These 10 Baby Names Have Been Banned Around The World And There Is A Strong Reason Why! Read On To Find Out!

It’s amazing how some names can be wacky. They can potentially raise eyebrows, make you grin or just be amused at how one can crack a name. Here’s a sneak peek into these bizarre banned names (am wondering if there’s something that appeals to you ;) )

1. @ : China

The ‘@’ symbol is close to Chinese characters that means ‘Love him’. This goes a step forward in making the name stand out among the billions of names in China, but the police in China who has control over all the given baby names (in order to issue identity cards) were somehow not amused. The name was further escalated to the banned list.

2. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Sweden)

For a moment, it reads like a typing error. But this name indeed written so is surprisingly pronounced as ‘Albin’. A Swedish couple chose to name their son in 1996 in this manner, apparently in defiance to the strict naming laws of Sweden. Of course, the name was banned. This apart, while names like Google got through the approved list, other names that got onto the rejected bandwagon in Sweden are: IKEA, Veranda, Metallica and Q.

3. Gesher (Meaning ‘Bridge’): Norway

A Norwegian woman named her son Gesher which means ‘Bridge’ in Hebrew. She claimed to have received a message in her dreams that he be named so. The court found this not very justifiable to have used an unapproved name, and she was put behind the bars for failing to pay the fine for the bizarre naming. Norway places a ban on names that could imply swearing, sex and illnesses.

4. Anus: (Denmark)

As though it wasn’t enough by the Scandinavian counterparts, a Danish couple loved to call their child Anus. It was one of the 250 odd names that were rejected each year. The Danish Government lashes out 7000-odd names to choose from. If one were to sway away from this list even in terms of spelling, ethnic names or forbidden compound surnames, special permission is to be sought.

5. Akuma (Literally Meaning Devil): Japan

If Denmark sounds hard in terms of mandating names, so is Japan that is not far behind. One must use one of the 2,232 ‘name kanji’ characters determined by the government while naming a child. In 1993, a parent named his son Akuma, which literally means Devil. A legal battle ensued in the wake of ‘the parent abusing his right to decide a child’s name.’ The father later conceded to a more humanly name.

6. Osama Bin Laden and Adolf Hitler: Germany

Germany does not allow surnames; the name must indicate the gender of the child and must not lead to any embarrassment. A Turkish couple intending to name their child Osama Bin Laden was not allowed to do so. Adolf Hitler too is banned in Germany. There was quite a public attention garnered when a cake shop refused to ice the cake of an American neo-Nazi Heath Campbell’s son who was also called Adolf Hitler.

7. Bear: Malaysia

If you are a nature-lover and would love to name your child after an animal, fruit or vegetable, then Malaysia is not the place for you! So if Kate Winslet were to name her son in Malaysia, she would have to think over her alternatives to his name Bear!

8. Nutella: France

虽然父母在法国可以自由选择ing of their child, unsuitable names can be reported by the local prosecutors. There was a recent ban on a couple naming their girl Nutella, after the famous hazelnut spread. The court ordered that the child be called Ella in order to save her from future humiliation or ‘disparaging thoughts’ around her given name.

9. Facebook: Mexico

For the rage that Facebook is, it might not have been any less tempting for this couple who chose to name their child Facebook. But the Mexican State of Sonora does not mandate for names that are “derogatory, pejorative, discriminatory or lacking in meaning”. And hence came the ban. The other names that the state of Sonora has banned are: Traffic, Lady Di (while Diana is allowed), James Bond, Terminator and shriek – Circumcision! Who wanted to name one so in the first place?

10. Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii: New Zealand

鉴于这个绰号不妨的长度gauge the addressee without pronouncing the whole name. The judge ruled in favor of the nine year old girl in that the name would make her vulnerable to teasing. The other names barred in New Zealand are 4Real, Cinderella Beauty Blossom, the twins -Fish and Chips, Sex Fruit, and Fat Boy. Strikingly, the names that made it to the ‘allowed’ list are Violence, Number 16 Bus Shelter, and twins Benson and Hedges.

Going forward, you never know if we even come across someone called Zumba Fitness or Mission Impossible or Manchester United. But then it will be interesting to see the mix of names popping up with all possibilities.

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