200+ Best Being-Ignored Quotes And Sayings

的silence can hurt when someone you want to reach is just cut off with or without reason. Sometimes you may look for ignored quotes to share with your loved one to convey your feelings. Most people feel it could have been better to be banned from the universe rather than feeling the pain of being ignored and overlooked. “It is better to be lonely than be with someone who makes you feel alone.” is a fact. Feeling ignored can affect a person’s sensory perceptions, such as you may feel the surroundings are quiet and dull. It can also create self-doubts, leading to a lack of control over emotions. You may consider what the person is going through if someone ignores you knowingly or unknowingly. They can be silent due to some personal issues. You may relax and give some time for them to return. Reaching out with empathy and care and taking responsibility for a quarrel can do wonders in some relationships. If there are no options, consider moving on. Read on to know some ignored quotes to mention that you are hurt.

我n This Article

201 Ignored Quotes And Sayings

Popular Quotes About Being Ignored

  1. “Lonely isn’t a feeling when you’re alone, lonely is a feeling when no one cares.” —James Merrow
  1. “People with insufficient personalities are fond of cats. These people adore being ignored.” —Henry Morgan
  1. “Being ignored hurt worse. Shunning is harsh. Brutal. Worse than a beating.” —Lori Nelson
  1. “I think I owe you the time you wasted in ignoring me.” —Nitya Prakash
  1. “The senator cleared his throat, uncomfortable. This was probably new to him—the sensation of being ignored. I could’ve taught him a thing or two about it.” —Jenn Marie Thorne
  1. “Sometimes people can hunger for more than bread. It is possible that our children, our husband, our wife, do not hunger for bread, do not need clothes, do not lack a house. But are we equally sure that none of them feels alone, abandoned, neglected, needing some affection? That, too, is poverty.” —Mother Teresa
  1. “The great thing about being ignored is that you can speak the truth with impunity.” —Steve Aylett
  1. “Everyone gets forgotten because of Alzheimer’s, ignored because of ignorance about oneself and replaced because of trying to stay in the same place.” —Amit Abraham
  1. “A man said unto the universe, ‘Sir, I exist’ ‘However,’ replied the universe, ‘that fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.’” —Stephen Crane
  1. “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” —Oscar Wilde
  1. “What’s worse than being hated is being ignored, because it’s like you don’t exist at all and your presence is nothing.” —Anurag Prakash Ray
  1. “It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored.” —David Levithan
  1. “I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.” —Robin Williams
  1. “There will always be someone willing to hurt you, put you down, gossip about you, belittle your accomplishments and judge your soul. It is a fact that we all must face. However, if you realize that God is a best friend that stands beside you when others cast stones you will never be afraid, never feel worthless and never feel alone.” —Shannon Alder
  1. “Feel proud when people ignore you and thank God you missed the worst.” —Sanjiv Dogra

  1. “In the presence of the Moon nobody sees stars.” —Amit Kalantri
  1. “The great thing about being ignored is that you can speak the truth with impunity.” —Steve Aylett
  1. “If you’re being ignored, that’s a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery.” —Lykke Li
  1. “While it is better to be loved than hated, it is also far better to be hated than ignored.” —Viet Thanh Nguyen
  1. “It’s easy to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.” —Chuck Palahniuk
  1. “I don’t like being ignored, and I don’t like being forgotten.” —Kreay Shawn
  1. “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” —Aldous Huxley
  1. “The worst thing a guy could do for a girl is to ignore her while she’s loving you with all her heart.” —Liam Payne
  1. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” —Marc and Angel
  1. “Probably the most neglected friend you have is you. And yet every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must first become a friend to himself.” —L. Ron Hubbard
  1. “When your husband ignores you, no matter if it’s all the time or just after arguments, he is trying to avoid and run away from a problem instead of dealing with it and solving it.” —Lisa Penn
  1. “Whenever we give up, leave behind, and forget too much, there is always the danger that the things we have neglected will return with added force.” —Carl Jung
  1. “You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing.” —Anna Jae
  1. “She would have called after him but for the dread of being ignored.” —Ian McEwan,的孩子ren Act
  1. “A spark neglected makes a mighty fire.” —Robert Herrick

  1. “He could have been invisible and it wouldn’t have made a difference to them. He didn’t care, so long as he felt at ease, which was his original intention. He wasn’t there to make friends, nor did he want to.” —Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans
  1. “If you feel neglected or ignored in the beginning, don’t expect a miracle as time goes on and he gets more use to you, it’s only going to get worse. Wake up, move on, and find someone who makes you feel you are truly wanted if you have to wonder about it.” —Debbie Rutherford
  1. “Distance doesn’t separate people. Silence does.” —Jeff Hood
  1. “If you often feel alone, ignored, or forgotten, think about this: closing the door and locking yourself in won’t change anything—literally and figuratively.” —Richelle E. Goodrich
  1. “When your friends are ignoring you that means they weren’t your friends from the beginning, they were just acting like it.” —Nishan Panwar
  1. “Fate might forgive greed, or gluttony, or even bloodlust, but it never ignores being ignored.” —Erik Bundy
  1. “When you’re nothing, people will ignore you but when you’re on top that’s when everybody swears they know you.” —Lincey Alphonse
  1. “I grew up like a neglected weed – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it.” —Harriet Tubman
  1. “What is a neglected child? He is a child not planned for, not wanted. Neglect begins, therefore, before he is born.” —Pearl S. Buck
  1. “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.” —J.K.Rowling
  1. “A little neglect may breed mischief: for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost.” —Benjamin Franklin
  1. “I know I’m not an easy She-dragon to.. not fear.” “I’m not afraid of you, Ghleanna. I’ve never been afraid of you. To be quite honest.. I think you’re amazing. I always have. Since the first time you ignored me.” —G.A. Aiken,Supernatural
  1. “People ignore design that ignores people.” —Frank Chimero
  1. “He also knew that rivals are best unmanned by being ignored.” —John Irving
  1. “I just want to make a point that it’s not just great teachers that sometimes shape your life. Sometimes it’s the absence of great teachers that shapes your life and being ignored can be just as good for a person as being lauded.” —Julia Roberts
  1. “To not ignore is a freedom to ignore violation, to then target an individual is called discrimination. Not because they hurt you or inflicted damage, but because the adult in you wasn’t managed.” —Matthew Tuck
  1. “Well tended gardens are better than a neglected wood lot.” —Dixie Lee Ray
  1. “These doorsteps seldom have a visitor. The warping boards pull out their own old nails with none to tread and put them in their place.” —Robert Frost
  1. “Being taken for granted is an unpleasant but sincere form of praise. Ironically, the more reliable you are, and the less you complain, the more likely you are to be taken for granted.” —Gretchen Rubin
  1. “Powerful words that penetrate the psyche are not forgotten while silence is.” —Donna Lynn Hope

  1. “The cold iron of neglect is sharper to a child’s sensitive nature than any alteration of harshness and affection.” —Annie Edwards
  1. “If the people in the audience are talking, you’re being ignored. If the people are gazing at you, you’ve got something they want to hear.” —Chuck Berry
  1. “Being taken for granted can be a compliment. It means that you’ve become a comfortable, trusted element in another person’s life.” —Joyce Brothers
  1. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” — Steve Martin
  1. “Understand that I am even ignored by the opposite sex on the internet.” —Vann Chow
  1. “Well, now,
    if little by little you stop loving me
    我shall stop loving you little by little.
    我f suddenly
    you forget me
    do not look for me,
    for I shall already have forgotten you. —Pablo Neruda
  1. “It’s not a good idea to argue with ignorant people but sometime ignorance can’t be ignored.” —Adnan Safi
  1. “You’re ignoring me so loud that it’s deafening. This silence is so deep that it’s echoing.” — Anna Jae
  1. “被忽视是一个伟大的特权。这就是我think I learned to see what others do not see and to react to situations differently. I simply looked at the world, not really prepared for anything.” —Saul Leiter
  1. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” —Shannon L. Alder
  1. “对待孩子太好是不可能的。孩子ren are spoiled by being ignored too much or by harshness, not by kindness.” —Sloan Wilson
  1. “Once everyone thought you were crazy, they ignored you even when you told the truth.” —Thomm Quackenbush
  1. “In a way, bullying is an ordinary evil. It’s hugely prevalent, all too often ignored – and being ignored, it is therefore condoned.” —Trudie Styler
  1. “There’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless’. There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.” —Arundhati Roy
  1. “The opposite of love is not hatred, it’s indifference.” —Elli Wiesel
  1. “We will not take this anymore. These words will never be ignored. You want a battle, here’s a war.” —Bullet for My Valentine
  1. “Even the most intense feelings cease when neglected and taken for granted.” —Anupama Garg
  1. “Long neglect has worn away, Half the sweet enchanting smile; Time has turned the bloom to gray, mold and damp the face defile.” —Emily Jane Brontë
  1. “True happiness comes from within, not from someone else. Don’t make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along and make you happy.” —Marc and Angel
  1. “一些孩子照顾,通过安全系数ter-parents or who reside in children’s homes, are also sometimes emotionally abused and neglected.” —Dorota Iwaniec
  1. “The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.” —F. Scott Fitzgerald
  1. “There must be millions of people all over the world who never get any love letters… I could be their leader.” —Charles M. Schulz
  1. “Everyone wants to be liked; everyone wants approval. No one likes being ignored.” —Daniel Mallory Ortberg
  1. “Words can sting like anything. But silence breaks the heart.” —Suzanne Nichols
  1. “Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.” —Mother Teresa

  1. “我花了大量的我的生活被忽略。我was always very happy that way. Being ignored is a great privilege. That is how I think I learned to see what others do not see and to react to situations differently. I simply looked at the world, not really prepared for anything.” —Saul Leiter

protip_icon Point to consider
Being ignored can be hurtful, but continuing a relationship with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your love can be worse.

Some people hurt by words and some by action, but the biggest hurt, I believe, is getting snubbed by someone who you value more than anything else.

Quotes About Being Ignored By Someone You Care For Or Love

  1. 我把每个人都放到一边for you, and you pushed me aside for everyone
  1. 我didn’t text you just to exercise my fingers; I was expecting a reply.
  1. 我f you can go days without talking to me, I’m obviously not that important to you.
  1. Someone begs for my attention, but you keep bypassing me. One day I will get over you.
  1. Once someone avoids you, never disturb them again.
  1. 我texted you. You didn’t text me back. I feel stupid.
  1. One of the worst things in this life is to be discarded by the one you care about the most.
  1. 的most neglected person is often the one that is the kindest.
  1. So, let’s ignore each other, try to pretend the other person doesn’t exist, but deep down, we both know it wasn’t supposed to end like this.
  1. When someone ignores you, it actually means that they really do care, and whatever mistake you made has affected them in some way.
  1. 我t’s hard when someone special ignores you. But it’s harder pretending that you just don’t care.
  1. Being bypassed by someone who means the world to you is the worst feeling.
  1. 我t’s sad when you realize you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.
  1. Don’t care for those who ignore you. Care for those who are ignoring others for you.
  1. Stop worrying about people that aren’t worried about you.
  1. Don’t ignore the effort of a person who tries to keep in touch. People get tired. It’s not at all times that they hold on.
  1. 我don’t like being ignored by you, even if I ignored you first.
  1. Each time you ignore me, I regret every text message that I’ve ever sent you.
  1. 我t makes me feel so shunned and unwanted when you put it that way.
  1. Being ignored is just like never getting the approval that you have been waiting for.
  1. How come I’m still slighted and ignored after all I’ve done for you? I gave you my heart because I cared.
  1. 的sad part of this reality is that even when I try to make time just for you, you forget me.
  1. You can ignore me for as long as you want, but you can never change the memories I brought to your life.
  1. 的more you ignore me, the more I will get used to being ignored.

  1. 我f your friends can actually ignore you for so long, they probably aren’t your friends at all.
  1. 我m always here for you, but sometimes, you make me feel so useless.
  1. 我am not quiet; I just prefer to keep my thoughts to myself.
  1. 我m sorry for bothering you. I forgot I only exist when you need me for something.
  1. 的greatest pain in life is to be ignored; to lose the person you love to someone who doesn’t care at all.
  1. 我keep asking myself if it is okay to be rebuffed and disregarded by the person I love most in this world.
  1. 我may come off as clingy, but the truth is I just want some attention from you — to know you care.
  1. Some people hurt by words and some by action, but the biggest hurt, I believe, is when someone ignores you when you value them more than anything else.
protip_icon Do remember
When it comes to your relationship, prioritize your feelings and happiness over the opinions of society.
  1. 的sad moment when you see your crush, and they act like you don’t even exist.
  1. Unfortunately, I’m the person you can screw over a million times, and I would still be there for you if you needed me.
  1. 我gnoring me can turn into me never speaking to you again.
  1. 我hate that you ignore me for so long, and then start talking to me like nothing happened.
  1. 我f you ignore me, I will ignore you. If you do not start the conversation, we won’t talk. If you do not put the effort, why should I?
  1. 我m not ignoring your calls because I’m angry; I’m ignoring them because I’m ambivalent. Being mad means that you care. I’m just over it.
  1. Whenever a person ignores me, what they’re actually doing is making a conscious choice to communicate that I’m not important to them.
  1. 我t’s sad when someone can walk right by you and pretend you were never a big part of their life.
  1. Oh! So, now I’m invisible to you? That’s cool. I’ve always wanted a superpower.
  1. 的saddest thing is when you look around and realize that there is no shoulder for you to lean on.
  1. 的worst feeling: Not getting a reply from someone you really want to talk to.
  1. Oh great! You can update your status, but you can’t text me back?
  1. 我hate the fact that if I don’t start the conversation, there won’t be one.
  1. Sometimes, ignoring you is the best way to protect my feelings.
  1. Don’t feel bad if someone rejects you or ignores you. People usually reject and ignore expensive things because they can’t afford them.
  1. Thinking you are forgotten is one thing, but knowing that you are, is another.

  1. My feelings? Oh, don’t worry about those, nobody else does.
  1. You won’t look in my eyes anymore. I guess you realized I ignore.
  1. 我m so talented. I can listen to music and ignore you at the same time.
    Feeling Ignored Quotes
  1. 我t’s so funny how ‘friends’ forget us when they don’t need any more favors.
  1. 我m tired of the egos, and I’m tired of being spurned, ignored and forgotten by ‘Friends!’
  1. Fake friend: Someone who forgets you once they have someone new.
  1. 我hate it when my friends leave me just because they got into a relationship.
  1. Sometimes it seems like you’d rather watch me drown than get your hands wet.
  1. We never want to be ignored because what we want is to be noticed, to be acknowledged.
  1. Sometimes, the best way to get someone’s attention is to stop giving them yours.
  1. Sometimes it seems like you’d rather watch me drown than see your hands get wet.
  1. Being ignored or looked down upon by society means that you need to rise from the ashes.
  1. People think I’m quiet because I have nothing to say or because of my shyness. The truth is I just keep my thoughts and opinions to myself because no one cares about what I have to say.
  1. 我t’s tricky when you’re ignoring someone, and they ask you if you’re ignoring them.
  1. 单词记住:没有人的电话。的y’re lying.

  1. Lonely isn’t a feeling when you’re alone. Lonely is a feeling when no one cares.
  1. Sometimes all you want to do is stay quiet just to find out who cares enough about you to ask you, ‘What’s up?’
  1. 我t hurts when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today.
  1. Because you are so used to being ignored, you start thinking that it is the right thing to do.
  1. Let go of those who ignore your existence because they are not worth your time.
  1. Letting the phone ring, so the person doesn’t know you’re ignoring them.
  1. You can leave someone, but at least give them an explanation.
  1. 我d rather be hated by many people instead of being ignored by the person who means the most to me.
  1. 我gnoring people who ignore me until they acknowledge the fact that I’m ignoring them.
  1. You ignore, I wait. I ignore, you hate.
  1. 我always hit ‘Ignore Call’ with my middle finger.
  1. 我am surrounded by so many people, but no one knows the real me.
  1. Do not worry about being ignored. Worry about why you are thinking about it, for ignorance will always exist.

protip_icon Quick tip
我f you are unable to overcome the pain of being ignored/rejected by your love, be open to seeking help from your dear ones or a counselor.

Sad Ignored Quotes

  1. 忽略我。我也不在乎反正我习惯了。我m invisible.
  1. 的sad part is I always make time for you when you barely make time for me.
  1. 的re are times when I want to be ignored, like when I am crying so hard that it rains too.
  1. 我really wish I could ignore the fact that you’re ignoring me.
  1. 我have always been invisible to people, and most of the time, I am used to it. Sometimes, I hurt.
  1. You feel worthless when no one cares for you any longer. It is as if your existence does not matter to anyone any longer.
  1. Love is disregarding someone who is incapable of love. I only acknowledge those that can.
  1. Being lonely is like a storm with no rain, crying without tears.
  1. Everyone treats me as if I am invisible. It’s as if I am the air floating around.
  1. 的re comes a time you feel so alone, no matter how much company you have.
  1. 我f someone wants to be a part of your life, they’ll make an effort to be in it. Don’t bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn’t make an effort to stay.
  1. What’s worse than being hated is being ignored because it’s like you don’t exist at all, and your presence is nothing.
  1. That bad feeling you get when your crush disregards you, and you think, “What did I do to deserve this treatment?”
  1. We fight, we know more. We lie, we trust more. We hurt, we love more. We ignore, we miss more.
  1. Silence can be a person’s loudest cry. You know you have really hurt someone when they start ignoring you!
  1. 我t is more painful to be ignored than to be hated because it makes you feel like nothing.
  1. Don’t ignore a person who cares for you. Coz someday, you’ll realize you lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones.
  1. 我t’s funny how everyone ignores and forgets you all of a sudden.

  1. 我am often disregarded, like trash, discarded as if I do not exist at all, and it hurts so much.
  1. 我try to have a sarcastic conversation with myself when people ignore me.
  1. 我d rather hear, “I don’t like you” than being ignored.
  1. 我am surrounded by people who do not know me and care for me at all — sad truth.
  1. No one knows the real me, and I am afraid they will not like me for that. So I have decided to hide.
  1. What’s worse than being hated? Being ignored. At least when they hate you, they treat you like you exist.
  1. 我go out of my way to make others feel special because I know how it feels to be ignored.
  1. Being ignored causes the same chemical reaction in the brain as experiencing a physical injury.
  1. 我ronically, the people who ignore you now will somehow need you later.
  1. Snubbing someone can speak louder than your words ever could.
  1. 我m the person everyone replaces after a while.

“I Hate Being Ignored” Quotes

  1. Sometimes, I hate the fact that even when I try to make a conversation work, it just doesn’t.
  1. 我hate the feeling when you are talking to someone, and then you catch them not listening.
  1. 我gnore me? Okay, that’s cool. Just don’t be mad when I ignore you.
  1. 我hate being ignored. It’s the fastest way to get your number deleted.
  1. 我hate being ignored, left in the dark, and stood up by the few people I invest the little time I have.
  1. 的y ignore me now, but they’ll need me later.
  1. Relationships are worth fighting for, but sometimes you can’t be the only one fighting.
  1. While you’re busy ignoring me, I’m busy finding out that I’m okay with it.
  1. 我f you don’t call me all day, I understand; when you don’t text me all day, I understand; when I stop loving you, I hope you understand.
  1. 我do not like being ignored when someone has my things!
  1. 我hate being ignored by someone I want attention from.
  1. 我think neglecting someone blatantly is one of the highest forms of disrespect.
  1. 我can’t decide which I hate more, the feeling that I’m annoying, or the feeling of being ignored.
  1. 我hate it when you send a long text message to someone, and they just reply with a ‘k.’
  1. 我hate being lied to, I hate being ignored, and I hate being used.
  1. Dear boy, I don’t like being ignored, and I don’t like being forgotten, especially by you.
  1. Do you know what I hate? Being ignored, put down, and judged. I also hate feeling insecure and losing friends.
  1. 我don’t know why I feel ignored and lonely, even in a room full of people.
  1. 我hate being ignored. Tell me what’s up, and I’ll leave you alone.

  1. Being the one that doesn’t text back feels so much better than being the one ignored.

我t hurts when people you love and care for ignore you. It can drain your energy, push you into self-doubt, and even take a toll on your mental health. These ignored quotes will resonate with your emotions and give you much-needed solace from the distress. Instead of begging for their attention, prioritize yourself. If they don’t respond to you or stand with you when you need them the most, cut off all ties and shift your focus to those who value and appreciate your company. Understand it is only a matter of time and overcome all your negative thoughts by surrounding yourself with positive people.

我nfographic: How To Not Let People’s Ignorance Affect You?

Neglect or ignorance from the people you love can be hurtful. Although it’s easier said than done, you may try to get past their emotionless gestures and be happy with yourself. We have compiled some things you can do to keep busy and love yourself without needing others’ support.

tips to stay unfazed by peoples Iignorance (infographic)

我llustration: Momjunction Design Team

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