20 Most Beautiful Princess Names For Your Baby Girl

For parents, their daughters are no less than any princess. So, when choosing a suitable name for them, you can opt for beautiful princess names to choose the right one. Princesses are elegant, dignified, well-mannered, and know how to carry themselves. Young girls aspire to be like real or fictional princesses, so these names can make them feel like one. Whether it’s real-life royals like Princess Diana or Disney princesses like Rapunzel, we can’t help but feel awed and inspired by these ladies. Their good deeds and kindness will motivate your child to do the same. So, go through the unique names listed below to choose a favorite.

20 Baby Names That Mean Princess For Girls

1. Ameerah:

Ameerah is a name ofArabic origin。这是一个叫阿米拉的变体。父母给this regal name to girls who arrive in the world during the harvest feast of Shavuot. The name is gaining popularity and will soon be among the top 100 names.

2. Putri:

If you want a name that sounds different, yet has a traditional appeal, then you must pick this one. Putri is an Indonesian name meaning daughter or princess. It is an increasingly fashionable name in the Asian countries.

3. Sarai:

The name Sarai has a Biblical connection. In the Old Testament, the Almighty changed Sarai’s name to Sarah. Sharai is another lovely variation of this name.

4. Sera:

Here is one of the uniqueprincess baby names。If the name Sarai didn’t appeal to you, then you can go for Sera. It is a variant of the name Sarai with a greater global appeal than the original. You can also use Sera as a nickname if you name your daughter Seraphina.

5. Sadie:

Sadie was originally a nickname for Sarah. While Sarah is a sweet and elegant name, Sadie is full of spunk. Today, it is among the top 50 names for girls. Even Christina Applegate chose the name for her daughter.

6. Zadie:

Zadie is a modern variation of the name Sadie. The name became popular when the British writer Sadie Smith changed her name to the zippy and distinctive Zadie. But Zadie was an evergreen choice since ages. It ranked 539 in 1881 and remained on the list of the top 1000 names for almost thirty years.

7. Soraya:

Image: Shutterstock

Soraya isan exotic namethat became popular in the West thanks to the Iranian empress. Soraya is a distant relative of the names Zara, Sarah, Sarai, and Zahara. The name is now even more popular now than it was decades ago.

8. Zarouhi:

Zarouhi is another lyrical name that you can consider for your little princess. The name was popular hundreds of years ago and now seems to be on the threshold of a revival. Zarouhi would make a wonderful alternative to the overused name Zara.

9. Avantika:

Avantika is one of our favorite princess girl names. It was among the top 100 Indian names for more than a decade. The name is widely popular in England.

10. Zara:

Zara is an evocative name of Arabic origin. It was earlier a popular name for sultry characters in movies and novels. But Princess Anne defied the royal convention by giving her daughter this exotic name in 1981. Some people also spell Zara as Zarah and Zahra.

protip_icon Did you know?
Princess Anne’s daughter Zara Tindall, a member of Great Britain’s Equestrian team, won a silver medal at the 2012 Olympics.

11. Damyanti:

Damyanti will also make a great name for your baby. It is an Indian name ofBengali origin。Damyanti is a unique choice among the traditional female names meaning princess. It sounds both powerful and dainty.

12. Tiana:

Image: IStock

The name Tiana has been climbing the popularity charts quickly as the name of Disney’s first African-American princess. Tiana has a lightness and innocence to it. It is also diminutive of Tatiana and Christina.

13. Sally:

Sally is a cheerful, girl-next-door name that was once a nickname for Sarah. The name was very popular in the 18th century and from 1920s to 1930s. We see Sally regaining its position on the popularity charts. Sally Ride, the astronaut and Sally Field, the Hollywood actor are some famous celebrities who have this name.

14. Farsiris:

Farsiris is aunique namethat you can gift your dear daughter. It has a soft and gentle sound perfect for your delicate darling.

15. Alyssa:

Alyssa is one of the evergreen choices for baby girl names that mean princess. It is a variant of the name Alice. Alyssa Milano is a popular bearer of this name. We feel that the popularity of this name is far from shrinking.

16. Shahzadi:

Shahzadi is an Arabic name, meaning princess. If Shahzadi sounds too over the top to you, then you can go for Shiza.

17. Aricia:

The name Aricia spells feminine charm. It sounds lovely and poetic. The name started climbing the popularity charts about a decade ago. In Greek, Aricia means “princess of Athens”.

protip_icon Did you know?
Aricia is also a butterfly genus in the Lycaenidae, the second-largest butterfly family with over 6,000 species worldwide.

18. Bano:

Image: Shutterstock

Bano is a prim and properPersian name。The traditional name appeals to parents even today.

19. Saina:

Saina is one of the short and sweet princess names for baby girl. The name got a big jump on the popularity charts thanks to the Indian badminton champion Saina Nehwal.

20. Sabrina:

It is the Latin name for the River Severn. It means a princess in Spanish. Sabrina is a surprise hit in the recent years. It is also the name of a legendary Celtic Goddess. Sabina and Serena are some similar names that you can also consider for gifting your daughter.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are princess names suitable for boys and girls or geared toward girls?

Princess names are gender-specific, so they are most suitable for girls. For boys, you can look for prince names.

2. Can choosing a princess name for my child impact their personality or future aspirations in any way?

A princess name may make your child feel special growing up, as some girls love to be known as princesses. However, as she grows older, her princess name hardly matters to her and will make no difference to her personality or ambition.

3. How can I choose a princess name that reflects my cultural heritage or personal values?

You can choose the name of a princess who belonged or still belongs to your country or follows your culture. It will help you stay connected with your roots.

4. What are some potential downsides to choosing a princess name for my child?

Some princess names can be outdated for the current generation, while others can be too common.

尽管很难选择正确的名字for your little one, we are sure this list will make the task easier. We have listed some of the finest princess names for your daughter. Most of these names are inspired by various languages and cultures across the world. In addition, we have ensured to include names that either mean princess or connote the meaning. We hope you have found this list helpful and could find a worthy name for the future queen of your house.

Infographic: Princess Names From Movies For Your Baby Girl

Giving your baby a name inspired by movies is a common tradition nowadays, and if you are expecting a baby girl, one of the first inspirations for baby names that come into our mind are those of princesses. Read this infographic to get a list of princess names from some popular movies.

princess baby names (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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