288 Native American Baby Names With Meanings

Native American Baby Names With Meanings

Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

Do you know the common denominator between the Sitting Bull, the Chiefdom organization, and The Last of the Mohicans? It’s the Native Americans. But apart from a rich culture, history, and heritage, Native Americans also boast of beautiful and unique names. These names are derived from the indigenous people inhabiting the North and South of America. Every Native American tribe has a different naming tradition. In some tribes, a baby is not named until he is born and in others, a child can be named only when he/she reaches puberty. Some even name their child after a rite of passage, a life event, a dream, or an accomplishment. If you want a distinctive and beautiful Native American name, look no further. Use MomJunction's baby name tool to find famous and cool Native American names with meanings. We’ve even included a few Native American variants of Christian and Hebrew names for parents who wish to go the non-traditional route.
Name Gender Meaning
heart image Piapot heart image baby boy sign Boy A person who understands the secret of Sioux
heart image Picabo heart image baby boy sign Girl One who came out of shining waters
heart image Pillan heart image baby boy sign Unisex The God of stormy weather
heart image Pipaluk heart image baby boy sign Girl The little one; Sweet Little Thing
heart image Pizi heart image baby boy sign Girl Bravery, Gall; The middleman
heart image Pocahontas heart image baby boy sign Girl A playful woman
heart image Popo heart image baby boy sign Unisex A very tall grass of rye
heart image Poseanye heart image baby boy sign Unisex The dripping dew
heart image Povitamun heart image baby boy sign Girl Morning Flower
heart image Poviyemo heart image baby boy sign Unisex A falling flower
heart image Powa heart image baby boy sign Boy A wealthy, rich person
heart image Pules heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is like a pigeon
heart image Qualetaga heart image baby boy sign Boy Angel of the people
heart image Quanah heart image baby boy sign Boy Fragrant, sweet-smelling
heart image Quannah heart image baby boy sign Boy One who smells sweet
heart image Quirtsquip heart image baby boy sign Unisex Chewing elk
heart image Raini heart image baby boy sign Boy The creator
heart image Roca heart image baby boy sign Boy Native American - Principal; Radiant; A variant is Ruca
heart image Rozene heart image baby boy sign Girl A native american name for a rose
heart image Sacagawea heart image baby boy sign Girl Native American name meaning Bird Woman
heart image Sacnite heart image baby boy sign Girl Woman beautiful and pure as the white flower
heart image Sahale heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is like a Falcon
heart image Sahalie heart image baby boy sign Girl The sky, or the high heaven
heart image Sahkyo heart image baby boy sign Girl One who resembles the mink
heart image Sahrahsahe heart image baby boy sign Unisex A black eagle
heart image Sakakawea heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman who helped Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the Lousiana Purchase
heart image Salali heart image baby boy sign Girl Native American name meaning squirrel
heart image Saloso heart image baby boy sign Unisex A cry of the wild goose
heart image Samoset heart image baby boy sign Boy One who walk over a lot
heart image Sassaba heart image baby boy sign Unisex The wolf
heart image Sayen heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is sweet and lovely
heart image Scoop heart image baby boy sign Unisex One who is standing looking back
heart image Sedna heart image baby boy sign Girl Goddess of the sea
heart image Sequoia heart image baby boy sign Unisex Of the giant red wood tree
heart image Shada heart image baby boy sign Girl One who resambles a Pelican
heart image Shania heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman who is on her own way
heart image Shaniya heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is on her own way
heart image Shawree heart image baby boy sign Boy A cornstalk; a name given to a powerful Bear
heart image Shenandoah heart image baby boy sign Girl Beautiful daughter of the stars
heart image Shenoah heart image baby boy sign Girl A white dove
heart image Shikoba heart image baby boy sign Unisex To be like a feather
heart image Shilah heart image baby boy sign Boy He who is a brother
heart image Shillan heart image baby boy sign Boy A brotherly one
heart image Shima heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is a mother
heart image Shuman heart image baby boy sign Girl Rattlesnake handler
heart image Sinasta heart image baby boy sign Unisex A person considered to be an expert
heart image Sixsipita heart image baby boy sign Unisex One like a Black Eagle
heart image Skah heart image baby boy sign Boy A white man
heart image Skanawati heart image baby boy sign Unisex One who lives on teh other side of the swamp
heart image Snana heart image baby boy sign Girl One who jingles like the bells
heart image Sokanon heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is like a rain
heart image Sotsona heart image baby boy sign Unisex One who is like a fox
heart image Soyala heart image baby boy sign Girl A time of the winter solstice
heart image Tahmoh heart image baby boy sign Boy A name of Tanana origin of unknown meaning
heart image Tala heart image baby boy sign Boy Wolf
heart image Tama heart image baby boy sign Girl She is like a thunder
heart image Tamala heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is like a thunderbolt
heart image Tamaya heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is the center of everything
heart image Tanda heart image baby boy sign Girl The seer of life and death
heart image Taos heart image baby boy sign Boy Place of red willows
heart image Taregan heart image baby boy sign Boy One who resembles a crane
heart image Tarhe heart image baby boy sign Boy He who has the strenght of a tree
heart image Tarlo heart image baby boy sign Unisex Cub of a bear
heart image Tarsha heart image baby boy sign Girl A brave woman
heart image Tasunke heart image baby boy sign Boy Native American name meaning horse
heart image Tatanka heart image baby boy sign Boy A bull buffalo
heart image Tattuye heart image baby boy sign Boy A fox
heart image Tavvi heart image baby boy sign Girl A deer
heart image Tayanita heart image baby boy sign Girl A young beaver
heart image Tayen heart image baby boy sign Girl A new Moon
heart image Taynee heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is born during the returning Moon
heart image Taynie heart image baby boy sign Girl Girl born during the returning moon
heart image Tayny heart image baby boy sign Girl A child born during the returning moon
heart image Tazanna heart image baby boy sign Girl A princess
heart image Tchondee heart image baby boy sign Unisex Native American name meaning tobacco
heart image Teanawesia heart image baby boy sign Girl Native American name for Tennesee
heart image Tecumseh heart image baby boy sign Boy A panther passing across the sky
heart image Tehya heart image baby boy sign Girl A precious one
heart image Teirra heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is natural
heart image Tenaya heart image baby boy sign Unisex A great leader
heart image Teneca heart image baby boy sign Girl One who has self restraint
heart image Teyemthohisa heart image baby boy sign Unisex Two closed doors
heart image Tibone heart image baby boy sign Unisex One who sits in the saddle
heart image Tupelo heart image baby boy sign Girl A name given to the swamp tree
heart image Winnie heart image baby boy sign Girl Fair one, white and smooth, soft, happiness, or fair and pure
heart image Yancey heart image baby boy sign Girl Native American - A Sassy Woman; A Yankee
heart image Yareli heart image baby boy sign Girl Water lady

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Native American baby names be used for non-Native American children?
Yes, Native American baby names can also be used for non-Native American children, provided the names are well-researched by the parents and the names are considered socially acceptable. Some Native American names that is chosen by non-Natives include Cherokee, Dakota, and Nayla.
2. What are some Native American baby names inspired by spiritual beliefs?
Some of the Native American names with spiritual beliefs are Alo, meaning ‘one who is a spiritual guide,’ Angeni, meaning ‘an angel,’ Jonas, which means ‘dove’ as a symbol of peace, and Pillan, which means ‘god of stormy weather.’
3. Which Native American name means star?
Some Native American names that mean stars include Galaxy, meaning ‘large system of stars’ and Wabanang, meaning ‘eastern morning star.’ Also, Namid, Citali, and Totole mean ‘star.’
4.Which Native American names mean peace?
Some of the Native American names that mean peace include Jalen, meaning ‘tranquil,’ Frederick, meaning ‘peaceful ruler,’ Serenity, which means ‘peaceful disposition,’ and Aquene, meaning ‘peace.’
5. Which Native American name means heaven?
Some of the American names that mean heaven include Avari, meaning ‘from the sky,’ Moraika, meaning ‘heavenly messenger,’ Sahalie, meaning ‘heaven,’ and Arcelio, which means ‘altar of heaven.’

Infographic: Traditional Native American Baby Names

There's no better way to honor your American heritage than by choosing a gorgeous Native American baby name. For millennia, Native Americans have shaped their culture and environment. Their values, traditions, and beliefs have been passed from generation to generation. As a result, names from this culture have powerful symbolism. Read this infographic to find the most impactful ones.
native american names with deep cultural significance (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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