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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Keagan

基冈Keagan变异拼写的名字。Keeganis an anglicized name of Irish origin derived from the Gaelic surname Mac Aodhagáin, which means ‘son of Aodhagán.’ Aodhagán is a diminutive form of the Irish Aodh, denoting ‘fire’ or ‘fiery.’ In Celtic mythology, Aodh or Aed is a God of the underworld. The name Keagan, therefore, carries the connotation of fire or passion.

Historically, surnames in Ireland were often patronymic, indicating a person’s lineage or familial connection. The prefix ‘Mac’ denotes ‘son of,’ so Mac Aodhagáin signifies ‘son of Aodhagán.’ The MacAodhagain clan, known for their legal expertise, originated in the western central region of Ireland, specifically in what is now County Galway. They held esteemed positions as lawyers, providing legal counsel to the ruling families of the time. A segment of this clan eventually migrated eastward, closer to present-day Dublin. During this transition, their surname underwent anglicization and was sometimes translated into given names, evolving fromEganto Keegan over time (1).

The name Keegan became popular in the United States in the late 20th century, and the altered spelling of Keagan emerged. Keegan first gained usage in 1979, while Keagan may have appeared in 2002. Keagan is considered an Americanized version of the traditional Irish surname, and it has followed the success of Keegan in recent years. Its popularity peaked in 2008 but has been declining since then. The interest in Irish-Gaelic names in America and the trend of using surnames as first names may have contributed to Keagan’s overall success.

This modern spin-off of Keegan is pronounced ‘KEE-gan’ and has several variations, such asKegan, Keaghan, Kaegan, and Keigan. Adorable nicknames such as Keagie, Egan, Kee, and Key will suit your baby boy named Keagan.

The name Keagan carries a sense of strength, vitality, and intensity. It evokes imagery of a fiery spirit and a passionate nature. Its Irish roots also lend it a touch of cultural richness and depth.


heart image
Son of Aodhagán; Fiery

How To Pronounce Keagan?

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Keagan in English.

Names With Similar Sound To Keagan

If you like the sound of the name Keagan and are interested in exploring options with a similar rhythm, you may consider the following options.

Popular Sibling Names For Keagan

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Keagan, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Keagan

Find matching brother names for Keagan and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Kaganheart image Kagniheart image Kaikaneheart image Kakanheart image Kakandaheart image Kakundaheart image Kawikaniheart image Keeganheart image Keganheart image Kegayyanheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Keagan

Looking for some suitable sister names for Keagan? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Cacaheart image Cagneyheart image Chiagozieheart image Chiakiheart image Coaxochheart image Cochrannheart image Cocoheart image Cocolilocheart image Cucheart image Cucaheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With K

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter K to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Keagan

Explore a variety of names whose significance may be comparable to Keagan. Take a look at the list below.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Keagan

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Keagan?

The name Keagan means ‘son of Aodhagán,’ or ‘fire.’

2. What is the origin of the name Keagan?

Keagan has an Irish origin.

3.是Keagan a unisex name, or is it predominantly used for boys or girls?

Yes, Keagan is regarded as a unisex name and is a spelling variation of the masculine name Keegan. According to the data provided by the SSA, Keagan is predominantly used as a masculine given name rather than a feminine name (1).

4. Is Keagan a rare or common name?

The unisex name Keagan can be considered an uncommon name in the US. According to data from the SSA, the name was last featured in the top 1000 names in 2018 and has not been seen on the list till today. In 2018, the name stood at rank 919 and it had 233 baby boys sharing the name (1).

5. Does Keagan have any historical or mythological significance?

Yes, the name Keagan has a mythological significance. Keagan is a variant and an anglicized form of the Irish surname, Mac Aodhagáin, derived from the name Aodhagán. Aodhagán is a diminutive of the Irish name Aodh, who was the Irish god of the underworld.


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  1. Popularity of name Keagan.
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