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Origin, Meaning, And History of Cornelius

If music is in your soul, Cornelius is the name you can go for. The name Cornelius is of Latin origin derived from the Latin element cornu meaning ‘horn.’ In Irish, Cornelius means ‘strong-willed,’ or ‘wise.’ Cornelius is originally derived from the name of a Roman group of families, Cornelia, which was one of the greatest patricians of ancient Rome. It is formed from the ancient Greek word Corneus meaning ‘having thick skin.’

Cornelius as a name dates back to 251 AD when Pope Cornelius was the Bishop of Rome. His saintly name is a symbol of a battle horn and he is represented as holding some form of cow’s horn in his hand. He protested against Novatian and is held as the patron saint of domestic animals, cattle, and earache sufferers. However, Cornelius as a surname was first found in Essex in a family from the Middle Ages.

According to the New Testament, Cornelius was also the name of a Roman Centurion who is considered by the Christians to be the first Gentile or someone who is not a Jew to be converted to Christianity. He is depicted as a worshiper of God, who always prayed and performed good deeds.

The name Cornelius can have a modern vibe with Connie,Corné, Cees, Kees, Cor, and Niels being its nicknames.

科尼利厄斯作为一个名字first used in 1932 and has appeared in scores of books and films/series. The most notable inclusion of Cornelius can be found in the Shakespearean tragedy“Hamlet”where Cornelius was a Danish courtier who was sent by Claudius to Norway in order to prevent invasion. Giving a magical touch,Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudgeis a wizard and the Minister for Magic from the notable fictional series“Harry Potter.”The name also appears in the famous tragedy by Christopher Marlowe named “Doctor Faustus,” where Cornelius is a learned magician and friend, tutoring Faustus in magic.Cornelius Agrippais an important character appearing in Mary Shelley’s most notable work of fiction, “Frankenstein,” who is a physician, and a legal scholar, inspiring Victor to make the creature.


heart image
Dutch, Roman

How To Pronounce Cornelius?

Pronounced ascohr-nee-lee-uhs

Famous People With The Name Cornelius

  • Cornelius VanderbiltAmerican business tycoon, nicknamed “the Commodore”
  • Cornelius CastoriadisGreek-French philosopher and author of The Imaginary Institution of Society
  • Cornelius Bernardus van NielDutch microbiologist who introduced the study of general microbiology to the United States

Cornelius On The Popularity Chart

Cornelius as a name has been in use since the 1900s and was relatively popular till the 1990s. See the popularity of the name in the graphical representation.

Popularity Over Time

Cornelius was at its peak popularity in 1981 and enjoyed moderate popularity till the early 1990s. However, following this period, it saw a decline with only 82 babies per million in 2021.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name Cornelius ranked well in the 1980s but became a low-ranked name from the latter half of the 1990s with its lowest rank in 2007. However, after 2007, it saw a slight improvement in its ranking.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Cornelius

Cornelius is all about royal significance, but if you are looking for a name with a different feel but the same sound, here are some options.

Popular Sibling Names For Cornelius

Other Popular Names Beginning With C

Names With Similar Meaning As Cornelius

In case you are looking for more names with religious ties other than Cornelius, here is the list below.



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How To Communicate The Name In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Cornelius

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Cornelius?

The name Cornelius means ‘strong willed’ or ‘wise.’

2. What is the origin of the name Cornelius?

Cornelius has a Dutch and Roman origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Cornelius?

Cornelius is pronounced as cohr-nee-lee-uhs.

4. Are there any significant cultural or religious associations with the name Cornelius?

Yes, Cornelius has religious associations in the Bible. According to the New Testament, Cornelius was a Roman centurion and one of the first Gentiles (non-Jews) to convert to Christianity (1).

5. What are some positive traits or characteristics associated with people named Cornelius?

According to numerology, people named Cornelius can be creative and adventurous. They may also be fond of good clothing and accessories.

6. Is there a patron saint associated with the name Cornelius?

Yes, Pope Cornelius was the Bishop of Rome from 6th or 13th March 251. He was known as the patron saint for earache sufferers, domestic animals, and cattle (2).


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