To All the Homebodies Of The World: The Holidays This Year Were Meant For Us

I’ve always been a sucker for traditions. It makes me feel like I’m a part of a community and helps me respect, understand, and value another person’s sentiments towards festivals. Ever since I married my wonderful husband, we decided to uphold traditions and make new ones as we embark upon our new journey. I was thankful that he belonged to a different culture, and I got the opportunity to explore and celebrate other traditions because of it. While every festive tradition is fun, exciting, and has its own significance, my personal favorite is Christmas. It always has been and most likely always will be.

美丽的装饰,delicious food, and treats, and the festivities that fill up our homes are things I wait for every year. After I had kids, my husband and I started doing Christmas visits during the holiday season. We would pack a few treats and gather our kids and visit every aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandparent there is. It was fun, no doubt, but I have to admit that it was quite tiring.

I have three children who are about 2-3 years apart from each other. My eldest one is 8 years old, and he is a good kid. My second child is as naughty as they come, and she’s only 5. She loves to trouble her older brother and create commotion at home. My youngest just turned 3. She is a delight but hogs up all my time. I am not complaining (maybe a little), but being a mom is a lot of work. Being a mom of three is much more than I anticipated.

It’s a full house, and while that’s lovely, it comes back to bite me in the back when we have to travel or go on visits. Christmas visits are chaotic. It’s hectic for me because I have to take care of everything. Who has to make sure everyone is well-fed and rested before we hit the road? Me. Who has to pack everyone’s favorite snacks for the road? Me. Who has to ensure that my kids don’t fight and yell at each other? Me. And getting all this done while going on Christmas visits sure takes the festivities out of it.

Image: Shutterstock

As a homebody, this year was a blessing, despite everything that has happened. The holiday season was a break for me compared to the madness that every year entails. Due to the unfortunate events of the year and everyone trying to survive the pandemic, visits were deemed unsafe. We decided to stay home and connect with our relatives and close friends via virtual calls.

My kids missed their visits to see Santa Claus; their grandparents, and cousins and were a little bummed. But I? I was relieved. I got a little break from the hectic holiday routine. I get to spend quality time with my family at home, and I was thrilled about that.

I know that we’ve all been cooped up indoors all year, but as a homebody, I am glad that I get to call the shots this year to celebrate the holidays. I get to open gifts in my home and bake delicious treats with my kids. I don’t have to worry about going out to visit my parents or my in-laws. I don’t have to prepare myself mentally to pretend to like my sister-in-law, who is so opportunistic that it makes me sick to my stomach. Most of all, I don’t have to worry about my kids and their safety by stepping out during this time.

To all the homebodies of the world, this holiday season was a treat and a blessing for me, and I know you feel the same way. When everything goes back to normal, we will have to step up our mom game and go back to being the badass woman we are but until then, let’s be thankful for this holiday miracle and raise our glasses to stay in bed!

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