Top 5 Food Ideas For Your 5 Months Baby

断奶后,婴儿的固体食物最好include food from all major food groups. You can go through some of the best choices of 5 months baby food to introduce to your little one.

According to pediatricians, healthy babies should start their solid food diet by five to six months.The meals should have diversity in them.This will help them get the required nutrition and familiarize themselves with different tastes. Since their immune system is still developing, they need the right nutrients for healthy growth(1).

Keep reading as we have put together a list of ideas for the best food for your five-month-old baby.

In This Article

Giving Your Baby Right Amount Of Food

Unless your baby has medical conditions that require a specific diet, offering solid foods is suitable at the start of the fifth month(2).Do not expect your darling to lick clean her bowl right away!It may take a while since it is a new experience, but soon enough, your baby will adapt to the changing meal type. With time, you can increase the portion as well.

Using the right type of feeding accessories is also important.Soft baby spoonsand glasses (preferably made from baby-friendly material) should be used. Some babies take time to understand the chewing and swallowing mechanism and you should not force them to.

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Top 5 Ideas For 5 Months Baby Food

Here are our recommendations for solids introduction to your baby(1)(2):

1. Cereals:

Offer softened cereals to a 5 months old babyOffer softened cereals to a 5 months old baby

Image: Shutterstock

When your baby reaches five months, start giving him oatmeal and rice based cereals and porridge.Don’t forget to add breastmilk, formula or water to the cereal, to soften the texture!

  • For the first time, avoid using flavored cereals; stick to plain cereals.
  • When you see that the baby likes cereal, introduce other variants gradually.
  • You can even slightly heat the cereal (just pop it in the microwave!) to make it mushier.
protip_icon Quick tip
Begin with single-grain, unsweetened, and iron-fortified cereals for your babies(8).

2. Fruits:

Fruits are packed with vitamins and 5 months is the right age for your baby to try them.

  • At the beginning, fruits should be mashed and slightly cooked before you can offer that to your child.
  • You can start giving bananas as they do not need to be cooked or avocados too.
  • Make sure you only give ripe and tender fruits to your baby.

Registered dietitianBrittany Beaver says, “五个月大的时候,很可能你的宝宝不会be eating large portions, maybe even just one to two tablespoons per day. You can offer a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and proteins in different forms.

“However, per the American Academy of Pediatrics, fruit juice is not recommended for children under one year. Infants have a small stomach, and offering a high-sugar beverage like juice will displace the room they have for more nutrient-dense foods or breast milk/formula.”

3. Vegetables:

Offer well-cooked vegetable purees to 5-months-old-baby

Image: Shutterstock

Vegetables like potatoes, carrots and papaya can be offered to your baby in cooked form when he reaches the fifth month.

  • Ensure the veggies are thoroughly mashed and there is no seed or anything your baby finds difficult to chew or swallow.
  • It is not advisable to offer raw vegetables before your darling turns 1 year or more.
  • Avoid fibrous vegetables(3).

4. Lean Protein:

Growing babies also need lean protein but you should choose with care.

  • Soft and cooked meat like chicken and boneless fish slices can be given.
  • Ensure the meat has no bone or sharp bits.
  • It is advisable to start your baby on dairy products after he has reached 8 months.

5. Eggs:

5 months old baby eats eggs

Image: Shutterstock

Eggs are considered a superfood and one of the best iron-rich foods along with the goodness of vitamin D, both of which are essential for growing children. But can you include eggs into your 5-month-old baby food(4)?

  • Until recent years, eggs were not recommended as suitable food for growing babies. However, later the American Academy of Pediatricians lifted the ban on eggs(5).
  • Before offering your baby boiled or semi-boiled eggs ensure he or she is comfortable eating other types of solid foods.
  • For best results, offer eggs as a meal.
  • It’s important to introduce potential allergens like eggs, peanuts, etc., on separate days to detect any protein allergies.

Allergies To Solid Foods

Food allergies in babies

Image: Shutterstock

5 month old babyfood allergiesare not very common, but it can happen. They may be hereditary or item-based. It may so happen that it is too early to give some particular foods to your baby as well. If you find your baby developing allergic reactions after eating that food, stop feeding and get in touch with a pediatrician(6)(7).

protip_icon Point to consider
Wait three to five days after introducing a new food item to your baby to rule out allergies(1).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much puree can a 5-month-old eat?

Purees are usually not given to babies under five months except for infant cereal or formula. You may offer purees only if the baby’s doctor may ask you to include it in their feeding(2).

2. How much should a 5-month-old eat?

Five-month-old babies may eat one to two tablespoons of infant cereal prepared in breastmilk or formula once or twice a day. This will be in addition to the five to seven ounces of breastmilk or formula that you give them every four to six hours a day(2).

3. Can I give my 5-month-old yogurt?

You may introduce yogurt once your baby is six months old(8).

Once the baby is at the age of five months, they would have begun the process of weaning. Thus, it is time to include a set of diverse baby-friendly and nutrient-dense foods in your 5-month baby food diet plan. You should also consider the amount of food you can give your baby. The food should be boiled/cooked and mashed so that newborns can consume it without the risk of choking. Certain fruits, vegetables, and cereals can be added as your baby’s first solid food. Moreover, because every baby is different, look out for any allergy symptoms and give your baby time to adapt before introducing a new meal. And create a balance between all food types to meet your baby’s nutrient requirements.

Key Pointers

  • Introduce mashed and mildly cooked fruits to your baby, such as bananas and avocados.
  • Soften oatmeal and rice-based cereals with breast milk, formula, or water for a 5-month-old baby.
  • Avoid giving your baby raw vegetables, and give them well-cooked and pureed vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and papaya.
  • Once you are certain that the infant is at ease eating solid foods, you can introduce boiled or semi-cooked eggs.
  • If you notice adverse symptoms, discontinue feeding and consult a pediatrician.


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