
In This Article

Origin, Meaning, And History Of Haru

一个流行的男女皆宜的名字已经出现from Asian countries is Haru. It is a prominent name in Japan that refers to the spring season. However, the meaning can also change according to the Kanji script adopted while writing. Therefore, it can range from springtime or spring season to sunlight or a clear sunny day. Meanwhile, in Korean, Haru means day.

A famous personality named Haruko Hatoyama was a notable Japanese political figure and an educator during the Meiji, Taishō, and Shōwa eras. She was also the matriarchal leader of the Hatoyama family, who co-founded the institution that later became the Kyoritsu Women’s University. In addition, Hatoyama was one of the pioneers of the significant Westernization movement known as Bunmei Kaika during the Meiji period.

Some prominent variants of Haru in other cultures include Haruna, Haruka, Harika, and Haruko. Interestingly, Haru is a geographical area located within the Oromia Region in Ethiopia.

In arts and entertainment, Haru is an acclaimed Japanese movie under the direction of Yoshimitsu Morita released in 1996. This movie won the Best Actress and Best Screenplay awards for Eri Fukatsu and Yoshimitsu Morita at the 18th Yokohama Film Festival.

In fiction,Rave MasterorThe Groove Adventure Raveis a prominent Japanese manga series by Hiro Mashima featuring the main protagonist, Haru. She is portrayed as a teenage girl, who must locate the five pieces of the precious stone of light Rave, also known as ‘Holy Bring,’ to defeat the criminal organization Demon Card and establish peace in the world.

Another fictional character named Haru Miura is from the manga seriesReborn!illustrated and written by Akira Amano. She is portrayed as an enthusiastic and eccentric student of the Midori Middle School.

It can be inferred that the name Haru is gaining increasing popularity in Asian countries for its meaning and unique appeal.


heart image
Born In The Spring; Clear Up; Sun; Sunlight

How To Pronounce Haru?


Famous People With The Name Haru

  • Toshio HaruJapanese former Nippon Professional Baseball outfielder
  • 哈ru NemuriJapanese singer, songwriter, and poetry rapper who debuted with the album Haru to Shura
  • 哈ru NomuraJapanese female professional golfer who won the ISPS Handa Women’s Australian Open in 2016
  • 哈ru KurokiJapanese actress who won Silver Bear at Berlin International Film Festival in 2014 for the film The Little House
  • 哈ruJapanese actress and model known for the film Koizora and Maria-sama ga Miteru

哈ru On The Popularity Chart

The Japanese name Haru has been growing at an impressive rate in the United States over the last few decades. Consider reading further to evaluate detailed information on its performance.

Popularity Over Time

Starting at 5 babies per million in 2003, the popularity of the name has grown to 23 babies per million in 2021.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name has also improved its ranking over time. From a low of 31,998 in 2007, it rose to 21,927 ranking in 2021.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Haru

Parents might also want to consider other names that sound similar to Haru. Here are a few examples provided for your reference.

Popular Sibling Names For Haru

Other Popular Names Beginning With H

Names With Similar Meaning As Haru

If you are more interested in the meaning conveyed by Haru, check out the given names with similar meaning to it.

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Haru


1. What is the meaning of the name Haru?

The name Haru means born in the spring, clear up, sun, and sunlight.

2. What is the origin of the name Haru?

哈ru has a Japanese origin.

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