How Prenatal Vitamins Reduce The Chances Of Miscarriage

You probably know how important it is to pay attention to your diet when you are expecting. Even the experts agree. According to the results of one study, multivitamin supplements have a more than crucial part to play during your pregnancy.

The study results indicate that taking a prenatal vitamin every day can reduce the chances of miscarriage by more than 50%. The Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment or LIFE study is designed to examine the relationship between factors like lifestyle and human fertility.

The LIFE study noted that women who continued taking prenatal vitamins every day had a 79% lower chance of pregnancy loss, as compared to those who didn’t.

The study noted that “the strong protective effort of multivitamin usage helped women increase the level of vitamin B6, and lower the risk of pregnancy loss.”

Other experts were quick to comment on the findings as well. US-based Dr. Marlene Goldman maintained that she wasn’t surprised at the results of the study, as the findings only reinforced preconception recommendations that most OB/GYNs make.

Dr. Goldman would have liked if other data helped determine how prenatal vitamin intake could reduce the chances of miscarriage. She also noted that the study drew from self-reported data, and prenatal vitamin usage may have far more implications than just lessen the risk of pregnancy loss.

The study tested around 340 couples, who were kept under observation from the conception to the pregnancy stage. It was found that nearly 95 couples who had a recognized pregnancy during the LIFE study went on to have a pregnancy loss.

There are many other factors that played a part in the loss of pregnancy. The age of the woman, the amount of caffeine she or her partner consumes, and the quality of life the couple led, all contributed to the loss.

A study by the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group maintains that takingprenatal supplements at the right timecan help reduce the chances of pregnancy loss.

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