Does Toilet-Sharing Influence Your Marriage?

What’s the secret to a happy married life? A few years back, when I posed this question to some friends, they gave me various answers. “Happiness and marriage is an oxymoron.” “Love and understanding.” “Caring and sharing.” The likes. But one answer from a friend stood out. She nonchalantly said, “Accepting the truth that you’ll be sharing your toilet with someone for the rest of your life!” Amusing, isn’t it? At that time, I didn’t give it much of a thought. But now, especially in light of the current toilet-building drives, I realize what she meant.

Just like our basic manners, our toilet-usage etiquettes are also different. It can be influenced by cultural, societal, and economic backgrounds as well. Not to mention, men and women use toilets differently. So, how does that influence a marriage? One way we’ll answer this question for you is by reminding you of a recent Bollywood movie on the subject.Toilet – Ek Prem Katha(Toilet – A Love Story) explored the influence that a simple toilet (or lack of it) has on a couple’s otherwise blissful marriage and their struggle to get a dignified way of relieving themselves in private. Of course, the movie did it with a good dose of Bollywood drama. But I guess we all got the point, right?

Image: Shutterstock

当我们认为婚姻是分享我们的生活智慧h a special person, we often imagine sharing food, family issues, quality time, and even finances. But toilet-sharing doesn’t even cross our minds. This, despite the fact that we’ve come across several divorce cases from different parts of the world where couples complained about their spouse not putting the toilet seat up! Some of us may have even wondered if it really was such a big deal. But then, why shouldn’t it be?

Having access to a clean and hygienic toilet is probably one of the most important aspects of our lives. However, it isn’t discussed as often as it should be. This is probably why most couples aren’t aware of it until the time they get married. If their spouse happens to be from a different background where the toilet was used in a different manner, then they are quick to get upset on finding an unclean, unhygienic way of use by their better half. Most couples might not realize it, but a bad toilet-sharing habit can act as a trigger behind their frequent fights.

Some Toilet-Sharing Etiquettes For Couples

Image: Shutterstock

Here are a few basics to sharing a toilet with your spouse:

  • Avoid sitting in the toilet for a long time after peeing or pooping. Be considerate to the fact that your partner might want to use it.
  • If you have a habit of reading in the loo (yes, a lot of people do), then make sure you take out the magazine or newspaper when you walk out of the toilet door.
  • If you use a western commode, then men need to always put the seat down after using it.
  • Women should try and wrap the used sanitary pads in a paper cover so it does not open in the garbage bin.
  • Do not flush condoms or sanitary pads.
  • Leave the toilet slippers dry enough for the other person to use.
  • If you have an attached bathroom with a toilet, then make sure you don’t leave the soap remnants on the floor after a bath. Splash a few mugs of water to clean the bathroom floor of soap and lather.
  • Use a shower curtain.
  • Remove your used clothes and undies from the bath rack after a bath.
  • Don’t overfill the toilet garbage bin. Take turns to empty the garbage.
  • Use toilet fresheners.

A toilet is a basic necessity in our lives. Using it in an unhygienic way can not only have an adverse effect on your relationship but can also dent your reputation in your spouse’s eyes. Therefore, it is important to keep these etiquettes in mind, because, in the end, your health is at stake too.

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