Weight Gain After Stopping Breastfeeding: Causes And Tips to Avoid It


Most lactating mothers worry about the increased possibilities of weight gain after breastfeeding.This is becauselactationiXProcess of secretion and feeding of breastmilk after childbirthassists in postpartum weight loss. During exclusive nursing (the first six months), you may consume an excess of about 400-500 kilocalories per 24 hours formilk production(1). However, the process of breastfeeding affects the metabolism, due to which you may end up losing some weight.

In this post, we discuss the effects of lactation and its link with maternal weight gain. While on the topic, note that dieting is not recommended during lactation as it may comprise the nutritional needs of the mother and the baby.

In This Article

Will You Gain Weight Once You Stop Nursing?

There is no substantial research-based evidence that linksweaningiXProcess of transitioning a baby’s diet from breastmilk or formula to solids and other liquidsand weight gain.It is true that breastfeeding burns more calories and also makes metabolism more efficient(2). However, the likelihood of weight gain after cessation of breastfeeding could vary from one woman to another. While some women gain weight after they wean their babies, it does not happen with all women.

What Causes Weight Gain After Weaning The Baby?

Some women may notice weight gain after they wean their baby.

Trista Best, a registered dietitian from Dalton, Georgia, says,“When moms begin weaning their breastfed babies, the extra calorie need decreases. However, sometimes, moms will experience weight gain after weaning their baby and no longer making breast milk. This can have two causes: hormones and overeating on calories. A breastfeeding and weaning mom’s hormones are changing daily, which can cause the body to hold on to more weight. The weaning mother may also continue to eat the same calories that she ate while breastfeeding out of habit. This can cause weight gain.”

The weight gain may occur due to the following causes.

1. Caloric surplus

The caloric surplus may cause weight gain after breastfeeding.

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Breastfeeding mothers need more calories to meet their requirements for nutrition and breast milk production(3). Thus, your appetite may increase during breastfeeding, and it may stay that way for a while even after you wean your baby. The excess calories may eventually lead to weight gain. The effects of caloric surplus could be compounded by a lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

2. Hormonal changes

Prolactin andoxytociniXA hormone that stimulates let down of the accumulated milk while nursingare hormones that play a significant role in breastmilk production.Once you stop breastfeeding, these hormones begin to drop. Both oxytocin and prolactin play an essential role in your emotional wellness. Some women mayexperience depressionor feel low, causing them to binge eat, which could cause weight gain(4).

Elliot Reimers,a NASM-certified nutrition coach, explains,“Mothers experience hormonal changes after weaning, which can make them feel down. Weaning also makes them feel that they have lost connection with their child now that the child is growing up and ‘no longer needs her.’ When they feel negative emotions, some mothers turn to stress eating, leading to weight gain.”

protip_icon Quick fact
It may take as long as six months for your hormones to return to pre-pregnancy level after stopping breastfeeding(6).

Tips To Avoid Weight Gain After Weaning

Dr. Brittany Robles, a New York-basedOB/Gyn and NASM-certified professional trainer, says,“Once you stop breastfeeding, it is important to decrease your food intake a bit to compensate for the drop in your body’s energy requirement. It doesn’t have to be all at once. You can do this by gradually decreasing your serving sizes. Don’t eliminate foods, just eat a slightly smaller portion. Over time, your hunger and appetite will adjust to the change in caloric intake.”

The following tips could help you manage your food intake to shed the extra weight you gained after weaning your baby.

Eat healthy snacks to get nutrients and calories.

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  • Keep an eye on what you eat. Try to work on reducing the food intake gradually.
  • Avoid rapid weight loss diets since they may make you cave into your cravings eventually, adversely affecting your maternal health.
  • Listen to your body and eat only when you are hungry. Do not overeat.
  • Eathealthy snacks, such as fruits and nuts, to provide yourself with the necessary nutrients and calories.

protip_icon Quick tip
Avoid multitasking during mealtimes and focus on eating. Eating mindfully will help you know when you are full and prevent overeating(7).

You may also make the following changes to your lifestyle.
  • Engaging in moderate exercise is beneficial for weight management. If you do not have more free time on hand, you may spread out your workouts into various parts across the day.
  • You may exercise 15-20 times multiple times a day.
Try fun workouts that can be done along with the baby.

Image: Shutterstock

  • Stay active whenever possible. For instance, if you can walk to a place, then avoid using the car or bus.
  • Set realistic goals. Losing excess weight could take weeks or even months. Respect your body’s limits, and do not push it to the point that you risk injury.
  • You may try some fun workout ideas that can be done along with the babyhere.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I lose my belly after breastfeeding?

You may reduce the extra calories you consume and work out regularly to reduce belly fat once your baby is weaned. If you do not get the desired results, speak to a dietician for a suitable diet plan.

2. Can I still produce milk years after stopping breastfeeding?

Some women may experience milk discharge for up to two to three years after weaning the baby off breast milk. The milky discharge typically involves both the breasts. However, not all women may experience this (5).

3. Does the frequency of breastfeeding before stopping affect the likelihood of weight gain?

Increased breastfeeding may impact postpartum weight retention. According to a study, mothers who fully breastfeed their babies for a prolonged period (at least three months) had reduced pregnancy weight retention (8).

Some women associate breastfeeding with weight gain, but no studies have proven the same. However, after weaning a baby, weight gain in some women could be due to hormonal changes or surplus calories. Moderate exercise, eating a healthy diet, and staying active as much as possible are a few tips that can help manage weight gain after breastfeeding the baby. However, note that losing the extra baby weight will take time, so do not rush to lose weight faster.

信息图:断奶后身体变化,提示To Manage

Cessation of breastfeeding brings noticeable changes in a mother’s body. Knowing how to deal with this phase could ease your concerns to a large extent. Explore this infographic for helpful tips and share it with your friends and fellow mothers.

stopping breastfeeding body changes and ways to deal (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • 没有实质性的科学证据ght gain after cessation of breastfeeding.
  • Hormonal changes, caloric surplus, and changes in eating habits and lifestyle can be reasons for weight gain after breastfeeding.
  • Eating healthy, indulging in physical activities, and limiting excess calories or empty calories can help prevent weight gain after breastfeeding.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in oureditorial policy.
1.Erica P. Gunderson,Impact of Breastfeeding on Maternal Metabolism: Implications for Women with Gestational Diabetes;US National Library of Medicine
2. Hayden W. Hyatt et al.,Lactation has persistent effects on a mother’s metabolism and mitochondrial function;Scientific Reports volume 7
3.Maternal Diet;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4.After weaning – what next?;La Leche league
5.Lactating but not nursing; Go Ask Alice
6.Changes That Come with Weaning; Texas Health
7.Losing weight after pregnancy; MedlinePlus
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