesight, bro; it protects you from the shock of looking at yourself in the mirror! Happy 60th birthday!
  1. From worrying about a single strand of white hair to rocking a full head of silver with a smile, you have matured, little brother. May God bless you with all the happiness in the world. Happy 60th birthday!
  1. Age is one thing that only goes up, never down, so stop moping and start living. Happy 60th birthday, bro!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a 60th birthday called?

The 60th birthday is called a diamond jubilee. The word ‘diamond’ refers to the color representing the 60th birthday, whereas ‘jubilee’ is used for celebratory occasions, such as a birthday or anniversary. A person who has turned 60 is called a Sexagenarian.

2. What does the 60th birthday symbolize?

The 60th birthday is considered a milestone in several cultures. In some cultures, completing 60 years of life means an individual has seen a full cycle of life. A 60-year-old usually has children and grandchildren with whom they can spend a quality life. Since life has blessed the person with wonderful years, celebrating this milestone with grandeur is common. People spend this special day with family and friends to create memories for life.

3. What is the traditional gift for a 60th birthday?

It is believed that the traditional gift for a 60th birthday is a diamond. However, there are no strict rules. You can gift your loved one anything you think will make him feel loved and respected. Some people buy gifts and some follow the DIY route. Whatever gift you choose, try to make it personalized to bring a big smile to your loved one’s face.

If your near or dear ones are going to turn 60, receiving some special 60th birthday wishes could put a smile on their face and make their day happier. So go ahead and select the perfect message for your loved one or try to craft a personalized message by drawing inspiration from these messages. You could write them on a greeting card or pen them down on a special note with a birthday gift. You could also put these short and sweet messages on a birthday banner to add to the decor. Plan the event by inviting their favorite people to make it memorable.

Infographic: 60th Birthday Quotes By Your Favorite Celebs

Celebrating this major milestone of a 60th birthday can be exciting. While you enjoy the celebrations, here are some celebrity quotes that you might want to incorporate in your speech for a 60th birthday party or use them to create interesting greetings.

celebrity quotes about 60th birthday (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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